Solar Photovoltaic Pumping System- For Small Irrigation Projects {An Overview on a Wadi Project }
Rural electrification ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity especially for Agricultural practices has always been a problem. Dependence on Fossil fuels and difficulty in extending Grid supply to the far flung areas or remote areas to meet the Agricultural load is a big problem. This way the economy in these areas suffer especially when it comes to small and marginal farmers. In order to ensure development of these geographies access to energy is important and should be made available. Agriculture in India is the backbone, hence to secure farmers future, an integrated approach to Agriculture and ground water conservation and optimal usage is imperative. Solarization of water pumps can make a huge difference and revolutionise irrigation techniques.
As per NABARD in its model scheme {Wadi Project} states that Small scale irrigation is one of the most potential applications of solar power and overall Tribal Development around that area. The main advantage is that solar radiation is intense when the need for irrigation is high. Further, solar power is available at the point of use, making the farmer independent of fuel supplies or electrical transmission lines. The solar pumps have the potential to revolutionize small scale irrigation in the developing countries in the near future. However with the incentives and initiatives undertaken by NABARD, Government of India and State Government, the scheme have been propagated in rural areas for small irrigation system in far-flung rural areas where electrification is a costly proposition. The model scheme has introduced Solar water pumping and support irrigation schemes to provide a sustainable economic activity to farmers in non-electrified or under electrified rural areas.
OORJAgram India has been working with NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) on last mile rural electrification and Solar powered water pumping solutions project in Najhouta village, near Indo Nepal border. This is NABARDs Adivasi Vikas program, a Wadi project that aims to promote sustainable livelihoods for tribal communities and enhancing their income security and there are 55 such Wadi"s covering one acre each all NABARD supported which ensures Solar water pumping solutions to farmers for Orchard development or growth of medicinal, fruits and vegetables on farmers land, border plantations of Mahogany, Mangoes and Guava trees. Overall the project has been able to sustain the livelihoods of 500 families, Irrigation on 50 acres of land and helped them with assured income. The emphasis of this project is to promote family centric agriculture under the Wadi Project, and proper irrigation of these small agricultural land holdings thereby promoting Agro Biodiversity and greater participation from farmers.
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Interpretation: This project has been beneficial to the farmers in many ways namely:
No fuel costs & minimal maintenance costs. More economical than diesel pump sets in the long run. Enables cultivation of an extra crop, Helps in providing the critical protective irrigation in water scarce areas, Saves time and labour, Improves agriculture productivity, Improves general quality of life with higher levels of income, Incremental income enables easy repayment loan taken for installing system.
Solar Water Pumping Solution is not only a sustainable way of looking after the planet but also makes communities and livelihoods aware that adopting sustainable agricultural practices can create an impact in their lives.
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Agroeconomist, Project manager
9moHi. I'd like to know your location and the current price of a collar pump. Also the characteristics. Thanks