Standing-Up & Self-Worth in 4!
Stand Up! What a powerful two words when said together… it represents strength, dignity, pride, honor, and grit! There are times in life when we feel compelled to Stand Up… standing for ourselves, our dignity, or to right an injustice. No one is exempt from injustice and the bumps and bruises that life will deal out from time to time; Standing Up and enhancing our self-worth doesn’t promise to be pretty… sometimes it’s just necessary. If you need to or decide to Stand Up… the goal is to come out the other side better not bitter!
First – The most important and guiding principal to remember before, during, and after you stand for your cause is… Remembering (in most cases) you have allowed it. Obviously, there are awful life-events that are beyond your control, however most of the things you are upset about are within your control and we allow them to happen to us regularly. You picked your significant other as much as they picked you… and YOU continue to stay. YOU picked your job that pays you bi-weekly, and you continue to stay. YOU had your children and allow them their routine and ways in which they interact with you. I can go on… but I’m sure you understand. This first thing to acknowledge is… your consistent actions or inaction has compounded and led to where you are now, what you are receiving, and how you are feeling. So, before we stand, blame, and attack… this soul-searching first step will temper your response and allow your decisions to be beneficial not spiteful. People tend to treat YOU the way YOU allow.
Second – Raise Your Value! This step makes sense to do all throughout the process, but tremendously valuable after accepting personal responsibility for our lives and current standing. Before we decide to Stand Up, set boundaries, and make request… we benefit from knowing the greatness that resides inside of all of us, the personal attributes we value, and improving ourselves in the roles we play!
If you don’t know what you do Great, Good, and Need to improve on as a Person, Partner, Parent, and Professional… you need to! If you don’t know… get humble and ask… because the world, your significant other, your kids, and your boss, your employees have an answer. Our job is not to defend or fight their answer, it’s to listen in silence, evaluate their answer… and choose to implement into our lives. Raising your value will lead you to feeling truly better about YOU, allow positive opportunities to come to you instead of you always chasing it, and increases your bargaining power in all relationships… as great character, great knowledge, and a great willingness is a combination that cannot be denied and will take you far in your current relationship with yourself, your partner, your job… or the next!
Third – Stand Up! Yes, there are times when “enough is just enough” when we are compelled to stand up, yell out, and make a scene. Hopefully you and I don’t have to be in too many of these situations. This Blog is not about those situations. Stand Up is number tree here… as it involves setting boundaries and advocating for yourself. Setting boundaries are personal and can be a tough thing to do; especially if it’s your first time doing it! Whatever boundary you are setting, be sure it is reasonable, doable, and YOU ARE ABLE TO ENFORCE IT.
Is your boundary reasonable… You know the people in your life and the job you work… is your new boundary reasonable for the way you know things to really be? For example: you want a $15,000 raise, knowing you work in a company that is financially struggling. Is your Stand and Boundary doable for the people in your life… you know them, what they are capable of, and their beliefs… is your boundary doable for them? Lastly, are you able to enforce the new boundary? For example… your kids mouth back at you, you have stood and declared a new boundary. You punish them for a month of no technology and no outside (as if kids go outside, Lol!). Now, they are in the house with you… driving you crazy, fighting with each other, and now you have a whole new problem to deal with that you did not expect. So, you let them have their games back to spare yourself the agony. Big Fail!!! We must be aware of our limitations as well as the people we want from; being able to assess our demands and boundaries reasonably for the situation, doable for who the people are, and enforceable by YOU.
Fourth – Move Forward with Understanding. Remember, the “New You” is new to the “Old Them”. You have been processing this change within you, what you needed, what you wanted, read this article, and have been in the process of thinking, feeling, and doing… they have not… or they may have been doing their own process of want and need the same or opposite from you! This is all new to them and came out of the blue like a Mack Truck! Just as you needed time to process… they (your partner, kids, job, etc.) need time to adjust. They are not going to all of the sudden become or act like the picture you see, want, or think you deserve that is in your head. It’s a new habit for them to create, they need to evaluate if they want to, the benefit or lack thereof, and stumble through the process as you are. This step will save you frustration and rash decisions made out of emotion. It’s important to note; these are relationships we are talking about: partners, kids, parents, and jobs… at any point… people can leave and so can you. Standing Up doesn’t promise to be pretty… sometimes it’s just necessary. If you need to or decide to Stand Up… do your best to come out the other side Better not Bitter!
“Self-Worth is YOUR responsibility… not the world’s. Have your vision, be consistent in your smart and hard efforts, do love, and EVOLVE!” – Andre Young
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written by: Andre Young