Sometimes You Have To Give Up What's Good In Pursuit Of What's Best
When I heard this quote it was mindblowing for me.
Mind-blowing because it really sets in place a challenge I'm having right now....
And one many of us have in our lives and struggle to face.
Can you list out all of the 'good' things in your life?
All of the things that you spend time doing....and which of those are 'good'.
One big example in my case would be working on all things 'Pearl Lemon'.
Our SEO Agency is doing 7 figures and I'd love to get it to £10 million a year.
Doing this involves working on the agency in a totally different manner.
Typically I'll talk to the accounts team......about how it's going w/clients
I'll talk to the sales team....about how it's going with sales
I'll talk to the marketing team...about how it's going with MQLs and SQLs
I'll talk to the video team...about how video growth is going
I'll talk to the delivery team(s) about how projects are going
I'll talk to HR about hiring needs
That'll lead to a whole series of actions and all...
But is that's what is best for the agency?
When I sat and thought about it carefully...
I realised that...
Having 50,000 subscribers on my LinkedIn newsletter will provide far greater leverage for the company....
Than me helping resolve any particular issue for a client or the company.
There's a whole team for that.
So I'm giving up what's good (day-to-day involvement in Pearl Lemon)...
To work on what's best....
Dramatic brand growth for myself...
And in time Pearl Lemon.
THAT will provide the highest form of leverage :)