Skip Tracing Vs. Private Locate Investigation - What's The Difference?
When I first started my carer as a Private Investigator, I remember my boss telling me that Skip Tracing was just another name for conducting a locate investigation. For a few years, I believed that was true and we did what we did to find people that were missing. Back then my boss kept a stack of phone books from wherever he found one in his travels and we would search them, we would call operator assistance (this is still heavily in use by some firms) and yes we did crude online searches (well before Facebook or Social Media came along).
In a sense, my boss was right. That is Skip Tracing in a nutshell for 99% of the Skip Tracing world. Over the years, Skip Tracers have broadened their scope to include online databases like Canada411 and 411Worldwide, and they have begun to use software like Wink and also peek at open source Social Media sites. In fact, many Skip Tracers aren't even licenced investigators, they're ordinary people that have turned a hobby into a fairly lucrative business. Sadly, there are also a number of licenced PI firms that claim to do Skip Tracing / Locates that incorporate these same hobbyists or underqualified PI's with little to no training.
You can usually tell what type of firm you're dealing with by the quote your given and/or the timeline they quote to find your answers. The more successful of these operations keep costs down by buying memberships into government services like Transportation databases and they simply input your info, get an answer and pass it on. No verification. No problem. Skip tracing starts as low as $100 per target so the majority of clients go there thinking they can save a buck and sometimes they can,
However, as I learned from a later employer, Private Investigators are NOT created equal and neither are they comparable fairly to Skip Tracers. Legitimate, skilled, licenced Private Investigators like the ones at my firm, Axis Vero Incorporated (shameless plug!) operate on a much different level and with much higher accuracy and more consistent results.
It does cost more, sometimes much more, but that's because thee are often costs involved to gathering information and when you're a true specialist in your field - you get paid accordingly for your time. Funny thing is, it generally takes us much less time. In speaking to an old friend the other day, he told me that while he has had a PI licence for many years, he's never been trained by anyone to search for people. This is a common story in the investigative world. He continued to tell me that a PI firm employs him and pays him approximately $50 to $100 per successful find, which can take him up to six (6) months to complete. He does this for genealogical work, creditors, and various low-end lawyers.
As much as I like him, you get what you pay for. Evidence to that is a recent matter that I was asked to assist with. Serving process upon a difficult target overseas. I received the documentation and upon my review of it, I learned that the Skip Tracer hired had not actually located the right person. No one had caught the mistake which had led to numerous service attempts both in Canada and abroad, numerous Skip Trace attempts and refiling of documents over more than two (2) years in the legal system. In fact, it took me roughly 10 minutes to determine the wrong person was being hunted and the client was at that point about to spend a considerable amount of money to complete a high difficulty service upon the wrong person.
When we conduct a locate investigation, we have access to thousands of databases, court filings, business records, government services, and we have the in-depth experience of having dealt with a variety of very high profile, high risk, and unlikely locates like those who have plenty of resources and are actively hiding. You won't get those answers at a $100 bucks.
There is one other important factor with a firm like mine, and that is liability control. When a job is done right and by legal methods, the client is protected and there are no bumps on the road to success; however, when lines are crossed, the client is equally liable to the person they hire. That is why the strong majority of our locate customers are law firms, lawyers and high-end security or investigation agencies from around the world.
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