Summary: Second Quarter of 2023
Pride, Patience, Completion and Frustration
The second quarter was a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with pride, patience, completion, and frustration.
I went through moments of pride while alumni of Soutěž & Podnikej organized the entire national final event.
I had to exercise patience and frustration while playing second string to our development team that is trying to send out our first international educational platform MAXP .
I felt a sense of completion when it came to realizing and finaziling new real estate investment in Karvina, listing new Airbnb property in Zlin as well as finishing a reconstruction of a property in Chicago.
Overall I would say that this quarter has been challenging especially on the mental front, because I had to learn how to have faith in others while not being able to contribute in a meaningful way to the end result except from partial project management.
Now let's go into the details of individual projects.
Soutěž & Podnikej - PRIDE
In May we witnessed history.
Yes, it seems that it was about five years ago, but barely two months ago we had the national final of the 7th cohort of Soutez & Podnikej.
This time the entire program took place under the leadership of Šárka Dvořáčková . The entire team was comprised of alumni of the program including Eliška Tajovská , Dominik Badosek, Eliska Dvorackova, Matyáš Eichler Válek and Tady Kapic .
This team put together a great program, camps, regional and national finals and in the end relaxed and fun show that you can relive through the aftermovie put together by Štěpán Varvařovský , Vojtěch Janovič and the whole Uhumdrum crew.
And who won this years final?
Project E-jednotka from Petr Hofman and František Ivan is this year's winner. If you missed their presentation, or would like to know what is their project about, feel free to watch their presentation in the following video.
The video is in Czech language.
If you do not speak Czech, their project is in the prop-tech field. They make managing Home Owner Associations easier and as addedd benefit they connect owners to one joined communication platform.
Publicity for Soutez & Podnikej and the alumni
Luckily the program Soutez & Podnikej has great partners starting with Darwin & the Machines and Marian Fury who created the initial campaign to start this cohoort with a stand alone clip starring Martin "Mikýř" Mikyska, Ladislav Veselý from Slevomat , who connected us to Johan Madr, who organized our appearance at a Czech largest morning show "Snidane s Novou". Last, but not least EXPANDO global and Adam Kurzok , GRUND a.s. and Jiří Grund , Red Hat and Matej Hrušovský , Start it @ČSOB and Zuzana Paulovics with Marketa Uhrova who contributed financially to the program, which allowed us to promote the program among Czech secondary school students and make the experience for this year's cohoort unique.
Thank you!
Without you, we would not be able to execute on our vision and turn youth's ideas to reality.
You can read more about our alumni projects in REFRESHER CZ 's article:
If you do not want to read the article, feel free to view our appearance at "Snidane s Novou". Our bit is at around 40th minute.
Key takeaway:
I wrote about this trust in my teammates in the following article: Putting Trust in my Teammates.
I cannot code. I cannot help. I just can wait and it drives me nuts.
The whole 2nd quarter of 2023 we have been running into issues with development of MAXP , which is an educational platform for GEN Z focusing on competencies and not skills.
The issues with development stemmed from a few reasons all connected to my inexperience as a manager of development of a digital product.
Here are the reasons that I managed to identify:
I have to say that developing MAXP is and was a big school for me and I know now thousands and one things I would do differently, if I started from scratch again.
Thank you for patience and for continues support to my Erasmus+ partners as well as to my collegues Tady Kapic and Radek Hubner .
3, 2, 1, Big Bang!
Here is the link to the first test run of the platform.
Do not hesitate to send us any feedback you might have.
Key takeaway:
Nadační fond vzdělávání a podnikání - TRANSITION
After 7 years in charge of the foundation, I am looking to perform a transition of power.
We are currently looking for a new director of the foundation that would take over the operation and took the foundation, it's programs even further and especially to the international waters.
To get the foundation ready for a new director we started to revisit the necessary strategic documents under the leadership of Peter Debnar .
What did we do?
If our newly found values and mission resonate with you, do not hesitate and contact me. We would like to have you on board as a friend of entrepreneurship education and perhaps a partner, or even as the new director.
Key takeaway:
Asociace podnikavé Česko - PATIENCE
Asociace is one of the projects that make me immensily happy and gives me hope for the future of this country. Anna Kačabová , Radka Muchová and Lucie Svobodová (Jungmannová) are doing incredible jobs in pushing the topic of entrepreneurial education not only on the national level, but also within regional stakeholders.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Anna is criss-crossing the country and continues to invite everyone to participate in our newly created map of entreprepreneurship education. This map was put together by Radka. It took almost 4 months to complete, so it is a remarkable achievement. Lucka is communicating our accomplishments to the world, which means that not even a month in our functioning web, we now have 190 new subscribers that are all interested in entrepreneurship education.
After 9 months of existence, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are regularly featured now on important conferences, invited to round tables with regional and national government officials and provide comments on topics connected to education for local media outlets. Again this is all happening thanks to Anna, Radka and Lucie, who demonstrated the patience while achieving the mission we set forth. Thank you!
If you want to learn more about the association, please visit our website and give us feedback on our entrepreneurship education map.
Feel free to watch a news story about Asociace podnikave Cesko created by a student initiative Praha školská .
Key takeaway:
Real Estate USA and CZE - COMPLETION
During the Q2 of 2023 I finished one more real estate investment for myself.
I finalized a purchase of 2+1 58 m2 apartment in the city of Karvina. Let me tell you that it was a journey that I am glad is over now.
This purchase is a result of 9 months of work, where I found hundreds of apartments online, saw about 15 apartments in person and sent offer to purchase 4 of them. On two I paid a reservation fee and one end up becoming mine.
Currently, the apartment is going through a minor reconstruction and is getting ready to become a home for someone new.
Second successful completion of 2nd Quarter was a finished reconstruction of our apartment in Chicago that has been listed in June 2023. You can read more about this endevour in the following article:
Even though we have completed two major projects, we are not done yet. In Chicago, we will have to perform 1031 exchange and then repeat the process with our Chicago commercial unit.
Key takeaway:
Jackies - HOPE
Jackies, our jackfruit distributing endevour, keeps on floating in a steady course. We are currently negotiating with two major companies about incorporating jackfruit to their portfolio of products as well as their restaurant menus. This negotiation has been going on for the past 6 months and it looks like it is going towards a resolution within the month of July.
Getting both or just one of the new clients would be yet another milestone for our small company that has the exclusivity for the best quality jackfruit for the Czech and Slovak market from our business partner in Germany.
To move forward with our B2B plans we are also getting on board a first investor, who will contribute to our online presence and marketing efforts, so we can increase the number of leads as well as closings of deals that we currently have and grow from 22 restaurants to our goal of 90 faster.
You can find out more about Jackies in our website: and you can learn how to work with jackfruit in one of our YouTube videos.
Key takeaway:
IREX Fellowship Program Experience
In April 2023 I have participated in a fellowship program called CEE, where I was nominated to participate by the U.S. Embassy in Prague. I attended an introductory event in Detroit, where I got to meet incredible people from all around the world.
I became a mentor to people from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Camerron and Zambia. It was again a life altering experience especially the fact that I got to learn the stories of people from parts of the world that you only read about in newspapers or watch YouTube videos.
You can read more about my experience in the following article.
Traion LXP
With Traion Learning Experience Platform we got very deep into a tender by a big corporation on building their own learning center, but sadly we were not picked in the end.
Now we decided to formalize our relationship with a our partner Developartment, who will formalize the offering and we will start offering our learning solution to the broader market.
SEED projekt
SEED projekt is an Erasmus+ funded initiative that had a goal of mapping Czech and Slovak initiatives and programs including doing a research among high school students in Slovakia and Czech Republic about entrepreneurship education.
It was a project where Nadační fond vzdělávání a podnikání participated under the leadership of Radka Muchová . We entered consortium under the leadership of Jana Lukacova and her Impact Nation Institute and Junior Achievement Slovensko where the responsible person was Beba Škotko .
Thanks to their great work we now know what exists in the realm of entrepreneurship competency education as well as how Slovakian students see entrepreneurship and their role within this field.
You can find the results under the following website.
Charles University Podcasts
The Podcast Z lavice do akce is approaching it's quota of 20 episodes. We are currently on 16 and there are only a few left.
Make sure you give it a listen and get an inspiration from students, teachers, corporate employees as well as youth workers on how they approach entrepreneurship education and what this competency means to them.
Tanzania Safari Endevour
You must be wandering, what am I going to with safari in Tanzania.
Well, it is our newest project, where I am joining Radek and my friend from Tanzania Allen Kimbelwa and we are going to represent and introduce his company and services to the EU market especially to the Czech Republic, DACH and the Netherlands.
Allen already has a website, feel free to visit and give me feedback on what information you are missing and overall what is your feel of the website.
The second quarter of 2023 has been an eventful period that has taught me a few valuable lessons especially when it comes to developing digital products and handing over responsibility.
I hope to learn from these experiences in my future career endevours whether it will be with MAXP, Traion, Jackies and future Safari Endevours.
What I am especially thankful for are all the new people that I met from all over the world that broughten my horizons and opened up new opportunities for us to explore together.
Inner balance ⃒ Impact startups ⃒ Innovation
1yMartin, náročné obdobie, ale bohaté na skúsenosti ;). Držím palce v druhej polovici 2023 ;)
Owner and Managing Director at || Adelphos || WildReality Safari || TYLEV || Mandela Washington Fellow - 2015 || SIMP - 2022 || Senior Advisor in Doing Business and Investment in Tanzania.
1yGreat Work Martin, truly you had a lot on your plate these past 6 months. Looking forward to the next adventure.