By Javier Palenque


Once I turned fifteen, one of the first books my dad taught me was “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, a Chinese military strategist and philosopher, who once said, “An evil enemy will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” This profound quote from his renowned work, “The Art of War,” holds significant wisdom and insight into the ruthless nature of some leaders who are willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goals.

Sun Tzu’s quote is derived from his timeless classic, “The Art of War,” written over 2,500 years ago. This influential treatise on warfare and strategy is still widely studied and applied in various fields, including business, politics, and leadership. In this seminal work, Sun Tzu imparts his wisdom on warfare, guiding tactics, strategy, and leadership principles. The quote, “An evil enemy will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes,” reflects Sun Tzu’s deep understanding of the cunning and treacherous nature of some adversaries.  Do you see where I am heading with this article?

At first glance, Sun Tzu’s quote may seem counterintuitive. Why would an enemy destroy their nation, the very source of their power and control? However, upon deeper analysis, the quote reveals profound insights into the psychology and strategies of ruthless and power-hungry leaders in war or the “welfare-keeping” enemies American tennis has today. Let me help you think a little more, as I read my writing I think that even those who dislike me are now liking me a lot, you see I make sense, period!

  1. Ruthless Ambition: the quote emphasizes the ruthless ambition of a malevolent adversary, depicting their readiness to take extreme measures to fulfill their objectives (sexual harassment defense tactics). Such leaders exhibit an insatiable desire for power and control, displaying a willingness to sacrifice anything, even their nation, the sport, to attain their goals (to not give up their welfare).
  2. Machiavellian Tactics: Sun Tzu's quote highlights the Machiavellian tactics utilized by certain leaders, echoing the philosophy that the ends justify the means, encouraging the use of any necessary means to attain and sustain power. In parallel to Machiavelli's teachings, an adversary described by Sun Tzu might employ extreme measures, even destroying their nation, to solidify their authority. Such leaders may resort to fear, manipulation, and deception to quash dissent and perpetuate their control. This is straight from the USTA’s playbook of fear and incompetence. Remember I applied to become a board member, and warned the board that I would be discriminated against, then I applied to be a board member and immediately the very smart Chairman of the board ordered the blocking of my email and forbidding my communication to the nominating committee (discriminating against me). It’s all documented. I think I want to be the Chairman, and CEO, and choose my executive team of great people. I will run the Ol' boys out of the sport. The first person to leave the Chairman.
  3. Strategic Calculation: Sun Tzu's quote highlights the strategic calculation of an evil adversary, who, by intentionally destroying their nation (the sport), generates chaos and destruction as a smokescreen for hidden motives. The destruction of their nation (the sport) is perceived as a calculated move to weaken potential challengers and assert dominance. Now of course these poor fellows protect their turf and lifestyle making sure Wall Street has a show, bankers have expensive food and clean bathrooms, of course, none of this has anything to do with tennis in my neighborhood or the youth in our country. The fact is they all know they are grossly overpaid and fight for that at the expense of the sport. I would simply get rid of the people who bring in no value, like any CEO would. And regarding the show, if it does not help the sport it is of little benefit.
  4. Psychological Warfare: The quote also highlights the use of psychological warfare by an evil enemy. By burning their nation (the sport) to the ground, they instill fear, confusion, and hopelessness among their people. Many times, I refer to the USTA as a Banana Republic, well, if the first decision the CEO makes is to hide data, not be transparent, claim he loves the mission, and not fund it because he thinks there is no accountability and thinks he can get away with it. This is how they try to have a psychological war with the tennis community and since it is highly fragmented, the welfare continues. As I read my articles, I think I am ready to lead the USTA and tennis in America and get rid of the bums once and for all.
  5. Lack of Empathy and Morality: Sun Tzu's quote underscores the lack of empathy and morality in the actions of an evil adversary (evil does not mean competent). These leaders prioritize their self-interest, disregarding the well-being of their people and nation (the sport). Devoid of basic human values like compassion honor and empathy, they are willing to commit heinous acts to satisfy their thirst for power. Please read the petition to Congress that is very recent, also look at the sexual harassment handling of the USTA when given a choice, protect the kids or the status quo. The quote serves as a poignant reminder of the destructive consequences that can result when leaders lack empathy and morality, solely focusing on their selfish agenda. Read my article on integrity.

These actions lead to the inevitable destruction cycle that the non-tennis-playing CEO is taking the organization and the sport.

The actions of such leaders often lead to a vicious cycle of destruction, suffering, and instability, with far-reaching consequences for the nation(the sport) and its people. Who would pay for the rebuilding? and with what?

  1. Destruction: The initial act of burning their nation (the sport) to the ground causes immense destruction to infrastructure, economy, and social fabric. Understand, coaches, parks, parents, kids, schools, and the tennis economy.
  2. Suffering: The actions of an evil enemy result in untold suffering for the people of the nation (the sport).
  3. Instability: The destruction and suffering caused by an evil enemy often lead to widespread instability within the nation (sport). The absence of law and order, the breakdown of institutions, and the erosion of trust in leadership can create a power vacuum that further fuels violence (indifference in tennis), conflict, and chaos. The nation (the sport) is left in a state of turmoil and uncertainty, with long-term repercussions for its stability and development. Pickleball, Padel, and if you look at the way now the USTA executives' email banners read, it reads racquet sports.  Simply check their banners, I just did. They know the sport is near its death.
  4. Desperation: The actions of an evil enemy can push the people of the nation into a state of desperation (indifference in tennis). The destruction of infrastructure (loss of parks real estate), loss of livelihoods (tennis-related jobs), and violation of basic human rights can leave people with no choice but to succumb to the rule of the evil (incompetent) enemy out of fear or desperation. My application to become a board member will be lost again, and my application to become CEO will be ignored again.


In conclusion, Sun Tzu’s quote, “An evil enemy will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes,” highlights the grave consequences of leaders who lack empathy, morality, and compassion for their people. It serves as a cautionary tale of how power-hungry (welfare-seeking) leaders can resort to heinous acts, including the destruction of their nation (the sport), to achieve their selfish objective, and to remain employed. The quote is not limited to ancient times but has contemporary relevance in the form of wanna-be dictators, and petty ignorant out-of-date old tyrants.

USTA leaders must prioritize the well-being of their nation (the sport) and its people, uphold human values, and strive for empathy, compassion, and morality in their leadership. Nations (the sport) must be vigilant in identifying and opposing evil enemies who seek to destroy their nation for their selfish gains. It is the responsibility of the people to demand accountable and just leadership and to resist incompetent tyranny and quiet oppression.

For this and many other reasons, I want the Chairman of the Board of the USTA, the CEO, and the executives to resign. I have gathered a group of highly competent people to run the sport, grow the game, and make sure that we no longer have “welfare people in a suit” anywhere near the sport. The welfare stops with me. We are saving the sport first and then growing it ASAP.

I want the sport to grow and that means to be the head of tennis in America and therefore the USTA, and so should you. The incompetence has to end now. Everyone please simply call me Javier, but USTA people can't for you I am Senor Presidente!

I say NO to ineptitude and YES to growing the game.

I can be reached at

ps. If you are a sponsor, contact me I will send you the link for the bimonthly magazine. Read this link to yesterday's article and read each link.


Steve Marett

Retired - Engineering/Weapons/Physics R&D, Military/CI - Field Operations


Can you point out in The Art of War or any work by Sun Tzu where he is quoted as saying, "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." To be honest, I have the Art of War and I can't find the quote anywhere. I am not saying the intent of the "quote" is not true or valid, just that the attribution is incorrect.

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