A Special Edition on Emotional Intelligence for Introverts

A Special Edition on Emotional Intelligence for Introverts


The reactions to some of the articles depicting what an introvert is in social media over the years have been very interesting to me. When it comes to what really happens when we class ourselves as introverts, I feel it is misunderstood and not well executed. In today's first published emotional intelligence essay (the first of many, I hope), I intend to combine my independent analysis on what identifies as the science of being an introvert, with an evaluation of how one should master their emotional intelligence to cope with expectation.

Definition of an Introvert

Let’s start with an basic definition that I have quickly pulled off the internet.

“An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what’s happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds.” www.webmd.com

If I apply that definition to myself, I wonder indeed if I am an introvert. To be honest, I feel more comfortable describing myself as an introvert in recent years - reading this humble definition anyway. In spite of this, I dislike the term introvert since I feel it causes a sense of discrimination in society.

Please don't get angry with me - I'm just giving you my opinion at the moment. Moving on quickly, I will discuss the power of emotional intelligence. This time, let us bring a definition from a leading professor - widely regarded as the father of emotional intelligence.

Definition of Emotional Intelligence

“A person's ability to manage his feelings so that those feelings are expressed appropriately and effectively.” Daniel Goleman

This is a rather simple yet smart definition, in my opinion. What do we get if we combine the two definitions of EQ and introvert? Remember that an introvert is someone who pays more attention to their inner thoughts, while emotional intelligence ignites the ability to manage feelings. Does that mean that introverts are more emotionally connected than extroverts? This is a just question that I will briefly examine.

Study results indicate that empathetic and self-confident individuals are more emotionally intelligent than introverts, pessimists, neurotics, and dominant individuals. (Dhani & Sharma, 2017) Although, classifying personalities has always been problematic from the perspective of Business vs. Academia. The use of personality scores in recruitment and selection is not supported by all organizations. The use of personality to classify introverts and extroverts could also cause a divide among people. The results of this one study are somewhat indicative of empathy's success in all workplaces.

Please accept my apologies as I am not pushing through a hundred different counterarguments when trying to define extroverts and introverts. At best, I am loosely guiding you in some aspects of introversion.

The Power of Using Introverts Combined with EQ Training

Some argue that if introverts are to be lifelong processes of smaller based friendship circles, perhaps there will be a quicker chain of learning performance using introverts' different personalities with more advanced emotional intelligence training. To clarify, I'm not talking about counselling here - I'm talking about my development in self-innovation. The process of assessing, monitoring, and learning to improve emotional intelligence in order to manage stress and anxiety is what I define as self-innovation. There is a lot to discover here - whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, self-innovation is definitely a lifeline.

Whenever an emotion takes shape, it can be fixed in action. (Fahey,2022) If one has a bad day through exercising anger by default, for instance jumping from the shopping mall to the supermarket, that will probably make someone angry. An introvert may feel lonely, lacking a wider supply of friends for support on the day in question, if they are an introvert. Despite this being a major assumption, let me illustrate my point here. The definition of EQ and self-innovation is the ability to manage your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors at any given time. Research shows that spending time on reflection curbs stress in the brain. Furthermore, assuming that introversion means being more emotionally sensitive to anger could be very misguided. As a matter of fact, stress is allowed amongst us all, whether we are introverts or extroverts. In my opinion, if you're quiet at work, you're not an introvert by nature, and if you want to classify yourself as an introvert, that's okay. It's the self-innovation angle that's needed. As an introvert plays less community cycles with people on the street, at work, or even at home, it may be harder to exercise their emotions. In its true essence, self-innovation can be a tool for home learning for anyone.

Conclusions for Introverts in Business Today

Rather than attending the office party, an introvert walks deeply connected to a few friends. Introverts and extroverts can be classified according to their personality. Empathy can erode even the most introverted person's confidence to some extent. The challenge is how to embed the training to enable multiple cultures of introverts and extroverts to understand one another so that self-innovation can flourish across all business departments.

The essay focuses only on partial elements of what it means to be an introvert and classifications. Furthermore, there are gaps here to find more evidence to support the case that an introvert is more emotionally aware than an extrovert. No definition of an extrovert has been explored that would have given a fairer hearing. Being an introvert is not a derogatory or negative emotional classification. It is not shameful to claim to be an introvert. While we haven't fully uncovered the science of being an introvert, we can still improve our ability to manage our emotions. Summary: Humans can learn to manage their emotions for higher gains on the triangle of emotional intelligence. Hope you're encouraged by the fact that if you're an introvert by your own definition, you do indeed have a place in society.

SPORT NEWS Lewis Hamilton Taking Leadership on Racism

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Lewis Hamilton says that Formula 1 is lacking leadership in its anti-racism messaging, feeling the matter has “gone off the agenda” in recent weeks. Reports Motorsport.com

Formula 1 champion Nelson Piquet stirred up the Racism agenda this week when speaking about Lews Hamilton and referring him as the N-word. Reports the Mirror

Well – Lews is Mercedes Bens have thought back on LinkedIn this week in relations to the story: 

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Global news, positives and negatives

Negative News

The Boris Breakdowns of the Conversative Party –

“Tory MPS accused Boris Johnson of trying to “protect” his close ally Chris Pincher before he was forced to suspend the MP from the parliamentary following allegations of sexual misconduct” The I weekender reports  

Positive News

In light of the war in Ukraine, the British Army's new chief of General Staff warns that it must innovate faster. A further 400,000 NATO troops will be deployed to reinforce the borders of NATO territory.

Positive News

“Changing school times for teenagers to stay in bed longer and start school at 10.00am could increase learning performance. “Reports the I paper 

Opinions Column: THE WOKE SCENE

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It does not make any sense to me that statues are being torn down because of the exploding woke culture. The situation here in the UK and other countries is bad. Here's a loose definition that I hate:

“having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those related to civil and human rights:

In light of incidents of police brutality, it’s important to stay woke.

He took one African American history class and now he thinks he’s woke.

We're trying to make woke choices in life. Source: www.dictionary.com

Additionally, it is concerning to see universities removing curriculum using the term and methodology. As a former teacher, I would be scared to be placed in a university at the moment due to the popularity of this movement. Piers Morgan understands this better than I do. So I guess I will watch him more to find out what constitutes wokeism.


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Social Media Marketing News Plus Tips

Moss is new creative director of Diet Coke - Kate Moss has been appointed "creative director" of Diet Coke as the brand celebrates its 40th year.

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7 Tips To Get Recognised on TikTok

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  1. Try at least three TikToks a day.
  2. Follow your interests and see what works for you
  3. If you are producing content, add a fourth TikTok away from your company brand - for example, pick an interest you may have, like your hobby.
  4. Watch the data over time, not just your daily analytics.
  5. To get ideas in creatives, consume content for at least a couple of hours to learn the power of TikTok naturally.
  6. Utilize your own themes based on your interests, combined with data intelligence, to challenge the most popular hashtags.
  7. 7) Know your audience, but don't be afraid to try new forms of content creation for wider marketing purposes.

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