State of the Republican Party
The thing that I still cannot get my mind around is that, after Fiona Hill pleaded with them to stop advancing the fiction, invented by the Russian security services, that Ukraine, not Russia interfered with the last election, Republicans continue to repeat it. They KNOW that they are doing the Russians’ work for them. They KNOW that this hurts the security of our country. Yet they do it! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Who are these people who occupy high office? WHAT are they? That Trump is a Russian asset, we know. But these Republican senators are also knowingly serving Russia, against the interests of their—our—country. This is the Party I supported all my adult life BECAUSE they understood and acted against the Soviet enemy. What has happened to make them reverse their 75 year old policy?
This was the Party that took seriously the Founders’ fears that the Executive branch was, of the three branches, most in danger of drifting into an imperial presidency, which could, by neutering the other branches, ultimately become an elected dictatorship. Yet here they are, enabling a would-be despot, by making the Congress a branch of the Executive. The Senate’s majority leader stated that he would not send any bill to the president, if he knew that the president would veto it, thus abdicating the legislative function of Congress. Now the president cals a “hoax” two Constitutionally mandated roles of the Congress, 1) to investigate and, 2) to impeach, if they vote to do so. His refusal to cooperate with, or recognize the legitimacy of the Constitutional actions of Congress amounts to yet another obstruction of justice (in addition to the ten cited in the Mueller Report). So Trump denies both the legislative and the investigatory powers given the Congress by the Constitution. And, the Cult of Trump, which was once the Republican Party, the foe of despots, foreign and domestic, enables Trump as he unravels the Constitution, abandons America’s leadership of the Free World, and serves the interest of the Russian enemy. Trump is a disease…and the once Grand Old Party, has caught a fatal case.
4yWow, just wow.
4yWho will convince the 60 million that voted for Our Dear Leader they were wrong?