Society, it's composition, patterns and outcome.
Shared set of values, mutual understanding and grouping/ gathering for common interest creates society.

Society, it's composition, patterns and outcome.

Shared set of values, mutual understanding and grouping/ gathering for common interest creates society. Values are the acceptable ways, norms, mores but most importantly these are the principles which when practiced or considered, then a prosperous civilized society come into existence where people feel free, secured, protected and they enjoy justice and equality.

Two factors play equally important role in the development of the society. One is divine code of conduct which clearly states what to do, what not to do and how to do? How to make relations and also how to treat children and elders? This divine code of conduct is always valid, reliable, efficient and effective if practiced as recommended.

The other is man-made or human developed system formed for the purpose to live secure, protected, happy and healthy life altogether. These are also essential codes which if practiced can make human life a true gift which actually is.

To ensure the codes of conduct in the society every country develops their own law accordingly. Written codes, rules and regulations ensure equal rights for all, it also ensures reward for the right and punishment for the wrong doings and thus society enjoy progress and strong bonding.

Personal interests, group interests, country to country interests, regional and continental interests play a role in flaming up the conflicts within the society.

Society at a time goes with different sort of forms, on the one hand if it has gathering and parties on the other hand may be disease and deaths. But the great thing is that the flow of society goes on which after some time becomes the events of paste and can be considered as part of history.

Society has one other very prominent character that it changes its color, composition and form. Sometime society may be of different characters and values while the same society after some time may become familiar for different sort of characters.

For example society was completely different before the emergence of internet, people were enjoying their old way gatherings, they mostly remained closed physically in the bounded families system, they could share their joy and could mourn the loss with each other, people were usually found involved in hunting and hoarding etc.

In contrast today especially after the coming up of internet society changed as from history it has proven the society changes its color, composition and chemistry.

Today people are physically and partially bound but on the other hand they are more social, attached and engaged. They socialize and enjoy friendship through internet (social media). They work online, they earn online and they live online.

Society outlook may still looks the same as this was 50 years back then, but internally the preferences, patterns, values got changed dramatically. Societies always go through transition with timely adopting new ways and patterns for greeting, meeting, working and gathering.

Societies with rule of law, love, kindness and respect for each other achieve the heights of prosperity, progress and respect because these societies enjoys justice and equal rights for all while societies with no rule of law, injustice, inequality, biasness and oppression cannot survive for long.

Societies emerges, grow with flow and nurtures with time. Some societies get vanished with the flow of changes in cultures and trends within it because of their weak/ vulnerable codes, characters and values.

While on the other hand societies with strong values, codes and characters absorb and carry the waves of the change, trends, patterns and preferences taking place within it. Thus these societies become symbol, stronger and role model for others with known as civilized societies.

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