Software Development Estimating

Software Development Estimating

When we hear software cannot be estimated, it's not true.

Allan J. Albrecht initially developed Function Point Analysis in 1979 at IBM, and it has been further modified by the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG). FPA is used to estimate the software project, including its testing in terms of functionality or function size of the software product.

A Function Point (FP) is a measurement unit expressing the amount of business functionality an information system (as a product) provides to a user. FPs measure software size. They are widely accepted as an industry standard for functional sizing.

There are ISO Standards for Function Point Estimates

Function Point Estimating Tools

Function Point Estimating Books and Presentations

Here's a list of books and presentations we use in our Software Intensive System of Systems (SISoS) domain, where Agile development is used in most cases in the presence of emerging requirements to implement the Capabilities needed to accomplish the mission or fulfill the strategy.

  • Software Estimation Best Practices, Tools & Techniques: A Complete Guide for Software Project Estimators, Murali Chemuturi, J. Ross, 2009.
  • Contributions of COSMIC Function Points, Alan Abran, 5th International Conference on IT Data Collection, Analysis, Benchmarking and Cost Estimating, 2017
  • Cosmic Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices, Reiner Dumke and Alain Abran, CRC Press, 2011.
  • System Lifecycle Costing: Economic Analysis, Estimation, and Management, John Vail Farr, CRC Press, 2011.
  • Software Project Effort Estimation: Foundations and Best Practice Guidelines for Success, Adam Trendowicz and Ross Jeffery, Springer, 2014.
  • Software Estimation Without Guessing - Effective Planning in an Imperfect World
  • Forecasting and Simulating Sofware Development Projects - Effective Modeling of Kanban & Scrum Projects using Monet-Carlo Simulation
  • Progressive Function Point Analysis
  • Practical Software Project Estimation - A Toolkit for Estimating Software Development Effort & Duration, Peter Hill, McGraw Hill, 2011
  • Applied Software Measurement - Global Analysis of Productivity and Quality, 3rd Edition, Capers Jones.
  • Estimating Software Costs Bringing Realism to Estimating, 2nd Edition, Capers Jones

Function Point Estimating Papers

All these papers are available from public sources. Login or account creation may be needed. I've loaded them (and will update when new materials arrive) in a Box Folder titled Estimates

Tina Bucciere

Data Science, Analytics Leadership & Management Information Systems Consultant


Relative sizing used in Scrum works very well. Most methods that tout a 'scientific' or reproduceable result are perpetuating false representation of reality. They 'may' work in very extreme and controlled environments, where skillset paths are defined and laid out from the very beginning, and they require extensive knowledge of the app/environment. Often, the knowledge required for more accurate estimates is not worth the time investment to obtain it. (One might as well complete the work while they are taking the time to analyze it for the estimate purpose.) It is not reality of most commercial spaces, and should not be enforced by anyone who has not actually done the work themselves. One should always consider the source, motives, and how honest they are, or may not be.

From IFPUG "Thus, our results confirm the empirical evidence provided by the original investigation, highlighting that Simple Function Points appear essentially equivalent to Function Points, except that they require a much simpler measurement process" I am mostly aware of SFP being used in place of Story Points to provide an objective measure. The thing to keep in mind is that FP or SFP provide an objective size measure that must then be converted to effort using other parameters (language, historic rate, experience), amount of reuse and so forth, so these are an input to a cost estimation model. We are starting to see more serious studies, for example from Rosa Also, FP were typically counted early, but not necessarily actual delivered. It depends on what you need them for. The prime competitor to FP is SLOC or ESLOC based on some sort of comparison to to reference class examples. Direct LOC estimation has plenty of problems, but can work surprisingly well.

Adail Retamal

CSEP Systems/Software Engineering - Improving the world through better systems


What about Simple Function Point (SFP), Glen? Have you used it, or know about projects that used it?


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