Spend your Summer with your Family!!!
Have you wondered what we do: We share! We share about an amazing brand that is changing skin and changing lives. I wash my face and talk about it! Everyone is talking about R+F products because they are AMAZING!!!
What DON'T we do? We don't carry inventory. We don't take orders or collect money. We certainly don't fight traffic to make deliveries! The minute you sign up you get a website. Customers place orders there, and it's shipped via FedEx directly to their door. And let's say you don't know much about skincare...that's OK. Every consultant has a link to a personalized Solution Tool that walks prospective customers through a dermatologic consult and recommends products from our line based on their answers to those questions- You can begin competently and confidently from DAY 1.
#RFRoadto1 #KeepCalmAndLoveYourSkin #ChangingSkinChangingLives