South Pacific Metals Corp. – 54 Targets Proximal to Tier 1 Deposits
South Pacific Metals Corp. (TSX-V: SPMC) is an exploration company that holds some of the best discovery opportunities in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
South Pacific’s four projects: Osena, Anga, Kili Teke and May River, cover a total area of 3,100 kilometres square (km2) in the heart of PNG (Figure 1). These four projects contain over 54 gold-copper exploration targets located in proximity to major deposits or mines.
Figure 1: Location of South Pacific Metals' Projects
Source: South Pacific Metals Corp.
Osena Gold-Copper Project (15 Targets)
The Osena Gold-Copper Project is located adjacent to K92’s Kainantu Gold Mine (Figure 2), which contains 9.3 million ounces (Moz) of gold equivalent (AuEq) at an average grade of 9.08 grams per tonne (g/t) AuEq. Ongoing exploration by K92 continues to yield further discoveries, such as Arakompa within the Kainantu District mineralised corridor, an emerging gold district.
Figure 2: Location of the Osena and Anga Projects
Source: South Pacific Metals Corp.
The Osena Project lies within the Kainantu District mineralised corridor and contains over 15 gold-copper occurrences and targets over a strike length of more than 45 km.
Ontenu Prospect
One of the prospects at Osena, Ontenu, contains a cluster of five coincident geophysical and geochemical anomalies that cover a large 5 km by 3 km area.
Initial trenching completed by South Pacific, and four historic drill holes, at the Ontenu Prospect have defined large intersections of anomalous near-surface gold mineralisation, including:
The anomalism and wide intersections confirm the Ontenu Prospect is a large hydrothermal system capable of yielding multiple discoveries.
Next Steps
The exploration completed to date at the Ontenu Prospect has only just started to assess the area’s potential but has already demonstrated the presence of a large mineralised system. Geophysical data suggests a substantial conductive body at depth.
Many other targets are present within the Osena Project, including a 6 km by 3 km gold-copper anomaly at the Tirokave Prospect and potential extensions of the Mt. Victoria Gold District in the new license application, EL2850.
South Pacific is currently finalising its 3D geological and structural model of the project and planning its maiden drill programme at Ontenu.
Anga Gold-Copper Project (9 Targets)
The Anga Gold-Copper project lies to the northeast of both the Kainantu Gold Mine and K92’s recent discovery at Arakompa (Figure 1). At Arakompa, K92’s exploration drilling recently returned some impressive results defining mineralisation over a strike of 750 m, with results including:
Within South Pacific’s Anga Project, a north-trending shear zone has been identified that could be an extension of the Arakompa Vein (Figure 3). Sampling in the area has already returned highly-anomalous Au at the surface and additional surface and rock chip samples have been sent for assay with the results pending.
Figure 3: Targets at Anga
Source: South Pacific Metals Corp.
To the east of the potential extension to the Arakompa Vein, lies another series of targets centred on a 4km by 3km gold-in-soil anomaly associated with a large conductivity anomaly and a mapped intrusive, which represent porphyry targets (Figure 3).
Kili Teke Gold-Copper Project (10 Targets)
The Kili Teke Gold-Copper Porphyry Project is located 40 km west of Barrick’s Porgera Gold Mine, a low-sulphidation, alkalic, epithermal gold deposit that is estimated to have an endowment over 15 Moz. The Zone 7 deposit at Porgera contained a very high-grade zone with 5.4 Mt averaging 27g/t Au (4.7 Moz).
Kili Teke is also located in proximity to Summit Gold’s Mt Kare Project, 20 km to the southeast, which contains over 2.1 Moz. This is another a low-sulphidation, alkalic, epithermal gold deposit, highlighting the perspectivity of this area for this style of mineralisation.
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Figure 4: Location of the Kili Teke Project
Source: South Pacific Metals Corp.
Kili Teke, is South Pacific's most advanced project and has an inferred mineral resource estimate of 1.81 Moz Au and 802 kt Cu at an average grade of 0.24 g/t Au and 0.34% Cu, hosted within a central porphyry.
A recently completed AI-based targeting exercise defined 10 additional exploration targets for follow-up exploration, all of which are proximal to the existing resource base. These targets are prospective for porphyry, skarn and alkalic epithermal mineralisation with trenching and drilling showing evidence of all mineralisation styles.
Alkalic epithermal targets, potentially analogous to the Porgera deposit, are located in the eastern portion of Kili Teke in an area known as the Ridge Gold Area. Sampling at the Ridge Gold Area returned strong levels of tellurium and arsenic associated with high-grade gold in soil, up to 9.3 g/t Au, a characteristic that is common in alkalic epithermal systems.
May River Gold-Copper Project (20 Targets)
The May River Gold-Copper Project is located adjacent to PanAust’s Fredia River Project, which contains over 12 Mt of copper and 19 Moz of gold (Figure 5).
Source: South Pacific Metals Corp.
May River contains 20 targets ranging from high-grade volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS), epithermal veins and porphyries.
One of these targets, Skygate, is a 7 km long gold-copper trend within similar host rocks and structural settings to Frieda River and has gold-copper-bearing porphyries exposed at the surface as well as historically drilled gold-bearing breccias. Historic drilling at this target includes:
Another Target, the Ufuo-Tuwavi District, contains five massive sulphide bodies, hosted in volcanics that occur over a 3 km by 5km area. Drilling and trenching of these bodies returned:
South Pacific Metals’ portfolio of projects’ contains high-quality exploration targets, many of which have already demonstrated significant levels of gold-copper mineralisation and are all worthy of additional exploration.
The company is tightly held with insiders and strategic investors holding 70% of the register. Given the quality of its portfolio, the business is in a strong position to farm out or joint venture some of its projects to strategic partners to allow it to advance the portfolio without investors being diluted.
Assay results are pending from sampling completed at the potential extension to the Arakompa Vein at the Anga Project and near-term drilling is expected to commence at the Ontenu target within the Osena Project.
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1moGreat advice
Exploration Geologist
1moVery interesting deposits