Sometimes Content Fails
The other day my team and I had been cracking up at the idea of creating a series of vignettes promoting our podcasting services by leaning in to some of the tropes about podcasting itself… Such as changing the world and making a difference
First Idea: showing poverty with sad music - then cut to “save the world, start a podcast”. Stupid, yes. Ridiculous, also yes.
Everyone I talked with about the concept thought it was funny - so I set out to make the video, and I put a rough edit together.
Sure - it could be tighter & shorter - but I still thought it was funny.
Yesterday I posted that video… and it bombed! Failed miserably. (you can watch here)
I didn’t have any notions that it would go viral... but I was hoping to generate at least a little engagement.
Posted it, and pretty much died immediately
Doesn’t mean it wasn’t funny, just means it didn’t get traction.
But - I failed in other ways as well. I forgot the #1 rule of video:
“What’s the Point?”
While I was giggling because I thought it was funny, I forgot about the WHY… which should have been about promoting podcasting and potentially generating podcast clients.
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I had tunnel vision on the content itself. There was no call to action. There was no “Contact Harper Belmont if you want to change the world.”
So even if the video went super viral, it wouldn’t have done what it should have been made for - generate sales!
Here’s the deal. When it comes to video, you have to try, try, try again. Don’t be afraid to put out Sh&t Content in order to test the waters. I'm not gonna sit here and start screaming Gary V B.S. or anything like that, but there is some truth to it. You need to post! And VIDEO IS KING on social media.
You just need to have a point though! Tell people how you can help them, how you can work together, and how to contact you.
If you aren’t constantly telling people who you are, what you’re about, how you can help them, and how they can get ahold of you; when they DO need your services, they will go somewhere else.
Keep Creating. Keep Learning. Keep Growing!
If you need help with social media, creating videos, start a podcast, film a commercial, etc etc Harper Belmont Media can help you.
Lets jump on a call and see how we can help you out:
PS - we also help with event production
Customer Success at Apploi. Over the years: Advisor, consultant, educator, coach and mentor to 1,000's of artists and entrepreneurs. Translating to people is my passion and best skill.
9mogood stuff
Real Estate Investments - Hard Money Lender
9moI've noticed engagement in posts, activity on social media and attendance at events are down. Do you think some of the reason is desensitization? We're all tired of the same gurus or social media stars with bought audience not really changing up their message (or we know they're crooks lol)
"Your Chaos. Our Playground." | Small Business Visionary | Commercial Real Estate Strategist | Business Lending Extrodinaire | Ron Burgundy of Consulting (Keeping It Classy)
9moFail forward my friend! You’re s rock star at what you do and building relationships. The moral of your story is on point. Pop pop proud of the growth!
Perfectly said, Ryan Harper
Video Marketing & Executive Producer 14 Years of Experience 5x Growth on multiple branded YouTube channels in Tech, Entertainment, Beauty, and Gaming
9moContent is a numbers game. Most successful YouTube channels generate the majority of there viewership with the top 20% of videos. The bottom 20% is dead. You can experiment with the middle 60%. Keep up the testing.