Surround yourself with positivity in 2022
Look around and identify the people who you look up to, who have a positive influence on you, who inspire you and who possess good vibes. These people that you have identified could be from your family, friends, school/college mates, colleagues, neighbourhood etc. Put great effort into building/strengthening your relationship with these people and avoid the rest. Ask yourself: Who do you want to become? What characteristics do you want to emulate? Which qualities do you want to avoid? The next thing I would do is find 1 close friend who feels the same as you.
Think about your closest friends first and ask yourself these questions about each person: “Which of these people are helping me get where I want in life, and which are holding me back?” “Who supports my drive and goals and who pokes fun at what I am trying to do?” “Does time with this person fill me with joy or fill me with stress?” “Whose example inspires me to be better?” The people you want around you will build you up and motivate you to pursue your dreams, not try to dissuade you. Use these questions to find that 1 friend who has a positive mindset. Chances are you can find at least 1.
Then, start thinking of people you know who are friends of friends. Which of these people also share the same mindset? Reach out to these people on Facebook saying that you like how positive they are and would like to get coffee or go to lunch to learn more about how they are so happy. If you do this sincerely and in a genuine way, you should have no trouble finding some other positive people to be around!! Negativity is usually found in oneself. There is no certain way to avoid it with the people around you.
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Think of you as a ship. You are always safe in your comfort zone and the ship is always safe in its harbor but the job is to fight the negativity (which is water for the ship) and get across to the other end which is your destination. Do not depend on people around you rather change yourself. Do not keep thinking of what they said, change your train of thought. It is okay to comfort as other people complain but remember while you are breathing someone is on their last breath.
We all know that like charges repel, opposites attract. Right? Well, think again. It's not quite so in the case of people. "Birds of a feather flock together" and true enough, because you are the company you want for yourself. Choose to be positive in situations. Choose to accept responsibilities. Choose to steer positive thoughts and vibes into your life. I am affirmative that this will create an aura around you which feels the need to jettison the like-minded people. Take all of your heart and mind, body and soul..and master yourself! Once you do that, rest assured you will feel there is positivity flowing in from all sides.
Of course, some people are really lucky that way to have positive people already swarming their lives. They can feel the energy around them. But hey, only a teeny-weeny bit of people get luck to favour them! The rest, make luck work for them. So fill your life with all the good things you find. Stop cribbing. Positive is what you see in people, positive is what you choose to do. Choose to decline the negative (people or even thoughts) whenever possible. After all, they say, positive people always find ways to be positive, no matter what. Cheers!