Starting a New Project
Something New Under the Sun

Starting a New Project

I extend the ideas presented below through my book:

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Hermeneutics in Agile Systems Development

When starting a new “project” [project refers to a new analysis and development of some subject matter], there is some structure to my efforts, but even for just a starting structure the contexts need to be anticipated and any structure preceded by some kind of recognition of these contexts. The context of the issues involved need to be recognized. This is not the standard context with a blatantly simplistic context. Often those are represented in story after story and and beats everything and everyone down into the same one scene - one act play. Real context is more complex but also more meaningful.

The Context is The Transcendental and The Transcendental is the Context

We Move From Structured Methodology to Context as The Transcendental

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Spiral Methodology

To define the structure of the project beyond “we will do an archeological layering” [or what is called a murder board in a murder mystery], is death [murder] to the project. Insisting early on [often by bosses] that the project follows these [1, 2, 3, 4, . . . ] processes is definitely murdering the project. The practice of no or minimal contextual study [say done without archeological layering and language action analysis] creates a cookie cutter project. You end up doing the exact same thing over and over and achieve the same results - failure - boring failure. Since the structure has been proved by use [failure after failure] it is considered absolute. We know how to do it that way, so that feels good.

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Archeological layering is needed because evaluating the place or context of entities assumes that “somethings” [da kine] have context, which is or effects their meaning. The layering is done like an archeological dig is layered. At first the relationship between entities is assumed to be as minimal as possible [such as - they were near each other] until we see the larger picture. As the “picture” builds, we can see the contextual links between the somethings [da kine] clearer.

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Murder [or Suspect, or Detective String] Board

In the murder mystery you can easily read your murder [or suspect, or detective string] board and realize the next steps in solving the crime. A well done archeological layering will do the same thing for a project. Note: clearly the steps forward then are based on the context [or evidence] not some structural ordered process specified before we know enough about the project [in the murder mystery the D.A. chooses a person to be guilty and only looks for evidence that convicts that person {this is the structured methodology} - the amateur detectives are forced to find the real killer using less structured {context or evidence based} methods]. Each project “murder board” would look different, and depend on the particulars of the project. But it would use this kind of pinned pictures, notes, and lists combined with linking by strings and other methodologies to combine multiple da kine of items and samples [like evidence] on a scrapbook like cork board. And the main part of the use of a Murder Board is to discuss the project between various participants.

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Murder [or Suspect, or Detective String] Board

As the project thought progresses from analysis to development, language action is needed to insure the somethings we choose to develop around and the terms [words or names] we use to point at them are as meaningful as possible for the needs of our project and the people involved. A key here, in the language action process, is that the entities and names are as meaningful as possible to “everyone” associated with the project. “Talk Story” to participants will reveal how these folks talk about things; which reveals how they think about things. If the project research is web based search we meed to include various sources of information from various related areas of study. This helps to broaden the terminology that is available to choose from and we can develop a language base that is recognizable to a larger group of people.

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Language action processes require discussions with as many that are involved in the project as possible [managers, employees, customers, technical service technicians]. These interviews need to avoid technical jargon [which could reduce design choices later] and any reference to specific design details. The important part of the conversation is “talk story” a Hawaiian Pidgin term for just telling stories to each other; like Thanksgiving dinner talk. The idea is to know as much as possible about the people who have a stake in this project. Free open talk - but with the goal of understanding the viewpoints and capabilities of the members of the project population - yields the best understanding of what the project designers need to know. Who are these folks and what do they think this project is about? What do they want the project to be?

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The language action action portion involves seeking what others are writing [or saying] about this subject, from any source that is immediately available. I am concerned about what is important to others on this subject. Whether I agree or disagree with their opinions, their opinions will not be in my article in most cases anyway; but I need to know what the issues are that they consider important, and how important those issues are. In the process, I want to understand the “vernacular” of the area of study - implying that I analyze a depth of viewpoints related to the subject.

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In recent practice many voices you hear are just parrots, which are often of, simplistic already tried and failed solutions. When I see this recital of recent professor’s sermons on the issue I do need to recognize that many hold that view; but I don’t bother reading the whole reference; since I just read that a few minutes ago. The talk here is obviously parrot talk, the opinion is made worthless by the complete lack of any thinking. The professors that play this game should know the world is listening and people find it difficult to hire the people they have made unable to think.

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Analyzing Analysis

For my writing of articles on analysis methods, I use a similar but altered methodology. In a sense I am layering the layering process in order to write about it. So I start the process at an earlier stage. When I have an idea about something to write about but before defining it concretely, I am examining the context of the analysis of context.

Once you have gone through this beginning exercise you are ready and prepared to examine the context or contexts in and of your project. What are the contextual relationship of what you are including? You might also and very briefly analyze the contextual relationship with issues that are not included in the project - but only briefly and roughly [this is part of interdisciplinary analysis]. The reason for this last process is to see if these additional issues, or more likely an altered version of them, might need to be included.

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Originally this was a paint brush cleaning page. Valerie augmented it to make the abstract more meaningful. I added color changes in patches to make it more exciting.

You can recognize your project structure emerging as defined by the contexts. It might look like the picture above; where the the outlines of meaning are just beginning to emerge. I might write a brief outline - the murder board will have a skeleton of the more useful design details - and then start writing thoughts. This is not a typewriter, and modern word processors allow us to rewrite and move all kinds of texts quickly. So I just write until it stops making sense. Hopefully that is not to quickly. Then i start editing; which morphs into more writing. I consult the murder board or whatever I use for archeological layering. to me this is the post-structuralist way of organizing. A single concept is run through the cycle of analysis for writing. Then the next subject is covered. The main process is to continue deciding what to do next. Meaningful structure comes out of this by following what fits the murder board [the context], now. Structuralism decides what is to be done and then it is done at the beginning - before you know anything - and the result is a project with very little room for thinking. The mental effort is mostly making up excuses for why the project failed. The Post-Structuralist processing model os often referred to as a Spiral Model:

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A Spiral Model

A very important issue is the inclusion and exclusion of subjects in a project or report. For example: You can write 10 pages on the subject - you can write a 1,000 pages on a subject [if you really know a subject, that would be easy]. You are better off writing 10. So then what do you exclude. Basically, I try to keep a list, as da kine “somethings”, of all the subjects I might want to cover on this particular issue. I quickly throw out issues that might confuse the issue. By confuse I mean, there are many good issues on a subject that don’t contradict you but talking about them can cloud the issue rather than clarifying the issue. If something you say neither helps nor hinders - don’t say it. Particularly, in all of these things, there are some that are keys to my subject. Be sure to include them

For me interdisciplinary relationships are an interesting part of a full understanding of an issue. Most people ignore these issues because they chose to stay in their own discipline. That is what the disciplines are set up for. Interdisciplinary issues just happen to be my strength in looking at problem issues.

When mostly done writing - reread it four (4) times and correct errors each time, before you decide to “publish [whatever publish or making this public means]”. But then reread just before you publish. Ha, ha, ha . . . there will still be errors [it is not just you]. I knew people who never made mistakes - my grandfather said that they all die young.

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Codex Vaticanus

The Codex Vaticanus text is probably the worst job of copying a text in history. That would be the copy that I made. You can see it in the text page above. It was so bad it was never used. The positive side of it is that all the errors were corrected; but then the mess of the text correction made the text unusable as a church bible. So then it was locked up in a safe in the Vatican and was spared a lot of ware and tare.

After bringing up the problem of textual perfection, and as this is discussed by many scholars, I need to give my viewpoint. I brought this up because your texts or other publishing materials are never “perfect” since there are a gazillion critics and each has a different axe to grind. Hopefully you will come close to perfect though. Learn to know when to be satisfied.

Use of Bible Texts in my Easter and HOLY WEEK Articles

My take on the bible [and other reference sources] text as sources [see: HOLY WEEK: Death and Resurrection] is that I prefer translations that attempt to write [as close as possible] to a literal translation because that keeps more of the context in the resulting text [I use the word attempt because translating between two different languages cannot be specifically literal - each language has its own set of unique contexts - like each computer and computer system has its own set of data definitions]. I do not like versions purposely written into formal language since they have literally lost all the context that was there in the original text [on purpose] - for the sake of some structurally defined “truth” [the truth that is above [and beyond} reality]. An unwritten claim that is part of the “understanding“ is that this method approaches higher truth by being non-contextual. Such structure offers a truth that is meant to be above the truth [that is in the context i.e. Reality]. For me, just reading such formal language texts clearly demonstrates the almost complete loss of meaning by ignoring all context.

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Anatomy of the King James Bible title page

My choice for best version view is a step beyond the KJVO [King James Version Only] stand [note: the King James Version is considered by many as the best of literal translations]. The step beyond KJVO is that I prefer the original KJV but realize others do not like the archaic language use. But the archaic language seems to me to be closer in usage to the original languages that are translated from. To add a special argument - most songs from scripture are sung from this original version; note the use of “thee” and “thou” in many such songs.

A Version Available Showing Translation Keys (Scripture4All)

This results in a literal translation that is similar to Young’s.

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Scripture4All John 3:8

The advantage of the Bauscher translation of the Aramaic Peshitta text is the attempt at literal translation to English of a book written near Jesus lifetime (within 200 years) and written in Jesus first language [the first language is the language you grow up with “at home” {for Jesus that was Aramaic}; the second language {in mixed language areas like Capernaum} would be a Cajun, or Pidgin, that mixes the local languages to form an often unwritten language {meaning when its use stops, the language dies} - for Jesus this would be a Cajun between Aramaic and Greek {which is what he might preach with in Capernaum} and the third language would most likely be a formal language something like that might be necessary in a city {in Jesus time that would be Greek in Capernaum and Hebrew in Jerusalem} - from analysis of the trial of Jesus, I just conjecture - did Jesus speak Latin to Pilot?]. Hawaiian Pidgin is a Cajun between several languages - Hawaiian, Portuguese, English, Chinese, Japanese - but lucky for me most of the words come from English or transliterated English and similar in use to my early Northern Indiana Pidgin. Such a Pidgin language would demonstrate the character of the Pidgin of Capernaum. But Jesus’ early teaching [to Jews in his home area] and much of his mental consideration all his life must have been in Aramaic; not Greek. His disciples that had enough Greek education so they were able to write his [Aramaic] ideas into Greek text.

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Scripture4All John 3:16

The Lamsa translation of the same Peshitta was meant to show the equivalence to the Greek [particularly the Codex Leningradensis New Testament version] to prove it was a good version of scripture - which means being literal is less important than agreeing with the accepted translation of the Greek text [Similar translation decisions are apparent here for relating Old Testament version to the accepted Masoretic text.].

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The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic

The original language of the Lord’s prayer was Aramaic; from Jesus sermons. The Aramaic form is extremely mindful in character.

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Sources: [], [Aramaic Lessons - Dr. Rocco Errico -]

My original first language, was not taught in my home, but was from associating with friends, and perhaps teachers. I honestly thought it was English. It was a mix of Czechoslovakian, West Virginia and Kentucky accents, and Chicago Pidgin. I remember that most pidgins drop or reduce the “R” sound; but we added “R” to many words where it did not belong. We liked to make the motorcycle sound of the mid-western “R”. So I had a terrible time from putting “R” in a lot of words where it didn’t belong. But they told me to spell it the way I pronounced it. I remember: warsh your hands - Northern Indiana Pidgin. Hay! I did spell it the way I pronounced it. Day got to learn how to pronuns de worrds da way dare shpelt!

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Hawaiian Pidgin - as heard on the street

Hawaiian Pidgin is now a written [permanent] language. To me the advantage of Pidgin [particularly Hawaiian Pidgin] for bible quotes is that it cannot be spoken or written without its own [loud] context. So it glaringly flaunts the presence of context in every sentence. To me this enforces the recognition of the affect of context on the text [like it is screaming in your ears]. That is much better than formal language translations that strip all the context and meaning from the text. It is like having broth instead of soup. Where’s the meaning here?

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Pidgin context is not in the same context as first century Israel but has a colloquial context like that of the Aramaic of that time. And it also reflects the issues of a multilingual society that is subservient to an Eurocentric power similar to what the first century Capernaum had from Rome. Also, Aramaic definitely appears to have a very Asian context [polymorphism abounds - like in the parables]. More so than other Middle Eastern languages. Hawaiian Pidgin definitely has a Pacific island context rather than Asian. However these two contexts, Asian and Pacific Island, are more alike than either is like any Western context. Interesting, the Pacific island art in general is very similar to the art of West coast native Americans. There must have been some trade there.

As an example of how I choose: for the last supper I chose the Baucher Peshitta since this is a homey kind of feast much like our thanksgiving celebration and Aramaic and its context are more homey and down to earth than any “modern” [formal] languages; and the Baucher translation keeps more of the context of the original Aramaic.

Matthew 26

Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

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20And when it was evening he reclined with his twelve Disciples.

21And as they ate he said to them,

“Amen, I say to you, that one of you will betray me.”

22And it grieved them greatly, and they began to say to him, each one of them,

“Is it I, my Lord?”

23But he answered and said,

“Whoever dips his hand with me in the dish, he will betray me.”

24“And The Son of Man goes just as it is written about him, but woe to that man by whom The Son of Man is betrayed; it would have been better for that man if he had not been born.”

25Yehuda [Judas] the traitor answered and he said,

“It is I, Rabbi?”

Yeshua said to him, “You have said.”

 . . . 

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated - Translated by Glenn David Bauscher - Glenn David Bauscher

Lulu Publishing - Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing - 3rd edition Copyright © 2019

Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages.

For the Suffering Servant I chose to use Hawaiian Pidgin from Wycliffe because it expresses the feeling of the text in a dynamic way. This is the center [and heart] of Christian teaching - and it is a particularly dynamic and contextual text.

Isaiah 53

Wycliffe Bible Translators

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4Still yet, wen us guys suffa plenny,

Da Guy Dat Work Fo Yahweh,

He take dat all away.

Wen us guys stay sore inside,

He carry all dat fo us.

But us guys, we ony figga him

Az da guy dat God wen wack an bus up,

An make um feel like he no good.

5But Da Guy Dat Work Fo Yahweh,

He da one peopo wen poke

Cuz us guys go agains God.

Him, da one dey smash

Cuz us guys do wrong.

Him, da one dey punish

So eryting come good fo us.

Him, da one dey wen whip

An cuz a dat, he make us come good!

6We all go all ova da place jalike da sheeps.

Ery one a us guys, we go our own way.

But Yahweh, he let da Guy Dat Work Fo Him

Take da blame fo da bad stuff all us guys do.

 . . . 

Copyright © 2000, 2009 Wycliffe Bible Translators

Fo buy Da Jesus Book, make click hea

Anyway, the importance to this discussion is that the translation you use is important; because the context is important. You want to make your readers or listeners aware of the presence and importance of the context. In hermeneutics the context is the transcendental, or it is not really hermeneutics. That is the message of Post-Structuralism.

Some Important Verses

Baucher - Peshitta translated to English:

John 3:16 For God loved the world in this way: so much that he would give up his Son, The Only One, so that everyone who trusts in him shall not be lost, but he shall have eternal life.

John 3:16 - a central text and teaching for the Christian Church

Baucher - Peshitta translated to English:

John 3:8 The Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.”

John 3:8 is a more important text, here, because it defines not only the Aramaic and Hebrew concept of breath - wind - spirit, which is one word in both languages [RUKHA in Aramaic - RUACH in Hebrew], but means something that we use three different words for in English. It is obvious the Jesus play on words - most likely in Aramaic - was meant to emphasize the spirit as a center in understanding God - and of any and all communications relating God and “spiritual” understanding. It also emphasizes the wind-like nature of this “spiritual or God’s spirit”, that had the freedom of the wind [the restless wind].

Analysis of language use:

John 3:8 "The Spirit [RUKHA - breath or wind - the understanding here is that the breath of our body and the wind of nature, is one combined - polymorphic - entity - and this is implied here as our connection to God as spirit] breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes [RUKHA is independent and free = not encumbered by a script]; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.”

John 3:8 The Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.”

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Amazing Grace - Celtic Pipes and Drums

This is not just freedom of speech, but freedom of spirit. The first mentioned, freedom of speech, is not present “at all” in most educational institutions in the USA - zero. You can quote the 29 parrot slogans or shut up. Freedom of spirit seems to be only about backing the basketball team. Real freedom of spirit is a definite challenge to the “supposed” religious leaders. They don’t seem to want us to be free to be spiritual. Somehow that detracts from their political goals and existentialism that define religion as an experience that opens us to accepting the 29 parrot slogans and campaigning for somebody for some office, somewhere. Can we save the world by joining the corruption.

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A Word in Season: When the wind blows (John 3:8)

The Spirit clearly defined in John 3:8 has trouble fitting into existential leaders deep philosophical ties to the physical universe as the truth [Actually it is a phenomenalistic definition of that physical truth. - This phenomenological version of the “true physical” has a load of political bias and propaganda mixed in with a rather small reality set of the world surrounding us. Science somehow got lost from reality. Those ties to a truth based on the existence of the physical universe but phenomenologically biased towards a narrow political viewpoint makes it difficult for them to even read John 3:8 and get any “real” meaning.]. I think this section of John, including John 3:8 and 3:16, are the heart and center of Christianity, and if you reject these verses, you would be better served to change the name of your church. Admit openly in you name, define yourself as what you are: existentialist not Christian. Because your existentialism carries a burden of philosophical and political garbage that has nothing to do with Christianity.

Christianity means freedom [the freedom of the spirit {as the wind}] and that is not what your leaders are seeking, at all.

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The Spirit and the Bride Say; Come


To do a project or analysis by Post-Structuralist methodology start with avoiding the difficulties, problems, and pitfalls of Structuralist methodology. Structuring the process may sound good but becomes a problem when the structure completely controls the project [it always seems to anyway]. We need to step back from lots of structured steps until we know the contexts of our project and the projects world. We are just developing a solution and should not also be destroying the existing context.

[I think earlier systems analysts felt they needed to destroy the context so that they could introduce the scientific new world that the computer was bringing. It didn’t work because the context had so many connections and interconnections that just destroying a context seemed to destroy everything. Agile then found success in following the context in incremental spiral development. The advantage was that you could see the context you were changing as you changed it in small increments.]

Archeological layering, a murder board, or some other similar collage kine technique to bring all the facts [context and evidence] of our project together, is necessary both at the beginning and throughout the work of the project. The context should always rule over the structure [the context is the transcendental]. What we are learning, in the layering process of various issues, is the context. The context is layered into the issues of the project and we need to unpile that context. This is the reason for using incremental and spiral processes.

The project becomes more solvable when we choose our descriptions of and for the project carefully. The goal is to make the descriptions and solution useful to the greatest number of people, that are involved, involved as possible. Recognizing both customers and employees [and their beliefs and opinions] in the decisions of the project is important to the long term value of the results. Pragmatism - real pragmatism - is about usefulness to everyone not just the stockholders [and also not just the political correctness leaders]. That is not specifically expressed in Habermas but always strongly implied; and definitely central to the meaning of the whole language action process. It appears that, in modern times, inclusion means excluding people you don’t like because they are not politically correct - inclusion has come to mean ultimate exclusion. Ultimately, only the elite are allowed into the inclusion zone. PC has turned Marx upside down [or is it backwards {sideways?}].

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WWMD - What Would Marx Do?

Under the Coconut Tree

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Jerome Heath


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Hermeneutics in Agile Systems Development

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 Harmonics of Nature

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This was painted before the recent volcanic eruptions in Hawaii where the lava seemed to be spilling over some edge all along the lava streams. Maybe it was a prediction.

My Journal Publication

I published an article in Javnost - The Public; Ljubljana 1999. The title of my article was “Cultural Attitudes and Technology”. That was the subject of my, then recent, Ph. D. Dissertation. My series of articles here on LinkedIn are on that same subject or related subjects as an extension of my dissertation.

In the article in Javnost, I describe some of the issues I discuss in my Dissertation. Then I draw some interesting conclusions.

The Spiral of Technology Need/Use

On the theoretical side I draw the conclusion that there is a spiral of technology need/use. The spiral is typical of Agile development methodologies. It is my understanding from being actively involved in both Agile and Post-Structuralism, is that the two are alike or, in my opinion, the same thing.

The Clash between Definition and Procedure

I need to develop my hermeneutics. Hermeneutics can be defined as an analysis of a text to determine the meaning. There are a lot of factors that need to be examined by an interpreter in order to do hermeneutics right. Much of that is included or closely associated with what would be called the context. In fact, my definition of context relates it to all the factors that provide meaning to the author and then the text. My context is all the things that provide meaning to me, to my language, and to my texts. Meaning, as clarified in my discussions of how we perceive meaning and how meaning is a part of language, is about the context and from reality. The context is all those things that make a kine have meaning. Meaning is our connection to reality and reality is the true context.

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So when Gunkel [] was looking for the Sitz im Leben [place in life] he too is specifically clarifying the definition of context by including the “place in life” as a part of context. He was looking for a means of clarifying the meaning from a hermeneutic approach that included the place in life of the particular kine or text. To me place in life was always part of the context; he just brought attention to that.

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The Sitz im Leben also renders more meaning to the spiral methodology of following a development process. The Sitz im Leben is the place we are in with our cycle of development. Spiral is a basic methodology for Agile computer systems development work. I have also recognized it as a basic principle for Post-Structuralist development. This allows the approach of Post-Structuralism to be dynamic instead of static; and it holds the concepts of meaning and reality in the realm of real change that Structural approaches always have difficulty with. Right now you are “here” - what do we know about here.

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Letter to the Editor

This is the quote that brought a letter to the editor for my article - “The context is the transcendental”. Their answer was “The context is not the transcendental!” I see the reason for a concern over this statement, but I have to say that “The context is the transcendental” must be the basis for future hermeneutics; especially Post-Structuralism and Post-Structuralist hermeneutics. The Structuralists have taken all the rest of the garbage and put it into their Structuralism. But only as long as it fits the structured [linear, Newton Only] thought of their system. And by doing so they then tend to ignore the totality of the context as just an interference or perhaps “Murphy’s Law”. We can understand the context and the transcendental when we locate ourselve “here” and look foir the details. We might not get everything but we will get a lot more than Structuralism has to mess with in the ultimately 50,000 foot fly-over and then looking only at the structure.

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The weakness with Form Criticism, that Gunkel was redefining, is the structural tendency to establish a “meaning” to a word or a kine and then that meaning is atomic [means something in itself] and immutable [the meaning never changes]. They feel the word or name for the kine carry that “meaning” with them, always and everywhere. To them changes in context including time and place would not affect the “meaning” of a word or name. Some of these searches for the meaning establish relationships of words over thousands of years. The words or names definitely should hold the meaning in their particular present context but not be burdened over all the contexts and time changes. To hold us captive to very ancient text [the earliest meaning takes precedence] and hostage to a totally different context and a totally different place and time, is ridiculous. That is why I altered the concept of formation analysis, particularly for the sake of doing adequate systems analysis for good design. I name the methodology Formation Data Context. This emphasizes that the data [word, name] changes its meaning when the context changes. So as the data moves from place to place in the app we need to examine what the context is now for this data and recognize how that changes the process. In a system the main changes in context are due to new relationships between the data and other data of the app. So we are examining the structure of data relationships as the data progresses through the system; defining that as the Formation Data Context.

An Experience with God

The are many things happening every day. We can list them as good, bad, or indifferent.

But there are times when something happens that is different. It is different because it has a different meaning . . . a different meaning to me, or you, or whoever has the experience. Others may not see it or recognize the different in what happened.

But to be honest with the experience it must follow the rule of the breath, the wind, the spirit. This is what Jesus is saying in John 3:8:

John 3:8

John 3:8 HPB

Da wind blow hea an dea. You can hear um, but you donno wea da wind come from o wea stay go. Dass jalike erybody dat born one mo time from God Spirit.”

HPB: Hawaii Pidgin Bible

Birth into the Spirit comes from nowhere but is part of reality; your reality. This Spirit moves you in special ways; for good. Others can advise you; but the Spirit moves you.

An experience with the Spirit is not of good, bad, or indifferent; it is Special.

Nearer My God to Thee!

Ultimately the important point, in any such process, is the constraints that are present [controlling the process] and whether there are new constraints [effecting the new process] as a process completes. The constraints are the building blocks of the universe [Genesis 1, Isaiah 55:8-10].


God Make Da World

 . . . 

Day Numba Three

9Den God tell, “I like da watta unda da sky come togedda one place, so dat get dry land!” An dass wat God wen do. 10Da dry groun, God give um da name “Land,” an da watta dat wen come togedda one side, he give um da name “Ocean.” God look da dry groun an da ocean, an he tell, “Real, real good, all dat!”

11Den God tell, “I like da land get all diffren kine plants! Da kine plants dat get seed, an da kine trees dat get fruits wit da seed inside, eryting!” An dass wat God do. 12So da land get all diffren kine plants, da kine plants dat get seed, an da kine trees dat get fruits wit da seed inside, eryting. An God look da plants, an he tell, “Real, real good, all dat!” 13Had da nite time an da day time, az day numba three.

 . . . 


God Tell Da Peopo Dat Need Help Fo Come

 . . . 

8Da One In Charge tell dis:

“Da way I tink, az not da way you guys tink.

Da way I do stuff, az not da way you guys do stuff.

9Jalike da sky stay mo high den da earth,

Same ting, da way I do stuff, stay mo high

Den da way you guys do stuff.

An da way I tink, I tink mo betta

Den da way you guys tink.

10 Da rain an da snow come down from da sky,

An befo dey go back up dea

Dey give all da watta da groun need

Fo make da plants come up.

Dass how da groun make seed

Fo da farma guys plant bumbye,

An get food fo da peopo eat.

 . . . 

2020 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.

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