Songs for Surviving the Pandemic(s), [B]lack [F]lag Edition
[Other articles in this series appear at the bottom of this page. You'll find a table of contents at]
A. What have I been thinking about lately, and what songs illuminate my thoughts? I bet you can't wait to find out! (To anyone who reads my pieces, especially to the end: Thank you!!)
B. What is this black flag nonsense?
When you travel the backcountry roads in PA, NJ, NY, DE, MD, you see a lot of American flags flying with Gadsden flags right under them. Rural folks are really afraid of being stepped on.
3. Battle Flag
From time to time along country roads I'll see the Confederate battle flag, either flying alone or with Old Glory. I didn't upon returning from Elk, but the following weekend we were at the Quakertown Mart, a little above Philly, and there were a few confederate flag patches being worn. One gigantic fellow sported a denim vest with his entire back covered by the rebel flag. I'd love to have photographed him, and if I had the fortitude of famous photographers such as Diane Arbus or Robert Frank, I would have. Instead, I took a picture of these cool Frankenbikes for sale. Asking prices were around $500. I wonder if any ever sell. These bicycles remind me of the video for Kid Candy, by the Tacoma band, Seaweed (1993),
4. On these backroads, I saw something new to me: single poles with either solid black flags or black and grey American flags. Hmm. My research suggests that meanings vary, but these are likely "No Quarter" flags, as in "No quarter given/no prisoners taken." Flyers of these flags believe our country is going to pot and they may have to resort to violence to save it. f.n. 1.
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f.n. 1: My son and I discused the proliferation of the flags described above. He brought up No Lives Matter, Body Count (Ice-T's band) (2017) He says Ice-T gets it right: "We say that 'Black Lives Matter'/ Well truthfully they really never have/ No one ever really gave a f***/ Just read your bulls**t history books/ But honestly it ain't just black/ It's yellow, it's brown, it's red/ It's anyone who ain't got cash/ Poor whites that they call trash." My son says it's a call for unity. But with what has gone down in the last five years, I'm not sure the call can be answered. I pray that it can.
5. Black Flag Logo
a. The above musings caused me to wonder about the meaning behind the famous, ubiquitous logo of the Black Flag punk band. The stylized rippling black flag, pictured at the top of this article, means the opposite of an all-white flag of surrender.
b. My thoughts naturally wandered to the 1980 Black Flag song, "White Minority." It was a tongue-in-cheek swipe at white supremacists. But you would not know that from the literal meaning of the lyrics. I don't know that anyone would make such a tongue-in-cheek song today, and chance being misunderstood. I'm not going to include the link, because like the Animals sang, "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood," either. The Super Bowl is on Sunday, so let's roll with a 1982 tune recorded during the reign of the genius, Henry Rollins, as Black Flag's lead singer, TV Party, "We've got nothing better to do/ Than watch TV and have a couple of brews."
c. "White Minority" made me think of an anthem, Minor Threat, Minor Threat (1981). Here, a minor (as in people under 18) threat could be a big threat, the powerful threat of youthful rebellion. All packed into one minute, 28 seconds!
C. Sweeter Music
Sometimes, after a dose of hardcore punk, it's good to go in other directions to settle down.
D. How about a suggestion for a song experience from somebody who actually knows what she is talking about, my wife, Soo? Try La Bohème, Charles Aznavour (1965), the touching reminiscence of the life of young bohemians in love, coupled with gorgeous visuals of Nathan Chen skating to it, [eventually winning the gold medal] at the Olympics yesterday (2/8/22) with the highest score ever for the men's short program. Spectacular! Stunning!! Stellar!!!
E. Please feel free to comment. Where? In the comments section, below.
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