Success is a Journey Not a Destination
Success begins with you. Regardless of where you are in your life journey and building your success, success begins with you! Taking responsibility is the first step. Even the best, work hard to get better, to be better. If you are standing still: you are moving behind.
Building you and your success is ongoing and organic. While no one reaches success alone, you need to take a lead role. No one can do your pushups for you.
Have passion for what you do and are doing. Is this your red hot desire or is this a simmer on the back burner. Success, building, and growing success is a commitment. It is a combination of mental, emotional, and physical. The impossible journey is the one that you never begin. The first steps are always the hardest; however, once you begin, you will find that your steps get quicker, and your enthusiasm will grow.
Believing in you, yourself is the first step, followed closely by vision, hard-work, and determination.
Here are 5 tips to build you and your success.
Be Organized – Create a plan, a road map to build your success. Your plan needs to include clear cut goals, action items to achieve your goals and a timetable to reach your desired goal and success. One written keep your plan close at hand reviewing your success for checks and balances. The plan itself does not guarantee your success, it is you, and what you put into your plan that gives it structure building its foundational roots. This is checks and balances for you.
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Embrace Learning - The more you know, the more you will grow. There are 2 ways of learning, through reading and connection. Together, they are a winning combination. Always be learning every day. The more you know the more you grow in every way. Knowledge is power! Build your connections to people, attend conferences, read books, articles, blogs. Listen to podcasts. With our phones, and computers we have constant access to unlimited learning.
Reduce Distractions – The number one enemy of being productive and getting things done is allowing distractions. Learn to set limits, for yourself and others. Set boundaries with your time. Time wasted is life lost. You can never retrieve your time. Find the times and places that work best for you to be productive. Set a plan and stick with it. Give yourself deadlines for completion. How yourself accountable. Above all, do not allow distractions to provide you with excuses for why you did not complete or finish something. When it comes to excuses, there are no excuses.
Find Mentors – Identify people that can serve as your mentor, who are role models. Success does not happen alone. Mentors help to open your mind and help with ideas and strategies along with connections. Mentors can cut your learning time and build your connections. Everyone can learn and benefit from the experience of others in every industry. You can have several mentors that help to guide you for different aspects of your life. You will also find that your mentors may change throughout time. With role models identify the areas that you admire and weave those threads into your own life tapestry.
Have Gratitude – Being grateful for each day and have gratitude. Learn to be humble. Being boastful will not bode well building you or relationships. Success is a team sport. Show appreciation to everyone at every level who helps you in every way. Expressing gratitude every day to others is a win-win for everyone! Everyone has a role in helping us with building our lives. Learn to express your gratitude in every way. It can be as simple as a smile, compliment, note, expressed to the person, or to
Follow what provides you with your biggest purpose and passion. Enjoy what you are doing ,and you will never work a day in your life. You are worthwhile, make your life your own , one that you enjoy living and is worthwhile a life you are proud of and one that makes you smile. Success begins with you, your attitude and mindset. Success like life is a journey: not a destination.
Think of success like a plant, you plant the seed in your garden or pot. You need soil to begin with. Plants need fertilizer to grow for nourishment. They need water, care, and sunshine, to grow blossom and thrive. Sometimes you need to cultivate and cut it back a touch, to have it grow fuller and thrive. Think now how plants are like people or needs and nourishment to grow, thrive and succeed.
Commit to completing what you begin. Do what you say you are going to do. Remember and idea is only as good as its execution. Success begins with an idea; however, it is a journey with many steps to reach your goal. Even when you reach your goal, should you stop? No keep on going and raise the bar a little higher and a little further each time you reach your success. Also take notice yourself f your successes’. You do not need a gallery filled with people applauding you. Learn to set little rewards for yourself with goals met and exceeded. You deserve rewards to boost yourself onward to your success.
Always remember that those on the top of their game are working hard to continue to grow. Developing a success mindset is step one. After you take step one, if you incorporate the five steps above, you will be well on your way for your journey of success.