This Is A Small Way To Make A Huge (And Long-Lasting) Impact
Psst...wanna hear a secret to help you get ahead in life and your career?
To make a huge impression, you need not perform sweeping, grandiose gestures. Sometimes, the smallest acts can have the greatest (and longest lasting) impact.
My favorite? Using words for good.
I've always believed in the power of words. As I writer, I understand deeply their ability to evoke positive emotion, to engage others, to communicate, and to deepen connection. I've also witnessed how words—and the lack of words—can disintegrate relationships, destroy trust, and leave people feeling confused or uncertain. Recognizing the difference requires awareness.
I take my responsibility seriously to use them for good, and how being at the receiving end of kind and encouraging words can transform and enhance relationships with those who matter most.
And now you can, too. Here's how:
First, don't assume others know what you're thinking
When the noise of the world turns up the volume, deadlines loom, and pressures abound, it's easy to forget that others—your boss, team, clients and co-workers—can't hear what's in your head. You might mistakenly believe that others have the same perspective and knowledge of your projects and deals. No need to say anything because everyone knows that they're doing a good job, right? Wrong. The problem is that everyone else is also busy and is dealing with their own issues, so they're viewing the world through a different lens, filtering the lack of information differently. Your perceptions may not align. When you fail to communicate, you'll leave others to speculate (and often jump to fear-induced conclusions), which is never a good idea. Instead, strive for clarity and speak up.
Next, realize that how you say something matters just as much as what you say
Yes, you want to be clear in your communications with others to ensure everyone has a clear understand and is on the same page. But in your quest to use your words for good, remember that what you say can be overshadowed but how you say it. For instance, imagine hearing the happy news that you were receiving an unexpected bonus... delivered to you while your boss was absorbed in her phone, checking her emails. Kind of takes the wind out of your sails, right? When you have the opportunity to say something positive, create an environment conducive to that pleasant occasion and give the intended recipient the gift of your full attention.
Finally, understand that words used for good can take many forms, and you should embrace them all
There are so many ways to communicate words for good. Are you a writer like me? Try a handwritten note of thanks—which almost no one does anymore—to make a huge impact. Send "napkin notes" in your kids' lunches to let them know you're thinking of them. Scribble encouraging words on a sticky note, and leave it on your co-worker's desk. Pen an email of gratitude to your client, and attach an article you think they'd find interesting. You can even shoot a text to or Slack a team member to praise them.
By the way, this also works exceptionally well on social media. Deeper your online connections by engaging beyond a "like" to leave a comment telling them why their post resonated with you. Move past merely pushing buttons and draft a personalized connection request. Send a private message to let someone know that they've made an impression on you. (Full disclosure: Recently, I was at the receiving end of such a kind act, and it was the inspiration for this article.)
Are you more of a talker? Stop your colleague in the hall to check in with them and offer your help on a project. Publicly praise your team at the all-hands meeting. Pick up the phone and call your partners to tell them how much you appreciate them. (Even if you don't reach them live, they'll be thrilled to listen to your voicemail.) Or do like one of my favorite people (who happens to be a speaker) does: record and send a short video message to your recipient. The bonus? They'll get to see—and hear—how much you mean to them.
Remember, words have tremendous power. A few minutes of effort in using them for good can make an enormous and long-lasting impact.
This article was first published on
Amy Blaschka is the co-founder of Park City Think Tank where she helps both organizations and individuals find the intersection of serving others and exceeding their goals by harnessing the power of enlightened self-interest.
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6yI love reading your articles; it gives me a lot of courage to continue writing, and I am learning more ideas too. Thank you so much.