...Summer Cloudiness Makes Cooling ...Winter Cloudiness Makes Warming

...Summer Cloudiness Makes Cooling ...Winter Cloudiness Makes Warming

Cloudiness makes the difference between bleu open sky and grey closed darkness.

In summertime bleu open sky makes a heat wave.

In wintertime bleu open sky makes bitter cold.

The effect of cloudiness also depends on the latitude between +90N on arctic and -90S on antarctic but although solar irradiance on the both poles is quasi identical, the 2 poles are very different for cloudiness.

Also for average temperature there is a 30°K difference for north pole at 260°K warmer than south pole at 230°K.

How come ?

"Infra Red Earth Glow"=IREG=DQ/dt

"Infra Red Earth Glow"=IREG=DQ/dt is reflected back to earth by cloudiness :

  • x% cloudiness reflects x% of the IREG back down to earth

DSI="Direct Solar Irradiation"

DSI="Direct Solar Irradiation" is reflected back to space by cloudiness :

  • x% cloudiness reflects x% of the DSI back to space.

Over summer time DSI sends more heat (watt/m2) down to earth from space than IREG can send up from earth to space.

Over winter time DSI sends less heat (watt/m2) down to earth from space than IREG can send up from earth to space.

But :

  • During NHS="Northern Hemisphere Summer" earth has SHW="Southern Hemisphere Winter"
  • During NHW="Northern Hemisphere Winter" earth has SHS="Southern Hemisphere Summer"

So :

  • In June cloudiness is cooling the NHS from North Pole to equator ?
  • In June cloudiness is warming the SHW from South Pole to equator ?
  • In December cloudiness is warming the NHW from North Pole to equator ?
  • In December cloudiness is cooling the SHS from South Pole to equator ?

But apparently cloudiness is cooling 4°C more in January SHS than in July NHS every year.


In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But : Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival.

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