-Strength for Today-  "Everybody Loves a Comeback."​  - Romans 11:34.

-Strength for Today- "Everybody Loves a Comeback." - Romans 11:34.

   When you stand up for what’s right, there’s always those who’ll criticize you because of your past. But your pass is what the Holy Spirit

transformed into righteousness. So, when those tyrants of Satan are constantly accusing you of your yesterdays. It’s here where you must:

·      Stand, by

·      Faith, and

·      Pray

Because there’s too much at stake for you to give in to the deceptive schemes of the devil. The Bible isn't the only source of "comeback" stories. Life is full of dramatic turnarounds, whether it’s an:

·      Underdog team coming from behind to win the championship, or

·      Your life story when everyone laughed at you, and only your mother, didn’t write you off as a loser.

    But look who’s laughing now. Because there’s another side to this. Our God relishes the chance to make the impossible possible! You’re going to be “challenged” and “unashamedly, criticized.” But what or who that challenging tool might be, it’s vice used by Satan to defer your attention from God’s purpose in your life. He saw you, before you were in your mother’s womb, with your purpose already measured out. Look at the Bible:

·      Moses Was a Murderer,

·      Esther was a diva,

·      Jacob lied,

·      Jonah rebelled, and

·      Rahab was a harlot.

   Yet when we read Hebrews chapter 11, these and other Bible heroes were far from “perfect.” They “failed,” they “sinned,” they “deceived,” and yet each of them had a dramatic “comeback,” and were used of God beyond their richest imagination. “Comebacks” are God’s specialty. He loves turning around impossible circumstances.

·      Joseph was taken from prison to the palace, and

·      Jesus Christ was taken from the grave to resurrected glory.

    One beautiful truth to hold onto, God at your darkest moment won't leave you hanging hopeless – Hebrews 13:5-6. 

   A “comeback” is all about, embracing the unusual. God is always with us, but sometimes we don’t sense His presence in our lives because we’re too busy with our own agendas. That’s why it often takes a crisis, such as the one we’re facing now, to get us face-to-face with God. 

     Let me offer you some hope today, whatever crisis you’re facing:

·      God is waiting in the wings to

·      Deliver you from that crisis.

   His solution probably won’t look anything like yours, but He’ll bring you the “comeback” you’ve been waiting for!

Have Thine Own Way Lord.

 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! Thou art the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still. 

 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! Search me and try me, Savior today! Wash me just now, Lord, wash me just now, as in thy presence humbly I bow. 

Written by - Adelaide A. Pollard

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