...Summer Cloudiness Makes Cooling ...Winter Cloudiness Makes Warming
Cloudiness makes the difference between bleu open sky and grey closed darkness.
In summertime bleu open sky makes a heat wave.
In wintertime bleu open sky makes bitter cold.
The effect of cloudiness also depends on the latitude between +90N on arctic and -90S on antarctic but although solar irradiance on the both poles is quasi identical, the 2 poles are very different for cloudiness.
Also for average temperature there is a 30°K difference for north pole at 260°K warmer than south pole at 230°K.
How come ?
"Infra Red Earth Glow"=IREG=DQ/dt is reflected back to earth by cloudiness :
DSI="Direct Solar Irradiation" is reflected back to space by cloudiness :
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Over summer time DSI sends more heat (watt/m2) down to earth from space than IREG can send up from earth to space.
Over winter time DSI sends less heat (watt/m2) down to earth from space than IREG can send up from earth to space.
But :
So :
But apparently cloudiness is cooling 4°C more in January SHS than in July NHS every year.
In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...
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