Struggling With Leads? That Ends NOW.
Like you, many entrepreneurs, professional service providers, and business creators recognize how getting more clients is a numbers game.
What drives the game?
Simple, really.
More meaningful conversations with more great-fit prospects.
If you've ever worked in sales - if you've ever HEARD of sales - you know that one of the metrics sales managers use to gauge effectiveness is how many conversations the salesperson has.
The leads are there, now...
Why scare them off?
Listen: we're all grownups here.
We know how it works.
The moment we hear "free strategy session", we just KNOW we're going to get pitched, either immediately or soon thereafter.
Even if the conversation sounds like it could be interesting, are you more or less likely to decline the call just because you know an offer is coming and don't want to be in the position...
...regardless of your ability to afford it or your beliefs about investing in yourself?
How do you think prospects feel?
So how about "hopping on a quick call" to "catch up"?
There's a definition for that - it's "telling the other person what you're doing and wishing/hoping/praying they volunteer themselves as your next client".
Do you still wonder why so many people you e-mail or Messenger tell you they're "too busy now, but circle back in six months"?
Too busy for a 10-minute catch-up chat?!?!?!?!
They know.
They know.
And meeting for coffee?
That's expensive - like $1,500 expensive - whether you realize it yet or not.
(I can show you the math if you're still not sure.)
Do you REALLY want to do all that social distancing and wear-a-mask stuff just to have a conversation about business?
Recommended by LinkedIn
Yeah, me neither.
Come on!
How do we solve these problems?
How do we fill our calendars with eager, great-fit prospects?
The answer is podcasting.
Lots of people are doing it.
Many aren't, for reasons we can get into later.
Did you know you can get more reach, clients, and referrals through podcasting - specifically, by hosting your own show and interviewing guests?
That's fun!
And it's easy.
When you have the easy-to-do-by-you process at your fingertips.
I've perfected this model for myself and some of my top clients.
Would you like to see how it works, and why it works?
Then all you have to do is click here and put yourself in for the big reveal.
I'll take you through each step.
Come on, it will be fun - you'll see!
Here's the exact link:
If questions are already forming in your mind, you can share them with me as soon as you claim your spot - it will be the immediate next step.
Let's do this!