Simple Business
I love this from Joe Calloway...
I think this true of our "business" at home, school, work, business and community.
This past week or so, I have shared on Find your audaCITY and L.O.V.E. your Work and Life ... as well as Simplicity and Service and a variety of virtues... and more. And this morning I blogged on my site around Finally Learning from My Stroke. All of that is to say is that I am truly diggin' on Joe's words above, including "... at the end of the day, this is a pretty simple business." I think this applies to our lives. Indeed. yesterday, I forged and wrote on my Coat of Arms... with the initial focus on my enterprise. Again and now, I see its application to my life.
LP and Merlin
I see this notion of the "Simplicity of business" being in line with the advisement of LP Jacks...
I suggest it is in line with the personal life mission and Accountability of Merlin Olsen...
My Take
I have suggested that when we know our "platforms" of delivery, our bodies of work and the Character we bring... and pair that with who and what we wish to serve... we get to notion of a "simple business"; for life.
My bodies of work and platforms are known to me. Who and how I wish to serve is too. And, they influence my work, play and life.
My countenance and gait in doing so is driven by Love, Honor, Unity and Zeal.
That is part of my own Soulful Leadership.... and Character as an Entrepreneur.... and sense of Congruence.
Congruence forges that "simple business", at home, school, work, business and community. Our thought, will and action are aligned. We say what we mean and mean what we say. We say what we do and do what we say.
Integrity, in action...
Some Core Questions
Recently, I shared on Congruence and 7 Questions for exploring same. But, also consider its practice. We need confirm that...
I humbly suggest that you consider the questions and actions. As I have noted my LinkedIn profile says...
Forward, together, strong is indeed my enterprise. Humans together, strong... is my just cause. I do it through my bodies of work and delivery platforms.... as educator, speaker, mentor, coach, trainer, facilitator, singer, dancer, cartoonist, writer, blogger, vlogger and creator. I carry myself with Love, Honor, Unity and Zeal, and the practice of Virtue. And, I serve those Leaducators. Communitrepreneurs and Emergents at school, work, business and community. But, that implies... my life. Who I am does not stop at the office or classroom or client doorway. Who I am is what you get. Period.
Humans. Together. Strong. That carries me and I carry it. It is how I serve. It is how I Love. It is how I breathe and work and play. It is my Studentry, for life. It is my being and doing. It is my PEACE of WORK. It is my "business".
How about you? Consider the questions, cues and links above. Explore your Purpose. Life matters, and is best lived simply.
I will choose my own sense of Simple Man, every day and forward. That will be my freedom.... and how I will ride the storm. Again, how about you? What is your business? Simple.
I am an Activant too; an Educator and Entrepreneur by experience, education and Enthusiasm... with 40 years in leadership training and development, 27 years in business college education and 20 years certified and associated with The Virtues Project. Additionally certified for 16 years in Temperament Assessment and with a longstanding body of work around Character Leadership, I help advance conversation, consultation and capacity around Character, Purpose and Unity... and the global goals. My work in business and education is to help those building a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally. Humans together, strong.... that is my meaning... and the space I can stay forever. To that just cause, I commit.