A premiere of the biographical film about Anatoli Yunitski, called “SkyWay to Universe”, took place on April 16. This is a live-action film produced by a team of filmmakers from Kazakhstan. It is based on the facts from the life of the inventor and author of SkyWay transport concept. The film shows the long and difficult path of a person proposing to the world an idea for which most people are not yet ready. SkyWay string transport and the General Planetary Vehicle as the only way to achieve a high goal - to save the planet and humanity - is in the center of the plot. The hero overcomes all difficulties and achieves success due to hard work, creative spirit and support from family members. Today we present to your attention “SkyWay to Universe”.
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5ySo revealing and informative
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5yAnatoly Yunitskiy is like most inventors. Struggling through life, while chasing his dreams. He's given me the opportunity to help him fulfill that dream. #co-owner #skywaytechnology #SkyWayInvestGroup