Something to desquamate over: Washing, personal care products, and contamination control

Something to desquamate over: Washing, personal care products, and contamination control

Skin cleansing (such as the use of soap) is the process of mechanical and chemical removal of dirt, pollutants and microbiota from the skin. This is often done by showering or bathing. The process helps to maintain good health; it also removes lipids and moisture from the skin. This can lead to irritation, barrier impairment and disturbance of the cutaneous microbiome (1).

The process of washing the body alters the skin even when skin cleansing products are avoided. Simple tap water, with no cleansing products used, impacts the biophysical properties of the skin influencing its pH, lipid content and hydration.

Studying personal hygiene habits is of importance for contamination control, be this a person going into hospital to operators entering a cleanroom. This is both in relation to the microbiome and the rate of skin shedding (where a proportion of particles will be microbial carrying). This is a contamination control consideration since the skin is an unstable environment and we release around 10^7 skin particles per day and replace the entire outer layer of our skin every 4 days. Every 2 hours, we deposit around 10 mg of skin in our clothing (2). These activities of desquamation are carefully controlled to ensure tissue thickness is maintained.

This week’s article looks at the influence of washing practices and the use of personal care products on contamination levels.

Human skin

The typical person has between 1.5 to 1.8 m^2 of skin (surface area). This is an area carrying a rich ecology, formed of different ecological niches. Across the skin is an absolute habitat for a diverse group of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, micro-eukaryotes (like dust mites), archaea, viruses, and bacteriophages (3).

With bacteria, 90% of the typical skin microbiome is composed of:

Actinobacteria (52%) including Micrococcus, Propionibacteria, and Corynebacteria genera.        
Firmicutes (24%) comprising Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, and Streptococcus genera.        
Proteobacteria (16%), which includes Paracoccus, Haematobacter, Cutibacterium, and Sphingomonas genera.         
Bacteroidetes (6%), represented by the genera Porphyromonas, Prevotella, and Flavobacterium        

Many personal care products are useful and many skin cleansers will emulsify dirt, oil and microorganisms on the skin surface so that they can be easily removed (4). However, not all skin cleansers are equal.

Human skin, designed by Tim Sandle.

Variations to washing times and activity together with the use of personal care products alter the rate of skin detritus dispersal and the microbiome (with some of the microorganisms dispersed by adhering to skin matter as microbial carrying particles). Medically, there are numerous instances of skin diseases linked to dysbiosis of the skin microbiome in relation to personal care products (5).

Variables and dispersal

The number of microorganisms dispersed from human skin is not correlated to their density on the surface of skin area exposed but rather to specific body locations. There are some specific skin conditions associated with a greater likelihood of particulate shedding, such as eczema, chapping, seborrheic dermatitis, itchyosis, mild psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Each of these have the same scaling, flaking, and roughness associated with dry skin. While important, this article is concerned with ‘health skin’ and the factors that can lead to skin shedding and microbial composition changes.

The likelihood of microbial and particulate dispersal is connected to the process of washing (bath, shower, sink, or no washing at all) and the types of personal care products used and their ability to either damage skin or to alter the physicochemical nature (such as altering pH).

Other variables include the time of showering or bathing (such as morning or evening); frequency of washing; water temperature; water quality; and the application (or not) of a post-washing moisturizer.

Some of these variables are explored below.


With many individuals, taking a shower increases the dispersal of contaminated skin scales (microbial carrying particles), probably through breaking up and spreading of microcolonies on the skin surface and resultant contamination of surrounding squamous cells. This has been established since the 1960s (6). Dressing, undressing or dry-toweling raise the level of bacterial shedding further within 1 to 2 hours of showering.

Shower time, designed by Tim Sandle.

In contrast, when going without bathing or showering for many days, the microflora remain qualitatively and quantitatively stable (7) (while noted this may not be ideal for shared work areas given the natural rise in human body odor).

An understanding of the impact of showering can influence either alternative practices (bathing) (8) or the time of showering (showering after returning from work rather than prior to going to work), as part of contamination control considerations.

By biological sex, men are generally observed to shed considerably more microbial carrying particles than women after showering (although the particles shed by women tend to be larger, albeit with the particles released by both men and women being in the 3 to 5 micron range. Skin scales are not spherical and not of uniform density). The use of lotions / moisturizers after showing can help to reduce the rate of dispersal (this is further discussed below).

Shower water and speed

Shower water quality contributes to the organisms found on the skin (9). Another factor is the speed of water flow; research findings indicate that the lowest-flow showerhead produces water with lower total microbial and opportunistic bacterial pathogen densities compared to higher low flow rate counterparts.

Other factors influencing the deposited microbiome include air exchange rate and shower water temperature, together with particulate concentrations, relative humidity, and ambient temperature.

Cleansing products

The types of skin cleansing products are influential on both the microbiome and skin shedding rates. Different cosmetics can change skin's normal flora to a varying degree -some changes can be detrimental, there are also instances where these alterations aid in restoring the skin microbiome (10).

Other products can cause skin damage. In many cases, higher skin damage (desquamating stratum corneum cells) increases greater when detergents injure skin, leading to the release of large aggregates. This is when compared with using water alone (without any product) (11).

Moreover, different cleansing products lead to different release rates (12). For example, one study revealed an increase in the presence of saccharide isomerate, a well-known skin moisturizer, from personal care products, was associated with a microbial shift such as a rise in Paracoccus marcusii, Brevibacterium casei and Rothia mucilaginosa (13).

Personal care products, designed by Tim Sandle.

With a different product group, the widespread use of antimicrobial products has prompted concern about the emergence of resistance to antiseptics and damage to the skin barrier associated with frequent washing (14).

Skin shedding

Shedding rates are influenced by different cleansing products. Most surfactants are known to interact with stratum corneum proteins such as keratin and cause their denaturation, resulting in swelling of the stratum corneum (15).

An important factor has been linked to the pH of skin care product formulation. Skin-cleansing systems formulated predominantly with anionic surfactants can result in increased skin dryness (xerosis) and irritation when compared to those under neutral pH conditions. However, with any skin cleansing product described as being same as that of "skin pH" this does not guarantee that it will be good for skin. Instead, the mildness of a cleanser is determined by the interactions of its surfactants and other ingredients with stratum corneum under its formulated pH conditions (16).

Skin cell, designed by Tim Sandle.


Does moisturizing after a shower make any difference to particle dispersion? It would appear so. Mildness enhancers and moisturizing agents (such as lipids, occlusives, and humectants) minimize damaging interactions between surfactants, and skin proteins and lipids, and thereby, reduce skin damage, when applied after washing with a cleansing product (17).

There are different classes of moisturizers based on their mechanism of action, including occlusives, humectants, emollients and protein rejuvenators (18). Not all moisturizers will exert the same effects.

Further research has demonstrated that the application of a skin lotion to the body after showering greatly reduces the number of bacteria and skin scales dispersed. This effect lasts for at least 4 hours (19). This effect can be greater when used in conjunction with an exfoliating skincare regimen (20).

The application of a moisturizer also helps with skin aging, especially self-induced aging through sunbathing or the use of sunbeds. These can cause photoaging due to ultraviolet rays of sunlight (21). Characteristics are dry and sallow skin displaying fine wrinkles as well as deep furrows, resulting from the disorganization of epidermal and dermal components associated with elastosis and heliodermatitis. This condition can result in greater skin irritation and shedding.

Bacterium, created by Tim Sandle.


This article has looked at skin shedding and shifts in the skin microbiome – both are jointly important since a high proportion of the shed skin will be in the form of microbial carrying particles.

The rate of shedding and shifts in the microbiome are influenced by the activity of washing (especially showering), the time of washing, the use of skin cleansers and whether the relatively aggressive effect of skin cleaners are counterbalanced by the application of moisturizer. There are of course other factors at play, including the tightness of clothing (friction is another shedding factor).

These observations can aid the contamination control program, especially where there are individuals associated with excessive shedding as to challenge cleanroom clothing or hospital garb. Adjustments to lifestyle could help to reduce the contamination risk posed by a given individual to a specific environment.

Follow Tim Sandle at Pharmaceutical Microbiology Resources, your source of microbiology news.


1. Mim MF, Sikder MH, Chowdhury MZH, et al. The dynamic relationship between skin microbiomes and personal care products: A comprehensive review. Heliyon. 2024 Jul 13;10(14):e34549

2. Noble, W. Dispersal of skin microorganisms, British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 93, Issue 4, 1, 1975: 477–485

3. Verbanic S., Kim C.Y., Deacon J.M., Chen I.A. Improved single-swab sample preparation for recovering bacterial and phage DNA from human skin and wound microbiomes. BMC Microbiol. 2019;19:1–13. doi: 10.1186/s12866-019-1586-4

4. Kuehl BL, Fyfe KS, Shear NH. Cutaneous cleansers. Skin Therapy Lett. 2003 Mar;8(3):1-4

5. Myles I.A., Williams K.W., Reckhow J.D., et al.. Transplantation of human skin microbiota in models of atopic dermatitis. JCI Insight. 2016;1 doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.86955

6. Speers R, Bernard H, O'Grady F, Shooter RA. Increased dispersal of skin bacteria into the air after shower-baths. Lancet. 1965;1:478–83

7. Ulrich JA. Dynamics of bacterial skin populations. In: Maibach HI, Hildick-Smith G, editors. Skin bacteria and their role in infection. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1965. p. 219-34

8. Hartmann AA. Daily bath and its effect on the normal human skin flora quantitative: and qualitative investigations of the aerobic skin flora. Arch Dermatol Res. 1979;265:153–64

9. Proctor C. R., Gächter M., Kötzsch S., et al. (2016). Biofilms in shower hoses – choice of pipe material influences bacterial growth and communities. Env. Sci. Water Res. Technol. 2, 670–682

10. Mim MF, Sikder MH, Chowdhury MZH, et al. The dynamic relationship between skin microbiomes and personal care products: A comprehensive review. Heliyon. 2024 Jul 13;10(14):e34549

11. Larson E, Leyden JJ, McGinley KJ, et al. Physiologic and Microbiologic Changes in Skin Related to Frequent Handwashing. Infection Control. 1986;7(2):59-63

12. Meers, PD, Yeo, GA. Shedding of bacteria and skin squames after handwashing. J Hyg 1978;81:99–105

13. Sfriso R, Claypool J. Microbial Reference Frames Reveal Distinct Shifts in the Skin Microbiota after Cleansing. Microorganisms. 2020 Oct 23;8(11):1634

14. Larson E. Hygiene of the skin: when is clean too clean? Emerg Infect Dis. 2001 Mar-Apr;7(2):225-30

15. Blaak J., Staib P. The Relation of pH and Skin Cleansing. Curr. Probl. Dermatol. 2018;54:132–142. doi: 10.1159/000489527

16. Hawkins S, Dasgupta BR, Ananthapadmanabhan KP. Role of pH in skin cleansing. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2021 Aug;43(4):474-483

17. Ananthapadmanabhan KP, Moore DJ, Subramanyan K, Misra M, Meyer F. Cleansing without compromise: the impact of cleansers on the skin barrier and the technology of mild cleansing. Dermatol Ther. 2004;17 Suppl 1:16-25

18. Lynde CW. Moisturizers: what they are and how they work. Skin Therapy Lett. 2001 Dec;6(13):3-5

19. Hall GS, Mackintosh CA, Hoffman PN. The dispersal of bacteria and skin scales from the body after showering and after application of a skin lotion. J Hyg (Lond). 1986 Oct;97(2):289-98

20. A.G. Wernham, O.L. Cain, A.M. Thomas Effect of an exfoliating skincare regimen on the numbers of epithelial squames on the skin of operating theatre staff, studied by surface microscopy, Journal of Hospital Infection, 2018; 100 (2): 190-194,

21. A G Pashinyan, S A Heidar, G B Arutyunyan, Ye V Dontsova, Skin moisturizing as a factor preventing premature skin ageing, Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii, 10.25208/vdv634, 89, 4, (104-107), (2013).

It's crucial to understand how washing practices and personal care products can impact microbial levels, especially when it comes to contamination control. The right cleaning methods and product choices can play a key role in maintaining hygiene and reducing the risk of spreading harmful particles. Knowledge like this helps ensure safer environments, whether at home or in professional settings. #CleanLiving #ContaminationControl #PriorityCleans

Shagarika Barua

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Interesting topic! The connection between washing practices, personal care products, and microbial particle levels is often overlooked but crucial for effective contamination control. Looking forward to learning how these factors interact and influence cleanroom environments!

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