Start the year off strong
It's January again 😊
I hope you had a restful break and are ready to jump back into the swing of things.
Right now you might be full of energy...
Or... coming back to work may have you feeling more like this…
No judgment here! After all, no two holiday breaks are the same.
If you’re feeling a bit sluggish, this article from Harvard Business Review might give you and your team a pick-me-up.
A couple of insights that stand out are:
Celebrate a (tiny) win – “recognising a tiny victory can change the trajectory of your work and lift your spirits”.
Set firm boundaries around whom you allow into your space – “only spend time with people who make you feel good (even if it’s just one person)”.
True, we're talking about work here, but if you can, make an effort to limit your exposure to naysayers or, view a challenging relationship as an opportunity to learn and grow (see more on this below).
And in the spirit of giving back, if you have team members who need a boost, supporting them may give you the lift you need.
Last quarter was active and enjoyable. There were keynotes in Athens, Amsterdam, The Hague and around the UK.
We also developed some new talks, requested by clients, including 'Embracing a Speak Up Culture' and 'Strategies for overcoming Resistance to DEI Initiatives'. So it was great to enjoy some q-u-i-e-t time over the holidays including being in bed before midnight on New Year’s Eve. It’s the latest trend, don’t you know?? 🤣
During part of last year, we had an unfortunate technical issue with our email service. Our newsletter goes out to both our mailing list and LinkedIn following, so the issue resulted in us not sending newsletters as often as I’d have liked.
We plan to email and publish at least monthly from now on with content that explores and provides insights into:
And their areas of overlap. I hope you’ll stay with me for the journey! 🤗
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Elon Musk suggested that DEI should DIE, but I don't think it's going anywhere any time soon, despite challenges.
So what's the DEI outlook for 2024?
This article is well worth reading and contains plenty of implementable ideas and suggestions.
My team and I are excited to serve clients old and new, and this quarter, we're getting ready for International Women’s Day and International Women's Month, which is always a busy time for us.
This year's theme is 'Inspire Inclusion'. If you’re looking for a practical, high-vibes keynote to celebrate IWD at your company, here's our brochure: with four different inclusion-themed talks to choose from.
On a more serious note, it’s difficult to ignore the extent of conflict and division in the world at the moment. Anything that helps us acknowledge our diversity while maintaining respect, kindness and warmth towards each other is a huge benefit. It may not bring about world peace, but let's all be the change we want to see. That’s why I’ve selected this article from Forbes about keeping a positive relationship with colleagues, even when you don’t see eye to eye.
Nine members of the Young Entrepreneur Council discuss strategies for dealing with disagreements in the office, and how these methods can help the conversation move forward.
Work is one of the few areas in life where we're in regular, prolonged contact with people who might test our patience and have views diametrically opposed to our own. Instead of resenting this, let's use it as an opportunity to develop our human skills of tolerance, empathy and finding common ground.
I hope something here has been useful to you.
Have a great January, and please reach out anytime. Maybe you have content suggestions for this newsletter, or news of your own you'd like to share :)
Here are a few things you might want to do after reading this newsletter:
Another great news letter with lots of food for thought xx
Actively Seeking Role in Global Alliances/Partnerships | Experienced in Strategic Alliances, Partnerships, and Business Development | Strong Communicator & Collaborator | Passionate about Personal Growth
1yGood stuff Shola! Wishing you all the best for a cracking 2024. It's going to be a big year.