So you hate your job? Really?
Do you have fun doing your job? Do you enjoy your job as much as your hobby?
I know this may sound like a stupid question and you may say who likes their job that much. But trust me, this is one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself to succeed in your career.
Even if your answer to my question is no, I want you to think again.
The Reality is the answer to this question can not be binary, yes or no for any of us. There are parts of our job that we like and there are parts that we hate. Depending on which parts are what, you may be having an overall impression.
Now I want you to answer this question again but a little differently.
What do you love and hate about your job?
I want you to write it down in bullets. Most of you will be surprised that even if your overall impression was that I don't love my job, you may have more points to love than hate.
Then why most of the time it's difficult to hear that I love my job. There are several factors -
So next time you say I hate my job, pause and make list. I am not saying you should do nothing about it. If you realize there are more negatives, do something about these, even if it means quitting. But analyze it.
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[All Views in this article and anything I publish, are purely personal in nature and don't represent the view of any organization I may be associated with]
Unilever | IIMA (EGMP) | CA (AIR 46) | Business partnering | Financial reporting (IFRS, IndAS, Local GAAP) | Treasury | Forecasting | Financial modeling
1ySo apt and relevant
Facility In charge -( Derivatives Algo Prop desk development)
1yHi, Gaurav- Liked as u represened all aspects of failure in ur Dream jobs, those u love and like to do but HATE in doing. But if u have dream of getting SUCCESS then u will,When u must have faith and Always B plan to get sucess. U always have ur Opponents in each place of ur life those left always left there life. BUT those TRY and TRY hard with POLITICS and With MIND u GET SUCCESS and if u LOVE ur job is UR FIRST STEP. THANKS GAURAV
Technical Program Manager
1yThis can be applied to our personal lives as well.