There Are Snakes Under The Floorboards! - Farm Life Begins
The Ozark Akerz Farmhouse in 2014

There Are Snakes Under The Floorboards! - Farm Life Begins

2024 marks our 10th Anniversary at Ozark Akerz Regenerative Farm . Before my wife Sue and I moved here, we spent 2 months fixing leaks, mending all manner of things and cleaning the farmhouse to make it livable. It had been abandoned for over 10 years.

The following are excerpts from emails we sent to Sue’s mom, Lou, during the first couple months on the farm. It has been amazing to relive the beginning of our journey, much of what I had forgotten. We both remembered the day we moved in as Feb 1, in fact it was Jan 27. All the joys and challenges came back to life when reading the emails.

These excerpts only tell a small part of the full story of what was going on during the first 2 months. We have mainly chosen stories about the farmhouse because it was the source of many unexpected challenges in the very early days of life on the farm. The cats, and in particular Lemmy features too, because he was attacked by a coyote (we think) the first month and he is also part of a story that illustrates some of the roommates that came with the house, snakes. We also share the excitement of sowing the first Jolokia and Habenero peppers indoors for our first batch of hot sauce and tomatoes that would eventually end up on the shelves of a grocery store and plates at two restaurants later in the season.

Some of the excerpts have been edited for clarity and context, but the message remains unchanged. I have at times combined portions of two emails for sake of continuity. Sue and I will continue to remind ourselves of our journey through the emails we sent to Sue’s mom and hope to share more stories and memories with you in the future.

The cardboard and plastic patching broken windows was replaced with plywood after a storm

The following represents excerpts of a few of many emails sent to Lou over a period of 2 months. We would start each email with "Hey Mom" and signed each "We Love You, Sue, Mike, Lemmy, Bones & House". Over time Chickens, Turkeys, Guineas and Cattle were added to the signature. Lou suffered from dementia and kept the printed emails and photos we sent her in a binder. She would re-read the emails over time. She eventually filled 3 binders with our emails. Lou passed away in 2019.

Emails Tell A Forgotten Story

January 27, 2014 10:59 pm

As of an hour and a half ago we moved into the farmhouse! We got up at 5 this morning and worked pretty much nonstop to make it happen despite Mike pulling a muscle and having to sit on a bar stool for a while directing Sue to pack the truck. After the Aspirin kicked in Mike started loading again.

We had to put Lemmy and Bones in moving boxes to move them out here because we only have one cat carrier. The carrier will hold 2 cats, but House always gets sick when we take him to the vet, 2 miles away, so we decided it was best to put him alone. Amazingly he didn't get sick until Sue got to the Randolph County line about 40 miles of the 45 mile trip. A few minutes later he made a really big poo! Lemmy loved his box. He loved it so much that he broke out of it less than a mile from the Apex house. He spent the next 44 miles howling in desperation (it's hard to explain how horrible it sounded) and exploring every window surface trying to escape the car. Bones was the most well behaved even though we thought she wouldn't be.

We had to fix a hole in the bathroom floor after we got here to make sure the cats couldn't escape into the crawl space. We love it out here! It's amazing how many stars we can see at night.

The cats are ready for their journey to the farm
"Sue flushed the toilet in the morning and it came up into the bathtub!"

February 3, 2014

We spent half of yesterday trying to unclog the pipes. Sue flushed the toilet in the morning and it came up into the bathtub! Mike broke 2 augers in the process. We eventually discovered the clog was between the house and the septic tank. It wouldn't unclog. We called a septic company and a plumber but it being Super Bowl Sunday, there was no answer anywhere. The septic guys got here about 10:30 this morning. They got it unclogged. They also told us that the bathroom drains into the septic and the kitchen and mudroom sinks drain into a grey water tank which also has some drain issues. The kitchen sink isn't draining very quickly so we are carrying dish water outside.

Feb 13, 2014

 We got the washer connected and did our first load of laundry here at the farm yesterday. Because the washer sits on a wooden floor, the mudroom vibrates when it goes into the spin cycle. It feels like the mudroom is going to shake right off the house!

The first photo of us after we moved in taken February 2014
"We heard coyotes close by at about 2:30 yesterday morning so we were afraid the coyotes got him."

February 21, 2014

We had a big storm yesterday. The door from the mudroom onto the porch won't stay shut. There was a chair jammed under the doorknob when we moved in, we had to move it to make room for the dryer – the dryer outlet is right next to the door. The dryer wasn't as good as the chair at keeping the door shut, the wind blew it open. Sue had to jam 2 iron skillets between the dryer and the door to keep it closed. Mike was in Raleigh when all this happened, he’ll have to fix it this weekend.

February 26, 2014

We didn’t see Lemmy all morning yesterday, he usually comes for breakfast. We heard coyotes close by at about 2:30 yesterday morning so we were afraid the coyotes got him. We walked around the house, shed and lower pasture calling for him but couldn't find him. About 30 minutes later he showed up. There was hole in his abdomen about 1/4 inch wide and a chunk of flesh and hair about 2 inches wide was hanging loosely. We called 3 vets but they were all closed. Mike took Lemmy to the vet this morning. Dr Scotton said we had 2 options, cut out the wound and sew it up or let the Lemmy lick the wound and give him antibiotics. Apparently, the saliva is good at healing wounds.

Side note: Lemmy healed his wound entirely by licking it and was back to catching mice and rats relatively quickly.

Lemmy lying on the porch
"...the storm that blew through last night uncovered another leak in the roof over the spare room, water was dripping on yet unpacked moving boxes."

March 7, 2014

Last night at about 1:30 Sue woke up because she heard some dripping. It turned out that the storm that blew through last night had uncovered another leak in the roof over the spare room, water was dripping on yet unpacked moving boxes. We spent about an hour putting up buckets under drips and spreading towels in various rooms around the house before we went back to bed. Apart from the leak in the spare room we found one in the office and one upstairs. There is no electricity upstairs so we had to explore by flashlight. These new leaks came through the walls because of the strong wind. It wasn’t made any better by the wind blowing out the plastic and cardboard we had patched the broken windows with. We also found one more leak in the mudroom later today, Mike climbed up into the attic to check the roof and found that there was a minor leak in one place, some water trickling down one of the chimneys and that the gable walls also were pretty wet inside. Discovering the leaks in the walls helped make our decision about whether to put new siding on the house. Another job to get started on apart from replacing the windows and adding a tin roof.

March 9, 2014

We spent a lot of the day yesterday putting our potting bench to good use. We mixed up potting soil in a bucket and sowed about 135 pepper seeds and 40 tomato seeds. We assembled a shelving unit in the mudroom to hold the seed trays. Mike went to Asheboro to get some more trays in the late afternoon. We still have about 80-100 pepper seeds to plant and we had run out of trays. We will soak the pepper seeds overnight tonight and plant them tomorrow. While he was in Asheboro, Mike bought some beer and coffee and a few other things we needed. There were an awful lot of tree limbs down in Asheboro from the ice storm. Mike also saw a few trees that had blown over. Siler City which is about 10 miles East of us was without power for over 24 hours. We were pretty lucky to get only rain here, despite the leaks, and only a short power outage.

March 10, 2014

We got all of our ghost Jolokia pepper seeds planted today. We are growing them for Hot Sauce. They need nice warm soil to germinate, so we ordered a propagation heat pad, we should get a lot more plants a lot earlier that way.

We just came in from watching the sunset, another beautiful one, we've attached a picture.

One of the many beautiful sunsets we have enjoyed over the past 10 years
"... there are snakes living under the in the upstairs floorboards!"

March 21, 2014

Lemmy found a great big snakeskin in what was left of the porch roof today. Part of the porch roof was rotting out and we removed it a few days ago. Lemmy explored the snakeskin and thought it might be something good to eat but after a while he decided it wasn't. We just hope that the snake doesn't find it's way through the holes left in the wall where we removed the porch roof! The holes lead under the upstairs floor boards and straight to the downstairs bathroom! A few days ago we we could hear Bones meowing but we couldn't find her. We spent an hour looking for her and suddenly she was on what is left of the the porch roof. We found out later (because she did it again) that she climbed up the bathroom wall and into the floorboards then made her way out to the holes where the porch roof was attached. Once we get the porch roof fixed it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but we need to get to work renovating the bathroom so we don't have any unexpected visitors. Now it makes sense why we keep finding snake skins in the bathroom, there are snakes living under the in the upstairs floorboards! We've attached a picture of Lemmy and a baseball bat next to the snake skin so you can see how big is.

Side note: We continued to find snakes in the house for years after we moved in.

Lemmy tasting the snake skin to see if it's edible

March 23, 2014

Sue texted Mike asking him to call while he was cutting back some of the vines that are chocking the trees in the forest today. When he finished, he called her. Sue said "guess what came up?". Mike thought she was going to tell him that she had found some more issues with the house, he asked "oh no! Now what?!",

"The Jolokia peppers came up!" Sue said excitedly! She had been standing at the back door trying to get House to go outside and noticed 5 tiny sprouts. Jolokia peppers can take up to 70 days to germinate. We sowed the seeds 13 days ago! That's why we were so excited! We had read that a propagation mat could help them germinate quicker, that's why we bought one. A propagation mat is a heated rubber mat about 5 feet long and 2 feet wide that you can set seed trays on. You set the temperature of the propagation mat to warm the soil, in our case we have set it to 70 degrees. It makes the seeds think it's summer!

We were inspired by the germination sowed 57 habeñero pepper seeds that our friend in Georgia sent us last week. We also sowed 6 Roma tomato seeds and 9 sweet onion seeds we had left over from a few years ago. We have been surprised by how many of the older tomato seeds have germinated (some of them are 5 years old!). We think they have germinated because they have been sitting on the propagation mat, it's been a good investment!

It'll be about a month before we plant the seedlings in the ground.

thom h. boehm

continuing care assistant ✩ content writer ✩ knitting technologist ✩ chicken whisperer


My parents and brother kept a journal like that when they bought the home in Portaupique. I love good at writing, but not keeping journals. I've tried to do it a few times, and have always failed. Some day I'll just have to download my LinkedIn content and call it my personal journal.

Mike Hansen

Regenerative Farmer, Photographer/Videographer, Healthy Food & Farm Activist/Advocate, Inventor. #GrazeAgainstTheMachine #GATMStreets


It occurred to me after publishing this: It's ironic that Sue's moms dementia is the only reason we have restored these memories

Carl Burrows

* Actor/Producer/Occasional Stuntman SAG-AFTRA*AEA * Property/Location Manager @ Carl "Doc" Burrows Youtube: carl doc burrows


Before I even start reading this, bless you Lou! 🙏❤️

Debbie Holmes

Warranty Administrator at BLUEWATER CHRYSLER


This is an amazing time capsule of life beginning on the farm Thank you for sharing 😊

Eric Newman

Retired from Collins Aerospace


That is an amazing farmhouse.

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