Reinventing Yourself: The Journey of Moving Abroad
"The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are." John P. Morgan

Reinventing Yourself: The Journey of Moving Abroad

Life is a journey, a winding path of experiences, decisions, and unforeseen circumstances. Along this journey, there comes a time when many of us contemplate the idea of starting anew. We've all been there. You've realised that life isn't what you thought it would be, and now you're ready for a change.

In my role as the community lead and co-founder of the largest network of professional women in the Algarve, expat women from 37 countries, I have a deep appreciation for meaningful conversations and a genuine curiosity about others' stories. This has led me to have the extraordinary opportunity to conduct in-depth discussions, host podcasts, and conduct research and interviews with fellow expatriates. Each of them has shared their unique stories of transformation and reinvention. These conversations have not only expanded my horizons but have also served as the catalyst for this article. They've propelled me to explore the profound and often deeply personal reasons why individuals, not only in Portugal but across the globe, seek fresh starts in their lives.

Whether prompted by dissatisfaction with our current situations, unfulfilled dreams, or a simple desire for change, the concept of embarking on a fresh chapter in life is a universal phenomenon. In this extensive exploration, we delve into the various factors that drive individuals to seek a new life. From the need for personal growth to the external pressures of societal expectations, the motivations behind this inclination to start over are multifaceted.

“Until you get dissatisfied, you won’t do anything to really move your life to another level. Dissatisfaction is a gem. If you’re totally satisfied, you’re going to get comfortable. And then your life begins to deteriorate.” Tony Robbins


Dissatisfaction with the Present:

The realisation that one's life has not unfolded as anticipated is a common trigger for desiring a fresh start. It could be a job that doesn't align with one's passion, a stagnant relationship, or a general sense of unfulfillment. The discomfort of being stuck in an unsatisfying situation can propel individuals to consider radical changes.

This dissatisfaction often festers over time. It may start as a nagging feeling in the background, a subtle realization that something is amiss in one's life. As days turn into months and months into years, the sense of discontent can become increasingly pronounced. People may ask themselves, "Is this all there is to life?" This contemplation can be both unsettling and motivating.

As individuals ponder their dissatisfaction, they may recognize the misalignment between their current circumstances and their dreams. Perhaps they once aspired to be an artist but ended up in a corporate job. Maybe they envisioned a life full of adventure but settled into a routine that offers little excitement. This stark contrast between their aspirations and reality becomes a catalyst for change, driving them to seek a new beginning that aligns with their true desires.

The beginning is always today.

Career Dissatisfaction:

Many of us spend a significant portion of our lives at work, and job satisfaction greatly impacts overall well-being. However, sometimes we find ourselves in professions that fail to ignite our passions. The monotony of a job that no longer challenges or fulfills can prompt the desire for a career change.

Career dissatisfaction often manifests as a persistent feeling of discontent when the alarm clock rings each morning. It's the sinking sensation in the pit of one's stomach as they face another day of uninspiring tasks. It's the knowledge that one's skills and potential are underutilized, and there's more to offer the world.

For some, the desire for a new career begins with a simple question: "Am I truly happy with what I do?" This question can serve as the spark that ignites the pursuit of a fresh start. It's a question that prompts self-reflection and forces individuals to confront the misalignment between their current job and their passions.

Moreover, career dissatisfaction is not merely about the work itself but also the work environment. Toxic workplaces, unappreciative bosses, or a lack of work-life balance can all contribute to a desire for change. Individuals often realize that their mental and emotional well-being is far too valuable to sacrifice for a job that doesn't fulfill them.

The decision to seek a new career path is not taken lightly. It involves evaluating one's skills, interests, and values to determine a better fit. It may require further education, training, or networking. Nevertheless, the pursuit of career satisfaction is a driving force that compels individuals to embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling professional life.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Herman Hesse

Relationship Stagnation:

Human connections are vital to our happiness, yet relationships can sometimes lose their vitality over time. Partnerships that no longer provide emotional nourishment or growth opportunities can lead to the desire for a new beginning, either through personal growth or the pursuit of new relationships.

Relationships, whether romantic or platonic, are dynamic entities that require nurturing and growth. Over time, the initial spark that brought two people together may dim. The routines of daily life can replace excitement with predictability, and emotional connection can wane.

The realization that a relationship has become stagnant is often accompanied by feelings of frustration and longing for something more. Individuals may yearn for the deep emotional connection they once had with a partner or the thrill of discovering a new romance. This desire for renewed connection or novel experiences can be a potent driver for seeking a fresh start in the realm of relationships.

It's essential to recognize that the pursuit of a new beginning in relationships can take various forms. Some individuals may choose to work on their existing relationships through open communication, counseling, or personal growth. Others may decide that the most meaningful change comes from exploring new relationships that align more closely with their evolving desires and needs.

The true essence of life.

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Overall Unfulfillment:

Beyond specific facets of life, a general feeling of unfulfillment can pervade every aspect. When life lacks purpose or excitement, individuals may seek to reinvigorate their existence by exploring fresh opportunities.

This overarching sense of unfulfillment often stems from a broader dissatisfaction with the trajectory of one's life. It's the feeling that one is merely going through the motions, lacking a sense of purpose or passion. It's the recognition that life, as it currently stands, falls short of what was once envisioned.

People experiencing this profound sense of unfulfillment often yearn for more. They yearn for a life that resonates with their values and aspirations, a life that fills them with a sense of purpose and excitement. This desire can be the driving force behind the quest for a new beginning.

The pursuit of fulfillment is a profound journey that goes beyond the superficial desire for change. It involves introspection, self-discovery, and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. It requires individuals to ask themselves profound questions about their values, passions, and aspirations. Through this process, they can identify areas of their lives that require transformation to align with their true selves.

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

 The Quest for Personal Growth:

Human beings possess an innate drive for personal development. This internal force often compels us to seek new challenges and experiences as we strive to become better versions of ourselves. The pursuit of personal growth is a powerful motivator for embracing change.

Personal growth is a journey of self-improvement, a quest to maximize one's potential and evolve as an individual. It's an acknowledgment that there is always room for improvement, that stagnation is contrary to human nature. This drive for growth fuels the desire for a new beginning, as individuals seek opportunities for self-improvement and self-discovery.

The pursuit of personal growth often begins with a deep understanding of one's strengths and weaknesses. It involves setting meaningful goals, pushing beyond comfort zones, and embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and development. This drive to become a better version of oneself can extend to all aspects of life, from career and relationships to hobbies and personal passions.

Furthermore, the quest for personal growth is intrinsically tied to the desire for a new beginning. It propels individuals forward, urging them to explore uncharted territories, acquire new skills, and foster a growth-oriented mindset. Ultimately, it is the pursuit of personal growth that underpins many of the transformations people seek when they embark on the journey toward a fresh start.

"Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now."

The Learning Mindset:

Individuals with a growth mindset understand that challenges and failures are stepping stones to growth. They actively seek new experiences, knowledge, and skills to expand their horizons and evolve as individuals.

The concept of a growth mindset is deeply rooted in the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. People with this mindset embrace challenges as opportunities for learning, viewing failures not as dead ends but as valuable lessons on the path to improvement.

For those who yearn for a new beginning, the learning mindset is a driving force. They recognize that personal growth and transformation require continuous learning and adaptation. They are eager to explore new avenues, acquire fresh knowledge, and develop skills that will propel them toward their desired future.

This mindset fosters a sense of curiosity and resilience. It enables individuals to confront obstacles with a sense of optimism, knowing that each challenge is an opportunity for self-discovery and advancement. It propels them toward embracing change as a means of self-improvement and personal evolution.

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

Overcoming Setbacks:

Setbacks and failures are inevitable in life. Those who yearn for a new beginning often view these setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Overcoming adversity can lead to newfound strength and resilience.

Life is replete with moments of adversity, where carefully laid plans unravel, and unforeseen challenges emerge. These setbacks can be disheartening, but they can also be transformative. Those who seek a fresh start understand that overcoming adversity often leads to personal growth.

In the face of setbacks, individuals may discover untapped reserves of strength and resilience within themselves. They learn valuable lessons about perseverance, adaptability, and the importance of bouncing back from failure. These experiences can be profound catalysts for change, inspiring individuals to reassess their life's direction and pursue new opportunities.

It's in the crucible of setbacks that people often find the resolve to chart a different course, one that aligns more closely with their evolving aspirations. The desire to turn setbacks into stepping stones toward a brighter future is a potent motivator for those seeking a new beginning.

“If the wine is not good, then throw it out!” Michelangelo

Embracing the Present:

The uncertainty of life's duration prompts individuals to savour the present moment and make the most of their time. This heightened awareness can lead to a desire for transformative change.

Life's impermanence is a profound and often sobering realization. The uncertainty of how much time one has left on this journey through existence can serve as a powerful catalyst for change. Embracing the present moment becomes a priority, and individuals are driven to make the most of the time they have.

For those who yearn for a new beginning, the motivation often lies in the recognition that the present is a precious gift. This awareness propels them to seek transformative change as a means of fully experiencing and embracing the richness of life. The desire for a fresh start is fueled by the profound understanding that each moment is a chance to rewrite one's story.

Becoming Unbecoming


The Bucket List Mentality:

Many people maintain a mental list of experiences and achievements they wish to fulfill before the end of their days. This "bucket list" mentality drives them to seek new adventures and experiences.

The concept of a bucket list is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for aspiration and adventure. It represents a compilation of dreams and desires waiting to be realized. For those who carry such a list, the desire for a new beginning is intricately linked to the pursuit of these dreams.

A bucket list mentality is a powerful motivator. It inspires individuals to take proactive steps toward making their aspirations a reality. Whether it involves traveling to exotic destinations, mastering a new skill, or undertaking daring adventures, the desire for a fresh start is often driven by the determination to check off items from this list and create a life filled with meaningful experiences.


Navigating Life's Unexpected Twists:

Life is replete with unexpected twists and turns, some delightful and others challenging. These unforeseen circumstances can necessitate a new beginning, whether by choice or necessity.

Life's unpredictability is a constant reminder that change is the only certainty. Unexpected events can take myriad forms, from joyful surprises like unexpected opportunities and windfalls to more challenging twists such as health crises or unforeseen losses.

When individuals find themselves navigating life's unexpected twists, they may be thrust into situations where a fresh start is not just an option but a necessity. These circumstances can be daunting, but they also offer a unique opportunity for reinvention. The desire for transformative change often emerges from the need to adapt and thrive in the face of life's unpredictability.


Forced Change:

Events such as job loss, health crises, or the end of a significant relationship can thrust individuals into situations where they must start anew. Adapting to these changes can be both daunting and invigorating.

Forced change can be a formidable catalyst for a new beginning. It disrupts the status quo, propelling individuals out of their comfort zones and into uncharted territory. Whether it's the sudden loss of a job, a health crisis, or the dissolution of a long-standing relationship, these events can be both emotionally challenging and transformative.

In the wake of such upheavals, the desire for a fresh start often arises from the need to rebuild and rediscover one's sense of self. It's a response to the void left by what was lost and the recognition that life must go on, albeit on a different path. Forced change, while initially unsettling, can ultimately lead to personal growth, resilience, and a newfound determination to create a better future.


“As long as I have a want, I have a reason for living. Satisfaction is death.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

Serendipitous Opportunities:

On the flip side, unexpected opportunities can present themselves, offering a chance for a fresh start. These opportunities may come in the form of a new job offer, a chance encounter, or a sudden windfall.

Life has a way of presenting unexpected gifts in the form of serendipitous opportunities. These moments of synchronicity and chance encounters can change the course of one's life. For those who are open to seizing these opportunities, they can serve as a doorway to a fresh start.

Whether it's a new job offer that aligns with one's passions, a fortuitous meeting that sparks a new relationship, or a windfall that provides newfound freedom, these moments are often seen as a sign that change is not just welcome but necessary. Serendipity becomes a driving force, encouraging individuals to embrace new beginnings and the possibilities they hold.

"If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree” Jim Rohn

The Pursuit of Authenticity:

Authenticity is the alignment of one's actions, values, and desires with their true self. Many individuals seek a new beginning to shed societal expectations and live a life that feels more genuine.

The quest for authenticity is a profound journey inward, a search for the core of one's being. When the actions and choices in life no longer resonate with one's true self, the desire for a fresh start arises. It's a yearning to break free from the constraints of societal norms and expectations and instead, craft a life that is a true reflection of one's values and desires.

Those who embark on the path to authenticity often find that it's not an easy road. It requires courage to defy conventions and embrace one's uniqueness. Yet, the reward is a life that feels more genuine, fulfilling, and in harmony with one's inner compass.

Healing and Closure:

Unresolved emotional wounds can hold individuals back. Pursuing a fresh start may involve seeking therapy, forgiveness, or closure to heal past scars.

Healing is an essential aspect of personal growth and renewal. Emotional wounds, whether from past relationships, traumatic experiences, or lingering regrets, can be impediments to progress. Pursuing a fresh start often necessitates a commitment to healing and closure.

For many, this means seeking professional therapy or counseling to address deep-seated issues. It can also involve the process of forgiveness, both of others and oneself. Healing and closure pave the way for a brighter future and a fresh start unburdened by the weight of the past.

Hiking with my family. "Simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in a complex world." Oscar Wilde


The desire to explore new places, cultures, and experiences drives many to start afresh in unfamiliar locations. Traveling or relocating can provide a sense of novelty and adventure.

Wanderlust, the intense desire to travel and explore the world, often leads individuals to seek fresh beginnings in distant or unfamiliar places. The allure of different cultures, landscapes, and experiences can be irresistible.

For those with wanderlust, the desire for a new beginning is intertwined with the excitement of discovery. It's an opportunity to immerse oneself in new environments, forge connections with people from diverse backgrounds, and create a life rich in multicultural experiences. Traveling or relocating becomes a means of satiating the soul's thirst for adventure.

"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list." - Susan Sontag


Overcoming Fear:

Fear is a formidable obstacle to change, yet it can also be a catalyst for transformation. Confronting and conquering fear often precede significant life changes.

Fear has the power to paralyze, keeping individuals locked in the confines of their comfort zones. Yet, it also possesses the potential to propel them toward profound transformation. The desire for a fresh start often involves the courageous act of confronting and conquering fear.

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of change itself can be formidable adversaries. However, many individuals recognize that growth and progress often lie on the other side of fear. Conquering fear becomes a rite of passage, a necessary step on the path to personal renewal.

Courageous Pursuits:

Embracing fear and stepping outside of one's comfort zone can lead to profound personal development. Those who face their fears head-on often discover newfound strengths and capabilities.

Courage is the companion of change. It's the inner strength that enables individuals to confront their fears and take bold steps toward a fresh start. Courageous pursuits are not devoid of fear but rather the embodiment of facing that fear head-on.

For those who embark on courageous pursuits, the desire for a fresh start becomes a testament to their resilience and determination. It's a willingness to embrace discomfort, confront challenges, and emerge from the experience with newfound strengths and capabilities. Courageous pursuits are transformative journeys that shape individuals into more resilient and empowered versions of themselves.



👋 Hi, I’m Kamila! I empower women to create a life of freedom by building businesses that reflect their passions and support a dream lifestyle.

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 #RelocatingToPortugal #LifeChanges #ReinventYourself #LifeAbroad #NewBeginnings






















Maureen Gilbert

Venture Partner Sybilla Masters Fund, Managing Director @ Phinevo LLC | MBA, CBAC, Author, Speaker


I need a greater why - the meaning behind the transition - so when it gets tough emotionally as it always will - I come back to the why of the decision to carry me through.

Paul Seibert

NetSuite, Shopify, BigCommerce and Klaviyo at SCG Team


There were times when the reasons for change weren't immediately clear, and the purpose behind it all remained elusive. It often took time for me to discern the meaning, to recognize the growth and lessons hidden within the journey.

Mallikarjuna Iytha

Founder & CEO @ IDEA | Social Entrepreneur


Wow, this really resonates with me. Been feeling stuck lately, and the idea of starting anew is becoming more tempting. It's comforting to know that others have felt the same way and found the courage to make a change. Maybe it's time for me too.

Christian Herrero

Early-Stage Startup Fundraising Coach | Raised $40M


Stepping out of your comfort zone is not always easy but it has great benefits. Opening yourself to change will open many doors you never knew existed before.

Robert Weiss

Award winning NYC video production agency, over 1,600 videos produced for every business objective - VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO


It's a relief to see someone openly acknowledging that life doesn't always turn out as expected. The fear of the unknown is holding many back. Your next article should address how to overcome that fear when starting a new chapter. Thanks, Kamila.

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