This Subconscious Fear is Holding You Back

This Subconscious Fear is Holding You Back

When we think about the things that hold us back, we think of self-doubt, poor relationships, bad habits, or distractions. But many of us have a concealed competitor who we battle with a lot more than you’d think, and that is metathesiophobia.  

In short, metathesiophobia is the fear of change. It can affect anyone but is more common in those who have suffered from/been hurt by a bad experience in the past. However, more people struggle with this than you’d think as a 2019 study by FreeAgent revealed that nearly half of Brits fear change!

To me, a phobia of change is far worse than a phobia of spiders or a phobia of heights. “Why?” you ask. Well, because change is our only constant in life! I would bet that each and every one of you reading this article will experience a change today, tomorrow, and the next day. Of course, the minor changes don't scare us as we barely notice them happening, it's the major changes that cause panic. 

If you are reading this article thinking ‘I relate to this!’ Let me ask you a question…

What great events have happened in your life without a big change?

The answer to that is probably zero.

Despite this, change still terrifies some of us, so I am going to give you some advice on how to overcome this phobia:

1. If you're feeling stuck, it's important to notice when your brain is telling a story that isn't true. You might be feeling anxious about the outcome of a situation, and this may put you off attempting anything at all. Try to put your thought on hold and ask yourself if there's any evidence supporting the thought in question. If there is no evidence supporting this thought, then it is irrational. Take action to change this thought into something positive. 

2. Remember that mistakes are positive, there is no learning like learning from a mistake. Making mistakes is part of our learning process. We slip up, we make corrections and then we grow. You will always learn something new along the way and will be more prepared to go for your goal next time around. 

3. Stop focusing on the negatives. We will always be the first to notice when something has gone wrong or didn't quite work the way we were expecting, however, we rarely praise ourselves when things go to plan. By always focusing on these negatives, your brain will begin to associate change with negative connotations and you will be less likely to try something new. Next time something goes well, make sure to give yourself a pat on the back and reflect on your successes.   

Fear of change is one of many things that hold us back from getting our goals. If you are looking for the ultimate guide for smashing your goals - including goal setting, influencing, convincing, goal-getting and so much more -  then SMASH IT! The Art Of Getting What YOU Want is available on Amazon for a limited Black Friday deal now! 

Martin E.A

Virtual Assistance Expert


Amazing post Alison Edgar MBE

David Angel-Sales, Systems, Training

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Great post Alison!


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