Snippets from the Age of COVID-19: May 31, 2020.
America is burning as a result of the violent and destructive protests that are igniting across the nation because of the killing of George Floyd. These incidents yet again glaringly reveal the divisions within our nation.
The death of George Floyd is tragic within itself, but the destruction of businesses by opportunistic hooligans adds insult to injury. Many of these businesses were established by black entrepreneurs through the blood and sweat of their own efforts. Now, their crowning achievements to lift themselves out of the abyss of want have been ironically destroyed by the protestors who chant that black lives matter.
The costs of reconstruction after these ruinous riots are massive and insurance companies will recoup their costs by raising insurance rates. This affects all business owners, regardless of color, and will force those who cannot afford their skyrocketing premiums to go out of business.
In this age of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only do black lives matter but also black, white, yellow, brown, and all those in-between, livelihoods matter as well. Short-sightedness, pent-up frustrations, opportunism, hatred, hooliganism, and a total disregard for their fellow human beings, have created the perfect firestorm for plunging into the dark abyss of anarchy.
It is a fool's thought that heavy-handed repercussions will not occur. More people of all colors will be hurt. More people of all colors will be arrested. More people of all colors will feel the cold sting of death if this state of self-destruction will be allowed to continue unabated.
Hatred drives the base desires of discrimination and civil unrest. Love must smother the embers of hostility.