The Source of Our Priorities

The Source of Our Priorities

When we pair life purpose with our passion, we create a driving force for understanding and setting our priorities.

I suggest that passion and purpose support each other, bringing us a fulfilled life. Moreover, those two interact with each other as suggested in the diagram.

Ok. So What? The So What here is that we're better positioned for success when our goals are driven by our priorities.

What's First, Purpose or Passion?

Well, the short answer is - there's NO single correct answer!

However, I wonder if the passion-purpose ordering is, to some extent, driven by our predominant decision style. That is, we will lead with passion if our decision style tends more toward "gut feel" and intuition.

Conversely, at least for me, I view purpose as the lead here because I tend to be more linear in my decision style.

Another option is to see the passion-purpose ordering as age related. For example, we may be more passionate early in our career, while more purposeful, thus deliberate, later in our career as we mature. Just speculating here.

However, either passion or purpose can lead us at different times.

All that said, I'm convinced that what matters most is not the ordering, but instead our ability to recognize what works best for us during a season of life.

Regardless, find what works for you, then run with it.

We're in a good place emotionally and spiritually when the vision for our future self is firmly grounded in our highest purpose for life.

Additional Considerations

Regarding passion, it can be either good or bad. Therefore, we must be careful about the passions we allow to guide us. Thus, I need to check my motives first.

Now, to some extent our life purpose - as positioned in the diagram - reveals our commitment to "First Things First!" But, we must know what those "First Things" are for us, at a given stage of life, before we can pursue them!

It's important for us to choose our own purpose. Don't live someone else's life. At this season of my life, I've repurposed rather than retire, by deliberate choice.

Fundamentally, we must focus on, then take action on, what matters most to us in life. That focus is a component of what I mean by saying "Live With Purpose, On Purpose."

Live with purpose, on purpose!

Some Takeaways

I often say "begin with WHO." Therefore, regardless of leading with passion or purpose, we must first know ourselves deeply. Actually, the most critical "First Thing" is to know your authentic self.

In addition, we must know our destination, then be very intentional about that life pursuit. Hence, as shown in the diagram, our goals indicate where we're going. Often, those goals are related to our profession. Truly, we need goals to drive our habits or daily actions.

Remember, passion is critical, regardless of the purpose-passion ordering. We simply don't go very far when lacking emotion for life.

I'm convinced that life purpose evolves over time as we grow in our knowledge of ourself, our capabilities, and as we recognize new possibilities in life.

Obviously, passion and purpose are closely linked. That said, it's really good when we have something in life that both drives us forward and makes us aware of needs around us. That way, we're not living solely for ourselves.

Larissa M.🫀🔥🧠 P.

Postulados,dogmas y versos con rigor científico.Asombrada de las conexiones entre fe, ciencia y felicidad. Psicóloga Clínica acreditada que no es adicta a su aprobación.


Gracias por compartir, Dale Young

Nadine Heir

Marketing Manager » Rewriting the rhetoric.


What an excellent graphic! People will pay hundreds for a coach to show them how to prioritise and you're going to put them out of business... careful 🤭😂

☀ Giorgia Francesca Costantino

Free yourself 💛 from stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma by transforming limiting beliefs in your subconscious. Rediscover serenity and freedom! 😊 Online sessions 🌟 QEC Practitioner & 🏝 Travel Advantage Ambassador.


"passion is critical, regardless of the purpose-passion ordering. We simply don't go very far when lacking emotion for life." Great message, thanks Dale Young

Daniel Findlay

Helping Introverted Leaders Who Struggle with Speaking Up, Social Confidence, and Presenting—Master Communication in Every Room | Proud introvert | 350+ Clients | WATCH FREE TRAINING ⬇️


Many go through their whole lives not questioning what their purpose and passion is Dale Young

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