Sound: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Column by Oliver Lylloff , Researcher at DTU Wind and Energy Systems
A huge ramp-up in wind energy installations is ahead— more than a doubling in capacity is expected from 2023 to 2030, according to IEA (1). Therefore, we must also address the sound they make. But what is sound, and how can we reduce it?
I’m standing in a field in Roskilde beneath a wind turbine. A characteristic swoosh sounds with every passage of one of its three blades. It’s the V52 research wind turbine situated at DTU Risø Campus that I’m listening to. Can you imagine that swoosh sound? And how would you describe it to someone who isn’t familiar with it? It’s not an easy task because sound is a fleeting phenomenon — and, moreover, invisible. This makes it a challenge to talk about.
More Wind Energy
Right now, we’re at the onset of a huge expansion of wind energy. Wind turbines will be installed at sea and on land at an unprecedented rate to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement. Ideally, the sound (and any potential annoyance caused by it) should not become a barrier.
I will come back to the sound of wind turbines — and specifically how images of sound are crucial for the development of future wind turbines — but first, let’s talk about what sound is. This story begins at a swimming pool. The spectator stands are lively with cheering. The pool is empty, and lights reflect off the calm, ice-blue water. Suddenly, music begins to play, and eight swimmers emerge on the poolside, walking synchronously toward the water and jumping in one by one.
I’m revisiting clips from the Olympics on YouTube in my search for analogies of sound. Perhaps surprisingly, the synchronised choreography of the eight swimmers offers a decent analogy for sound.
At a molecular level, sound is a synchronised mechanical movement. This applies to both water and air. Similarly, the movements of each individual swimmer combine into a synchronised choreography.
No single molecule moves very far, but the movement pushes its molecular neighbours, who push their neighbours, combining into a wave motion with peaks and troughs, carrying sound from one place to another—for example, from a loudspeaker to our ears.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
I’m a researcher and acoustician, and for the past ten years, I’ve been focused on capturing, measuring, and visualising sound. In my daily work, I measure the sound produced by wind turbine blades and concentrate my research on minimising the noise they emit. This is important because sound affects people.
Sounds can be pleasant or annoying—this is often subjective—but to better understand the significance of sound in our lives, I describe them using three categories: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Good sounds: are (subjectively) pleasant sounds, such as laughter, music, a comfortable conversation, or the sounds of nature.
Bad sounds: are unwanted sounds that can be occasionally annoying, like cutlery scraping on an empty plate, sirens, a lawn mower on a Sunday morning, or a moped disturbing the peace on an otherwise quiet street.
Ugly sounds: are persistent, annoying sounds that we cannot escape, such as traffic noise near your home.
The last category receives the most attention, and for good reason—sustained exposure to noise has significant health impacts.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) noise is the second largest cause of health problems in the EU, surpassed only by air pollution. Additionally, the Danish Cancer Society has conducted a series of studies (2) that show a link between noise exposure and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast cancer.
Various sources of environmental noise were examined in these studies, and the conclusions regarding wind turbine noise, specifically, showed no direct connection to the above-mentioned health problems. Only indirectly through the risk of sleep disturbance and increased stress levels (3).
To avoid annoyance and potentially harmful noise exposure, wind turbine operation is regulated by national noise limits. For instance, only certain areas can be used for installing wind turbines, and the operators are required to adhere to noise legislation. In case the noise limits are exceeded, the wind turbine must be slowed down to reduce the noise or completely stopped, e.g., at night, resulting in the loss of energy production.
A lot is at stake: the well-being of people living nearby and the desire to maximise energy production, which in turn affects the cost of installing wind turbines. If research can find solutions that reduce the noise, it’s great news for both neighbours and the energy we would otherwise miss out on.
Sound images
Back in the field in Roskilde, the swoosh becomes fainter as I walk towards the wind and sound laboratory, the Poul la Cour Tunnel (, located at DTU Risø Campus, just 100m from the research turbine. It’s one of the world’s largest university-owned wind tunnels and was built for research in wind energy, able to produce wind speeds similar to three times the speed of a hurricane. Here, we test sections of wind turbine blades in a very controlled environment.
Wind turbines are growing taller and their blades become longer, and this affects the noise that can be heard by neighbours.
The wind speed at the tip of a 100m long wind turbine blade in motion can easily reach 300 km/h. That’s the condition we recreate in the wind tunnel, while a huge number of sensors record every little detail of the flow and sound created by the immersed blade section.
My task is to analyse the sound captured by a large number of microphones and generate a sound image that shows where the sound originates on the blade section and calculate its sound level.
The cross-section of a wind turbine blade is roughly shaped like a droplet. The airflow meets the blade at the round end and then splits to follow along the surface on either side. As air moves along the surface, friction causes small vortices to build up, creating a thin layer that grows thicker towards the end of the blade.
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When it reaches the trailing edge, the two previously separated airflows collide, resulting in the emission of pressure waves or sound.
The sound appears on my computer screen as a coloured image, indicating the location and sound level of this specific blade section. Every time that yellow line appears right at the trailing edge of the blade is incredibly satisfying - it means I’ve captured the sound!
When we study sound images from different blade sections or shapes, we can calculate the sound - or swoosh - they would make if they were part of a real, spinning wind turbine blade. Most importantly, this is before the turbine has been built, allowing us to prevent sound from becoming a health concern and to minimise the risk of shutting down the wind turbine due to noise regulations.
Our work in the laboratory is far from over. The modern wind turbine is still very young - about 50 years old - and new blade shapes, growing wind turbines, and advanced technologies are emerging, all of which affect the sound they generate. There is still huge potential for development and improvement.
We are not yet able to build quiet wind turbines, but even small improvements are worth pursuing. And who knows, a new and groundbreaking solution might await just around the corner. We keep searching.
Current research activities focused on noise:
This article was first published in Danish at
Written by Oliver Lylloff
Edited by Simon Rubin
About Oliver:
Oliver is a researcher in the Airfoil and Rotor Design (ARD) section at DTU Wind and Energy Systems .