"If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."
"If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."
The teaching and the leading of the Spirit is first given in the life, not the mind. The life is stirred and strengthened: the life becomes the light. As conformity to this world and its spirit is crucified and dies, and as we deliberately deny the will of the flesh, we are renewed in the spirit of our mind, and so the mind becomes able to prove and know the good and perfect and acceptable will of God.
Only the spiritual mind can discern spiritual things and receive the leading of the Spirit...Paul said to the Corinthians, that because, though born again, they were still carnal, babes in Christ.
The leading of the Spirit does not begin in the region of thought or feeling (the soul). Deeper down, in the hidden life of the spirit of man, from which issues the power that molds the will and fashions the character, there the Holy Spirit takes up residence, beathes, moves, and impels.
"That you may be filled with knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding."
To enjoy the leading of the Spirit requires a teachable servants mind. The Spirit is not only hindered by the flesh as the power that commits sin, but even more by the flesh as the power that seeks to serve God.
Faith may not judge by what it feels or understands, but submits to God and allows Him to do what He has promised. It meditates and worships, it prays and trusts, it yields the whole soul in adoring acceptance and thanksgiving to the Savior's word "He will be in you." - A. Murray.