Specialized and sophisticated enterprise, the nine improvements, the “Guidelines on the Reform, Innovation and Development of Digital Trade”, antimony

Specialized and sophisticated enterprise, the nine improvements, the “Guidelines on the Reform, Innovation and Development of Digital Trade”, antimony

Terms to note from recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press events:

关于数字贸易改革创新发展的意见  [guān yú shù zì mào yì gǎi gé chuàng xīn fā zhǎn de yì jiàn]  Guidelines on the Reform, Innovation and Development of Digital Trade: 

... 商务部将深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,推动数字贸易改革创新发展,可以概括为四个关键词。第一个关键词是政策,也就是加大数字贸易发展的政策支持力度。会同有关部门和地方落实好《关于数字贸易改革创新发展的意见》。 

... the Ministry of Commerce will vigorously implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to promote the reform and innovation of digital trade. We will focus on four key words. The first key word is policy. We will intensify policy support for the development of digital trade. We will work with relevant departments and local governments to implement the Guidelines on the Reform, Innovation and Development of Digital Trade.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024)

九个完善  [jiǔ gè wán shàn]  nine improvements: 


Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the fourth BRI symposium, making a comprehensive plan to promote the high-quality development of BRI at present and in the future. MOFCOM will earnestly study and implement the guiding principles of the speech, adhere to the “four combination” and “three coordination”, as well as the “nine improvement” in terms of mechanism building, and further promote the high-quality development of BRI mechanism in the trade and economic field, constantly expanding the new space for win-win development.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024)

企业选择  [qǐ yè xuǎn zé]  corporate choice: 

Event quote:


The global production and supply chains are shaped by market laws and corporate choices. Maintaining stable and unimpeded global production and supply chains serves the long-term interests and shared expectations of all.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  一些中国汽车企业选择在欧建厂,就是中欧优势互补、互利共赢的生动写照,有利于拉动当地经济和就业,有利于推动欧洲新能源汽车产业发展。 

The production facilities of Chinese automakers in the EU are a vivid example of China-EU mutual complementarity and win-win cooperation. They are conducive to boosting local economy and employment and driving the European NEV sector.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 6, 2024) 

♦  从行业看,高技术制造业实际使用外资金额增长40.6%,越来越多跨国企业选择在华设立研发中心,外商在华投资结构持续优化。 

Actual utilized FDI in high-tech manufacturing jumped by 40.6 percent and more and more multinational companies have chosen to establish R&D centers in China. Foreign businesses’ investment structure in China is improving.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 4, 2024) 

♦  我们相信,会有更多外资企业选择“投资中国”,把握“机遇中国”,与“开放中国”实现共同发展。 

We believe that more foreign investors will choose to invest in China, seize opportunity in China, and achieve shared development with an open China.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 14, 2023) 

♦  全球芯片产业链供应链的形成和发展,是市场规律和企业选择共同作用的结果。 

The global semiconductor industrial and supply chains are shaped by the laws of market dynamics and the choices of businesses.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 13, 2023)

三个统筹  [sān gè tǒng chou]  three coordinations (of “hard connectivity 硬联通”, “institutional connectivity 软联通” and “people-to-people connectivity心联通”): 


Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the fourth BRI symposium, making a comprehensive plan to promote the high-quality development of BRI at present and in the future. MOFCOM will earnestly study and implement the guiding principles of the speech, adhere to the “four combination” and “three coordination”, as well as the “nine improvement” in terms of mechanism building, and further promote the high-quality development of BRI mechanism in the trade and economic field, constantly expanding the new space for win-win development.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024)

数据跨境流动  [shù jù kuà jìng liú dòng]  cross-border data flow: 

Event quote:


We will improve the governance system of cross-border data flows, and promote and regulate cross-border data flows.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  中方发布《全球数据跨境流动合作倡议》,就各方普遍关切的数据跨境流动治理问题提出了建设性解决思路,明确中国促进全球数据跨境流动合作的立场主张,倡导秉持开放、包容、安全、合作、非歧视的原则,推动构建开放共赢的数据跨境流动国际合作格局,促进数据跨境高效便利安全流动。这是继《全球数据安全倡议》之后,中方就数据问题发布的又一重要倡议,体现了习近平主席关于推动构建网络空间命运共同体理念的核心要义,展现了中国统筹发展安全、完善数字治理、践行多边主义的坚定决心。数据安全是全球性问题,需要国际社会共商解决之道。中方愿在《倡议》基础上与各方开展和深化数据跨境流动领域的交流合作,欢迎各方支持这一《倡议》。 

The Global Cross-Border Data Flow Cooperation Initiative, released by China, puts forward constructive approaches to the governance on cross-border data flow, which is of concern to all parties, makes clear China’s stance and position in advancing global cross-border data flow cooperation, advocates the principles of openness, inclusiveness, security, cooperation and non-discrimination, advances the building of an open and mutually beneficial landscape of international cross-border data flow cooperation, and promotes efficient, smooth and secure cross-border data flow. This is another important initiative on data that China issued after the release of the Global Initiative on Data Security. The initiative outlines the core message of President Xi Jinping’s philosophy of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace and demonstrates China’s firm resolve to coordinate development and security, improve digital governance and practice multilateralism. Data security is a global issue that needs to be addressed through the joint discussion by the international community. China stands ready to conduct and deepen exchanges and cooperation on cross-border data flow with other parties on the basis of the initiative, and we welcome support from all parties for this initiative.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 20, 2024) 

♦  数据跨境流动对于各国电子商务、数字贸易乃至经济科技文化等诸多方面至关重要,不仅可以有效降低贸易成本,提高企业开展国际贸易的能力,还有助于促进贸易便利化,加快产业数字化转型,弥合数字鸿沟,实现以数据流动为牵引的新型全球化。 

Cross-border data flows are vital to e-commerce, digital trade, and various aspects of global economic, technological and cultural activities. It can reduce trade cost, enhance companies' capacity to engage in international trade, facilitate trade processes, accelerate industrial digitalization, bridge the digital divide, and foster a new type of globalization driven by data flows.  (Global Cross-border Data Flow Cooperation Initiative_全球数据跨境流动合作倡议_2024_11_19) 

♦  对于外资企业普遍关注的数据跨境流动问题,国家网信办公布了《规范和促进数据跨境流动规定(征求意见稿)》,正在向全社会公开征求意见。 

Regarding the issue of cross-border flow of data that foreign-funded enterprises are generally concerned about, the Cyberspace Administration of China has published the Rules on Regulating and Promoting Cross-border Flow of Data (Draft for Comment), which is now soliciting public comments.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_November 9, 2023) 

♦  我们既主动发声,就数据跨境流动、出口管制、知识产权保护、贸易便利化等外资企业的热点关注进行政策解读,也问计于企业,听取企业对改善营商环境的意见建议,增强政企互信,凝聚共识。 

We not only take the initiative to speak up, but also provide policy interpretations on the widely-shared concerns of foreign-invested enterprises, such as cross-border data flow, export control, intellectual property protection and trade facilitation, and also seek the opinion of enterprises, hear their comments and suggestions on improving the business environment, enhance mutual trust between government and enterprises, and build consensus.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_November 9, 2023)

数字贸易  [shù zì mào yì]  digital trade: 

Event quote:


Digital trade has become a new trend in international trade and a new engine for economic development. In recent years, China's digital trade has boomed and maintained rapid growth. In the first three quarters of 2024, China's import and export of digitally deliverable services reached 2.13 trillion yuan, up 5.3 percent year on year; cross-border e-commerce import and export reached 1.88 trillion yuan, up 11.5 percent year on year, both reaching record highs. In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will vigorously implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to promote the reform and innovation of digital trade. We will focus on four key words. The first key word is policy. We will intensify policy support for the development of digital trade. We will work with relevant departments and local governments to implement the Guidelines on the Reform, Innovation and Development of Digital Trade. We will accelerate the formulation of digital trade standards and promote their internationalization. We will establish a sound digital trade statistics and monitoring system. The second key word is entity. We will foster more business entities in digital trade with strong innovation and international competitiveness. We will also foster small and medium-sized digital trade enterprises that are external oriented and have unique competitive advantages, and help them become specialized and sophisticated SMEs. The third key word is openness. We will promote institutional openness in digital trade. We will relax market access in the digital sector and encourage foreign investment in the digital sector. We will improve the governance system of cross-border data flows, and promote and regulate cross-border data flows. We will work on the implementation of the negative list for cross-border trade in services. The fourth key word is cooperation. We will deepen international cooperation. We will actively participate in the WTO e-commerce negotiations, and actively advance accession to the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). We will deepen multilateral, bilateral and regional digital trade dialogue and cooperation with Central Asian countries, BRICS countries, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Belt and Road partner countries.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  商务部深入贯彻习近平总书记关于发展数字经济和数字贸易的重要论述,多措并举推动商务领域数字化发展。一是大力发展数字贸易。推动出台促进数字贸易改革创新发展的政策措施,做强做优国家数字服务出口基地,推进成立商务部数字贸易标准化技术委员会,加强数字贸易国际合作,与中亚五国经贸部门签署数字贸易领域合作谅解备忘录。2022年,我国可数字化交付的服务进出口额达3727亿美元,同比增长3.4%,居全球第五位。二是加快内贸流通数字化转型。强化示范带动作用,累计创建170家国家电子商务示范基地;大力发展农村电商,深入推动数商兴农;积极推动网络消费,全国实物网上零售额占社会消费品零售总额已超过26%。三是提升贸易投资数字化水平。跨境电商占外贸总额的比重由2015年的不到1%增长至2022年的5%,多次修订外资准入负面清单中的数字经济相关内容,推动有条件的自贸试验区对接国际高标准数字经济规则开展先行先试。四是推进数字领域国际合作和规则制定。积极拓展和深化“丝路电商”合作,已与29个国家建立双边电子商务合作机制。与18个国家签署数字经济投资合作备忘录,一批数字企业成功出海。目前我国已签署的21个自贸协定中,有10个设置了电子商务或数字经济专章,数字经济国际朋友圈不断扩大。数字贸易与货物贸易、服务贸易共同成为贸易强国的三大支柱。全球数字贸易博览会作为目前国内唯一以数字贸易为主题的国家级、国际性、专业型展会,是推动数字贸易改革创新发展的有力抓手,有利于联动各方共建市场、共促增长、共商合作、共享成果,为全球数字贸易发展贡献智慧和力量。第二届数贸会将于11月23-27日在浙江杭州举办,由商务部和浙江省共同主办,以“数字贸易商通全球”为主题,以“一体运营,数实融合”为特色,设置会议、展览、平台、活动四大板块,建设1个综合馆,前沿趋势和丝路电商2个特色馆,数字技术、数字服务、数字内容和数智出行4个数字产业馆。目前,第二届数贸会正在全面招商招展,我们诚挚邀请各方积极参与,共享平台,共促发展。 

MOFCOM has followed through President Xi Jinping’s important statements on developing digital economy and digital trade and taken multi-pronged measures to promote digitization of commerce. First, vigorously expanding digital trade. We have worked to introduce policies and measures to promote the reform and innovation-driven development of digital trade, strengthen and upgrade national digital service export bases, establish the digital trade standardization technical committee of the Ministry of Commerce, step up international cooperation on digital trade, and sign memorandums of understanding on digital trade cooperation with the economic and trade departments of the five Central Asian countries. In 2022, China’s imports and exports of digitally delivered services reached US$372.7 billion, up by 3.4% year-on-year, ranking the fifth in the world. Second, accelerating the digital transformation of domestic trade circulation. We have so far created 170 national e-commerce demonstration bases and given greater play to their exemplary and leading role. We have advanced rural e-commerce and further revitalized rural areas through digital commerce. We have stimulated online consumption, with online retail sales of physical goods accounting for more than 26% of the total retail sales of consumer goods nationwide. Third, raising the level of digitization in trade and investment. The proportion of cross-border e-commerce in total foreign trade has increased from less than 1% in 2015 to 5% in 2022. We have revised digital economy-related content in the negative list for foreign investment several times and encouraged pilot free trade zones where conditions allow to align with international high-standard digital economic rules. Fourth, promoting international cooperation and rule-making in the digital field. China has actively expanded and deepened cooperation on Silk Road e-commerce, and established bilateral e-commerce cooperation mechanisms with 29 countries. MOUs of investment cooperation on digital economy were signed with 18 countries, and a number of digital enterprises expanded into overseas market successfully. Among the 21 free trade agreements China has signed with its trading partners, 10 have a special chapter on e-commerce or digital economy. The global network of digital economic partnerships keeps expanding. Alongside trade in goods and trade in services, digital trade is one of the three pillars of a trader of quality. The Global Digital Trade Expo (GDTE), as China’s only national, international and professional exhibition on the theme of digital trade, focuses efforts on reform and innovation-driven development of digital trade, enables shared development of markets, promotion of growth, discussions on cooperation, and fruits for all, and contributes to greater development of global digital trade. The second GDTE, co-hosted by MOFCOM and Zhejiang Province, will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang from November 23 to 27. This year’s theme will continue to be “Connecting Digital Trade to the World”. Featuring integrated development of the digital and real economy, this year’s GDTE will incorporate meetings, exhibitions, platforms and activities, with one comprehensive pavilion, two feature pavilions on cutting-edge trends and silk road e-commerce, and four digital industry pavilions on digital technology, digital services, digital content and digital, smart travel. The second GDTE is now open for business registration and application. We extend our sincere welcome to all interested parties to jointly boost development on this platform.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 7, 2023) 

♦  近年来,商务部认真贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,会同相关部门出台了一系列推动服务贸易发展的政策措施,包括推进服务贸易创新发展、深化服务业扩大开放、加快服务外包转型升级、加强特色服务出口基地建设、大力发展数字贸易等。 

In recent years, MOFCOM has implemented the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in earnest and worked with related departments to introduce a slew of policy measures boosting services trade, including promoting innovative development of trade in services, deepening services liberalization, accelerating the transformation and upgrade of services outsourcing, strengthening the development of specialty services export bases, and developing digital trade with vigor, among others.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_August 17, 2023) 

♦  我们愿同巴方继续加强跨境电子商务和数字贸易合作,支持更多巴基斯坦优质特色产品进入中国市场,用实实在在的行动推动双边经贸合作高质量发展,为两国人民带来更多福祉。 

We stand ready to work with Pakistan to step up cooperation on cross-border e-commerce and digital trade, facilitate more premium Pakistani specialties in entering China’s market, take real actions to promote high-quality development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation and bring more benefits to the two peoples.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 28, 2021) 

♦  我们将提高开放水平,在全国推进实施跨境服务贸易负面清单,探索建设国家服务贸易创新发展示范区;我们将扩大合作空间,加大对共建“一带一路”国家服务业发展的支持,同世界共享中国技术发展成果;我们将加强服务领域规则建设,支持北京等地开展国际高水平自由贸易协定规则对接先行先试,打造数字贸易示范区;我们将继续支持中小企业创新发展,深化新三板改革,设立北京证券交易所,打造服务创新型中小企业主阵地。 

We will open up at a higher level, by implementing across the country a negative list for cross-border services trade and by exploring the development of national demonstration zones for the innovative development of trade in services. We will create more possibilities for cooperation, by scaling up support for the growth of the services sector in Belt and Road partner countries and by sharing China's technological achievements with the rest of the world. We will further improve rules for the services sector, by supporting Beijing and other localities in piloting the alignment of domestic rules with the ones in high-standard international free trade agreements and in building demonstration zones of digital trade. We will continue to support the innovation-driven development of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), by deepening the reform of the New Third Board (National Equities Exchange and Quotations) and setting up a Beijing Stock Exchange as the primary platform serving innovation-oriented SMEs.  (Xi Jinping_Remarks at Global Trade in Services Summit of 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services_ 习近平在2021年中国国际服务贸易交易会全球服务贸易峰会上的致辞_2021_09_02)

四个相结合  [sì gè xiāng jié hé]  four combinations: 


Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the fourth BRI symposium, making a comprehensive plan to promote the high-quality development of BRI at present and in the future. MOFCOM will earnestly study and implement the guiding principles of the speech, adhere to the “four combination” and “three coordination”, as well as the “nine improvement” in terms of mechanism building, and further promote the high-quality development of BRI mechanism in the trade and economic field, constantly expanding the new space for win-win development.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024)

  [tī]  antimony: 

Event quote:

... 对锑相关物项实施出口管制系国际通行做法。中国借鉴国际做法,并根据自身需要,对锑有关物项实施出口管制,旨在更好维护国家安全、履行防扩散等国际义务。自2024年9月15日对锑相关物项实施列管以来,已累计收到多份锑相关物项出口许可申请,目前正在按照程序进行审核。自2024年9月15日对锑相关物项实施列管以来,已累计收到多份锑相关物项出口许可申请,目前正在按照程序进行审核。中国政府坚定维护世界和平和周边地区稳定,保障全球产业链供应链安全,促进合规贸易发展。同时,反对任何国家和地区利用来自中国的管制物项,从事损害中国国家主权、安全、发展利益的活动。 

... it is international customary practice to impose export control on antimony-related products. Borrowing from international customary practices and based on its own need, China imposes export control on antimony-related products to better protect its national security and fulfill non-proliferation and other international obligations. Since the imposition of export control on antimony-related products on September 15, we have received many applications for export licenses and are reviewing them in accordance with procedures. For those applications that meet the requirements, we will grant the licenses accordingly. The Chinese government is firmly committed to safeguarding world peace and regional stability, ensuring safety of global industrial and supply chains, and promoting trade that is consistent with compliance requirements. At the same time, it opposes any activity undertaken by any country or region that jeopardizes China’s national sovereign ty, security and development interests using controlled items from China.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  8月15日,商务部、海关总署联合发布公告,决定对部分锑、超硬材料相关物项实施出口管制。上述政策将于9月15日起正式施行。锑、超硬材料相关物项,具有明显的军民两用属性。中国借鉴国际通行做法,并根据自身需要,对有关物项实施出口管制,旨在更好维护国家安全、履行防扩散等国际义务。相关政策不针对任何特定国家和地区。出口符合相关规定的,将予以许可。 

On August 15 [2024], the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued a notice to impose export controls on items related to antimony and superhard materials, starting from September 15. Items related to antimony and superhard materials are clearly dual-use items. According to international practices and to meet its own needs, China imposes export control on related items to safeguard national security and fulfill international non-proliferation obligation. These policies do not intend to pick on any specific country or region. Exports that meet relevant requirements will be approved.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_August 22, 2024)

中华人民共和国出口管制法  [zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó chū kǒu guǎn zhì fǎ]  Law on Export Control of the People’s Republic of China  中方依据《中华人民共和国出口管制法》《中华人民共和国两用物项出口管制条例》等法律法规,决定加强有关两用物项对美国出口管制,是维护自身安全和发展利益、履行防扩散等国际义务的合理举措。  In accordance with the Law on Export Control of the People’s Republic of China and the Regulations on Export Control of Dual-use Items of the People’s Republic of China, China has decided to step up control of relevant dual-use item exports to the U.S., which is a reasonable measure for China to protect its own security and development interests and fulfill non-proliferation and other international obligations.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024)

中华人民共和国两用物项出口管制条例  [zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó liǎng yòng wù xiàng chū kǒu guǎn zhì tiáo lì]  Regulations on Export Control of Dual-use Items of the People’s Republic of China: 


In accordance with the Law on Export Control of the People’s Republic of China and the Regulations on Export Control of Dual-use Items of the People’s Republic of China, China has decided to step up control of relevant dual-use item exports to the U.S., which is a reasonable measure for China to protect its own security and development interests and fulfill non-proliferation and other international obligations.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024)          

专精特新企业  [zhuān jīng tè xīn qǐ yè]  specialized and sophisticated enterprise: 

Event quote:


We will foster more business entities in digital trade with strong innovation and international competitiveness. We will also foster small and medium-sized digital trade enterprises that are external oriented and have unique competitive advantages, and help them become specialized and sophisticated SMEs.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 5, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  加强投资领域国际合作,巩固龙头大企业投资,吸引更多“专精特新”中小企业投资,推动引资来源地和投资主体多元化。 

International cooperation on investment will be strengthened to firm up the investment of industrial champions and attract more investment from small and medium-sized cutting-edge companies for more diversified sources of investment and investors.  (MOFCOM Holds Press Briefing on Measures for Encouraging Foreign Investment in Establishing Research and Development Centers_ January 19, 2023) 

♦  企业活力持续迸发,经济效益明显提升,一批优秀企业、大国重器成为国家名片,一大批“专精特新”中小企业加快涌现,有望成为“明日之星”。 

Companies generated more vitality and improved their cost-effectiveness. A number of outstanding companies and key equipment have become a calling card of China. A batch of small and medium-sized companies with high growth potential, advanced technology, strong market competitive edges as well as single-product specialists emerged more quickly and showed a promising outlook.  (SCIO briefing on ensuring stability a priority while making new progress in high-quality development_2022_03_07) 

♦  着力培育“专精特新”企业,在资金、人才、孵化平台搭建等方面给予大力支持。 

We will work to nurture specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products and provide them with more support in terms of funding, personnel, and development of business incubation platforms.  (政府工作报告_2022)

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