Something a little bit different today
To better understand where I come from and what I do, sometimes it’s best to look at why I do what I do
I’ve had an interesting career, it started out in telecommunications, working with electronics and working on logistics. I was kind of the office dogsbody and was bounced around various departments, learning everything from sales, HR, finance, stock taking, project management and more besides
I then moved into fin tech, where I worked with high speed trading systems, big data and frenetic work schedules that led to multiple promotions and what seemed like a fulfilling career.
But things were off, I was working long hours, didn’t really enjoy what I did. Didn’t really have any purpose other than to work hard.
I suffered, I got stress related IBS, I developed insomnia. Even though I felt I was successful, I didn’t feel it.
I had to change, so I did what any over stressed executive shouldn’t do, I quit my job for a startup - a startup that didn’t exactly work out. Because again, I thought that hard work, long hours and doing everything myself was the key to success... it wasn’t
Years, later, I’m sleeping better, I work from home, I pick my hours. I coach and mentor fin tech companies on their growth strategy. I am happier than every before
So what changed? I looked at how I was working, out went the hustle, the long hours and in went working smarter, better systems, better strategies. I surrounded myself with people who shared my vision and could help me achieve it.
Growth does not have to come at a big cost, you can grow yourself and your company with both joy and momentum.
This is now what I teach - and I LOVE it!
Email for a strategy call so I can help you on your journey