Success And Failure: Closer Than You Think
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Success And Failure: Closer Than You Think

Past failure is not necessarily indicative of future failure.

On the flip side, past success is not indicative of future success. Just because something once was does not necessarily mean it will always be that way.

This is absolutely the case in business. There are so many different situations where we run into this.

However, if you are working on yourself, if you are genuine in your desire to succeed, you correct those things. You correct those mistakes, you correct those processes, you correct those methodologies and actions.

Eventually, if you correct enough things, if you do enough actions that are different from what you were doing that was causing failure or leading to failure, you will hit that right combination of actions, tasks, mindsets and that stroke of luck that leads to success.

However, that is making the assumption that you are somebody that is interested in improving, you are interested in success. You are not somebody that’s just stuck and wallowing in your past failures or successes, resting on your laurels.

That needs to happen and needs to be the attitude for both situations.

Grant Cardone, one of our mentors, has this really powerful story that he tells because he used to be a drug addict in his younger years. He was one of those functioning drug addicts, if you will. He was still managing to go to work and live in society.

He makes a comment that it took him, I think it was 23 or 25 times, of going through rehab, of telling himself to quit before he finally succeeded.

The 25th time was his last time using drugs for the rest of his life. Now, was it really the 25th time that finally did it for him? Or was it the first time that he tried to quit?

It’s so fascinating because it’s easy on the surface to say that it’s the 25th time. However, was it the final culmination of all the previous 24 times that led to that final success?

Certainly, there are people that are out there that are able to quit drugs on their first try, because their why, their reason is powerful enough for them to make that change.

Then there are others that have to go through a process of finding that thing and putting all those pieces into place to make it worth it, to not indulge in that past behavior.

I think it’s fascinating because this absolutely applies to business. You may be doing things and getting results and wondering why you are getting these results.

It’s the same thing as an alcoholic that doesn’t know how he ended up down here at the bar just hammered or waking up hungover in the morning.

All kinds of different scenarios lead to that type of behavior. You just find yourself in this cycle of failure. This is easy to happen in business, because business is very much this process of if you don’t succeed, you run out of money and you can’t afford to do business.

You still have to eat, pay rent, mortgage, put clothes on your kid’s back, etc. In business when you continue to have these past failures, it’s easy to get into that sense of thinking that because you failed before you will fail again.

You get in this self-pity cycle a little bit. You have to remember that sometimes a failure is the lesser of two failures that could have happened. One that you could more easily live with, theoretically. It became a choice.

Often businesses that fail are not due to a lack of effort, but due to your own lack of knowledge, your lack of planning and things of that nature.

I want to leave you with this one sentence I want you to remember.

The only way to fail is to quit.

Whether it be the ultimate quitting of your family walking out on your life, everything becomes too much of a struggle, quitting a job, quitting a venture that you are making an investment in, self-improvement, school, a relationship, etc.

The only way to fail at it is to quit. So don’t quit if it is worth it to you, if the end goal and the potential are worth it for you. Keep going. Get up. Stand up. Keep getting up.

If you are in that position of maybe a little bit of self-pity, a little bit of fear mixed in a little bit of doubt, and that’s not even talking about people that are the naysayers in your life that are trying to get you to quit, take a stand.

Decide what’s important to you. Prioritize, and then take a stand and just don’t quit. That’s really what it all comes down to. So easy to say, but in reality and in practice, it’s very difficult and I would highly encourage you to get people around you that can help you with that.

They are putting that positive inflow into you and encouraging you, even though they understand that it is unusual.

If you don’t have somebody that is that for you, that’s what Kale Houser Leadership is for. Not only do we help spur you to your greatness, but we also help you with those things that are unknown to you, the things that you don’t know that will bite you.

Have you ever risen from the ashes of a past failure? What did you do differently to finally achieve that success?

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Liz Houser

Co-Founder at Real AI Solutions | AI Bot Programmer | AI Business Solutions Speaker | Ignite Vegas Chapter Lead | 10X Grant Cardone Certified Coach


Don't QUIT!! Keep taking MASSIVE ACTION!! 💪 💥


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