Los verdaderos factores que influyen en el juicio y decisión del consumidor
Os adjunto parte del excelente articulo "Customer Experience Management in retailing: understanding the Buying Process". Puccinelli, Goodstein, Grewall, Price, Raghubir, Stewart. Elsevier, 2009.
Lo encuentro muy interesante porque no sólo son los objetivos de compra (productos o servicios) los que influyen en el proceso de decisión, es la actitud, experiencias pasadas, atmósfera de la tienda y todo un conjunto de atributos emocionales los que influyen decisivamente en el proceso. Si queremos tener suerte en la digitalización debemos extremar nuestra experiencia de cliente en la web. Volver al concepto tienda, tienda virtual, por qué no? atmósfera virtual donde me siento como en casa. Humanizar la web y convertirla en nuestra espacio habitual es el camino. Las preguntas que nos debemos hacer como garantes de la Experiencia de Cliente son:
•How does congruity between the shopping goal and the retail environment affect consumers’ evaluation, search, and shopping behavior? •How do environmental factors (e.g., economic conditions) influence consumer motives? •How might the retail context facilitate shopper need recognition through in-store communications (e.g., point-of-purchase displays)?
•How do sensory memories interact with other memories to determine evaluations? •How does this relationship depend on the environmental context? •How does short-term memory affect evaluations when the online environment allows almost instantaneous access to information and comparative choices? •Does the storage mechanisms used in long-term memory differ in their impact on processing and evaluations? If so, which model is most appropriate in different retail settings? •What cues should retailers use to enhance customer evaluations, purchases, and loyalty?
•Which types of in-store activities can retailers use to increase involvement (e.g., sampling, trials)? •What is the effectiveness of offering food samples to increase involvement, trial, purchase, and satisfaction in grocery settings? •Can retailers increase experiential trial through merchandise, such as when music stores allow consumers to sample and listen to music prior to purchasing CDs? •Are experiential trials more effective when they include a host of products? •What are the benefits of deeper processing for retailers that carry more merchandise and consumers who shop there?
•How should retailers or brand managers update their attitude models to reflect the balance between prior store/brand associations and new information? •What are the trade-offs associated with different attitude assessments (e.g., conjoint versus Likert scales), and which best reflect consumers’ evaluations? •If attitudes are stored in memory, what cues can retailers use to evoke positive prior assessments when managing bad news or crises? •How do retailers establish equity after they have reverted to a “sale after sale” mentality? •How might retailers use research on reinvigorating old brands to save brands that once had both high awareness and very positive associations, when they have become less positive but awareness remains high? •How can retailers employ attitudinal measures to predict the subsequent behavioral intentions and actions of their prospects and consumers?
•How does affect/mood influence information search, shopping behavior, and channel preferences? •Does a negative mood result in shopping in comfortable/familiar channels, or does it result in visiting new and unfamiliar retailers? •What makes a shopping environment more or less engaging/arousing to customers? What is the role of product assortment, service, and atmosphere in generating arousal/engagement? In what circumstances does customer engagement translate into higher sales and/or profits? •What can be done to make the shopping experience fun, desired, and a treat? •How do affect-laden signage/displays/end-caps influence consumer evaluations and choice? Is their effectiveness a function of consumers’ inherent mood states?
•What role does consistency between exterior atmospheric cues (e.g., parking lot, store exterior, signage, and window treatments) and interior atmospheric cues (i.e., ambient, design, social) play in shopping and retail patronage? •What role does consistency between the atmosphere of the store and its Web site play? •Do thematic designs within stores serve as attracting or avoidance destinations? •What is the role of emerging ambient elements (e.g., scent, temperature)? •How to atmospheric factors influence metrics such as sales and profits, in addition to evaluations and intentions?
•How can retailers increase customer satisfaction through attributions to retail employees for positive events? •How can retailers overcome consumer skepticism toward friendly employee behavior? •What tactics as part of a service recovery strategy can prevent customers from blaming the retailer or in the case of a genuine mistake, how can the retailer help the customer forgive the retailer?