Strong Women Stand Up and Fight: 10 Things You Can do RIGHT NOW
On Friday, June 24th, the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled that I am no longer a full citizen of this country. I was 2 years old in 1973 with my entire life ahead of me. I grew up in a religiously and politically conservative family in a suburb of a large city. I never had to question my right to have autonomy over my own body, over my reproductive rights. I do know that if I had needed to have an abortion, for any reason at all, I could have done so. I still know that I have that right today as I live in a state that supports women as equal citizens.
My grandmother was adopted in 1920. My brother was adopted in 1970. My husband and I adopted our two beautiful sons in 2001 and 2004. My boys’ birth mother could have chosen to have an abortion with either of them. She had that right.
You would speculate that I may be against abortion because of those circumstances. Because of my family of origin, because of my brother, because of my children. However, you would be wrong. I am pro-women. I am pro-women’s rights. I am a supporter of the marginalized; the women who cannot choose their circumstances due to poverty, lack of education, and other life conditions that are out of their control.
You see, I believe women should have a choice and that the government should not have influence or control over what a woman does with her body. These decisions are not about being pro-birth, rather they are about the government inserting control. Because of that, women are at risk, and some will die. Abortions will not stop. Women will be forced to travel to other states or make terrifying decisions that could cost them their lives. I believe every woman should have access to good reproductive healthcare and should be able to make her own decisions based on what she feels is right for her. It is not on me or the government to pass judgement. Women’s rights are human rights. Reproductive rights are human rights.
Many of us are feeling helpless, hopeless, and angry. But what can we do right now to move the needle in the right direction?
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Here are 10 things you can do to help support your fellow women as equal citizens with the right to control their own body autonomy:
If you have any other ideas on how we can support women and their reproductive rights, I encourage you to share them in the comments. If you don’t agree, please be respectful with your comments.
Andrea Heuston, founder and CEO of Artitudes has been in the tech industry for over 30 years. Artitudes is a creative communications solutions firm that specializes in connecting messages to audiences through impactful words and visuals. Andrea is a respected business leader and entrepreneur who is sought after as a board member and a Keynote speaker. She passionately contributes to several nonprofit organizations and has been a prolific voice on women’s and leadership topics in the workforce. In 2020, she started her own podcast “The Lead Like a Woman Show” focusing on empowering women leaders to empower others through topical discussions and interviews with female leaders. She is passionate about helping to close the gender gap for women in business. Check out her new book, Lead Like a Woman – Tales From the Trenches.
Personal Experienced Executive/Administrative Assistant. Accomplished Property Manager. Success driven. Superior WorkEthics. Motivated.
2yControlling and caring for your body is our right. Birth control is available in dozens of forms. Birth control is readily available at our health centers and free to the impoverished and uneducated. That is controlling and managing our body’s. In no way is murdering our babies a “right”!!! They are alive! You were alive in your mother’s womb. I’m pro-people.
Strategic Branding & Communications Expert | Marketer, Creator & Change Agent
2yThank you for sharing this list. Like you I am pro-woman, pro-human rights. Removing access to safe reproductive healthcare is simply a form of misogyny and control. If there were ever any doubts about that, the next thing on the chopping block is access to birth control. (REALLY?!) This is a power struggle, plain and simple. A way to keep women ‘in their place’. Militias around the world use rape as a weapon for the same reasons, power and control. It’s a war crime to take away those rights in a war zone. Why is it any less a violation when done in a court of law? I am so thankful to be Canadian on this front (and many others), but Canada is far from perfect. We must all be vigilant, reject false truths and offer support to those who need it.
Founder / President at Amazing Edibles
2yThank you for sharing actions we can take to make some noise, help effect change, and support women across our communities and the entire country. I have had a miscarriage, an abortion, and a beautiful boy. All of these things were hard. I am grateful for the privilege and freedom I had to make a difficult decision when I thought it was best for me and my family. I am grateful to have my beautiful son. I am here to support any woman that needs support in making a difficult decision, made more difficult by our Supreme Court this week. .