Bill earned his Bachelors in Education only to find himself questioning the career path he had chosen. Student teaching showed him he was not built for the classroom. After some reflection, he course corrected and went to school to become a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Tony was certified to teach, but recognized a gift in math and computers, so he course corrected and launched his career in computer programming.
Beverly didn’t have a particular profession that intrigued her after high school and focused on her family first. But later she discovered a love in nursing and pursued her RN license after her kids were raised.
Course correction is an absolute in life. If you know someone whose life has gone exactly as planned, I’d love to meet this amazing person!
Very often in the course of our careers, we rarely pause to think strategically. We may ponder about the ultimate goal that we want, such as reaching Vice President or any other such senior title for our industry. But when it comes to navigating the waters of a job search, there is nothing more critical than having a strategy.
RP4C Clients all go through a strategy phase in our coaching work where we’re evaluating:
Let’s look at why each of the above is critical in the Job Search Strategy:
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Narrowing The Field…
It’s incredibly difficult for people who are trying to get hired somewhere when they don’t have a narrowed focus to their search. Applying for anything and everything is a surefire way to frustrate you. While you want to remain open to options, you really should begin to narrow the field of companies to a specified target list. For advice on how to build your company target list, check out this article by Sarah Johnston last month. Five expert Career Coaches, including myself, offered “outside-the-box” thinking that goes beyond looking at the typical websites like Indeed or Glassdoor.
The resume tends to become an individual’s entire focus in the job search, where refinement of it continues to the point that the document is never sent along for a job application. On the other side of the spectrum, you have some sending it out without touching it for five years. Both are terrible approaches. You have to acknowledge that the resume-game has changed in recent years, so it’s worth getting advice, but you must also reach a “pencil’s down” point. When working with clients, there is a strategy specifically built into the design, layout, font choice, keywords, and structure of the resume for them. So far, no two resumes have looked the same that I’ve done for clients. This can become it’s own article for another time, but suffice it to say this is one part of the strategy that requires a lot of time and attention, just never to the point that your resume only sees the inside of your computer and not a hiring manager’s desk.
If you were part of LinkedIn’s professional platform in the early days, it felt like and acted like an online profile of your resume. Things have certainly changed in recent years and recruiters can always tell the people who haven’t changed with the times. Nearly all industry professionals have a LinkedIn profile and this platform is recognized for its quality in business dialogue. So instead of your profile representing your resume, it represents you as a professional. RP4C clients always get a re-boot / re-brand of their profile because the purpose is to showcase who they are as a professional. Recruiters aren’t the only ones browsing profiles, too. From hiring managers to business development professionals to presidents of companies, people want to know what they can about you before meeting you. The strategy is to tell them your story through your profile on LinkedIn.
Game Plan…
The most critical component of the Job Search Strategy is to get to where you want to be. Obviously applying for jobs and going on interviews is a part of this, but most of the time there is far more that needs to be done before these can even happen. For some, I’m going to recommend a heavier amount of in-person networking because it plays to their strength of building rapport face-to-face. For others, they want a working remote position which means in-person networking doesn’t really work too well. RP4C clients are always given a tailored strategy to help them across the finish line into the company or position they are targeting. Networking on LinkedIn is a critical component and I teach each client based on their strengths so this feels natural to them.
If you’ve been thinking of pursuing other options or embarking on a job search, begin with a strategy first. Without one, it’s likely that you’ll still be standing on the shoreline.
Article shared with permission from RP4C's archives! For more #jobsearch advice and career inspiration, follow Michelle Rademacher on this platform.