Stockpiling, Rationing, and Hoarding? What’s Gone Wrong With The World?
What’s with the global toilet paper stockpiling and hoarding?
Who was it who said that the population needs to stock up on toilet tissue?
And what does toilet paper have to do with corona virus?
If you’ve lived long enough you’ve seen it all before
It must have been forty years ago when a rumour about the then St George Building Society saw consumers lined up at their local branch counters withdrawing their life’s savings in cash…
Like lemmings….
Sadly, or thankfully, the building society did not fold, and in fact went on to become a bank in its own right…. And later was purchased and has become part of one of the BIG FOUR Australian banks.
Herd mentality.
People, not animals
A video taken last weekend of a physical altercation between two middle aged women at a Sydney Supermarket over toilet paper has resulted in both women being charged by police and having to face court.
Over toilet paper.
Toilet paper manufacturers in Australia are upping their production to meet with the added demand of hoarders and stockpilers.
So there’s no reason to be antisocial and aggressive.
There’s plenty of toilet paper to go around.
What we are seeing is a Social Media and media driven hysteria.
But it’s creating a pack mentality.
Or is it a herd mentality?
Are we simply discarding reason and following the leader?
Are our behaviours logical?
Our behaviours certainly aren’t civil…
What has happened to common decency?
It appears in times of crisis, [is toilet paper supply a crisis?], it’s dog-eat-dog and every man for himself.
The whole point of success, and business, is about helping others to get what they want, and in so doing, you will achieve what you want as well.
Winning while someone else loses, well that’s not a nice game to play.
Think abundance.
Think Win-Win.
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