S Is For Sustainable
When it comes to productivity and improving your ability to accomplish your priorities in a shorter period of time, making sure that your “productivity tank” is full helps you squeeze the most out of each day without working more hours. The S in the LaserBrainTM Method stands for: Sustainably filling up your productivity tank.
As you hopefully know by now, your brain is not a computer or any other type of machine. Its capabilities during a 24-hour period are not limitless. As you continue to work and demand work from your brain, you’re also draining it. That’s why filling it up at the end of the day is so important.
Making decisions affects your ability to be productive
Decision-making power dwindles with each decision you make, no matter how small it is. When you keep working for too long, the executive function parts of your brain get tired. Then your brain will resort to the faster, more emotional system instead. At the end of the day, you’re more likely to make mistakes and poor decisions.
Many people who’ve tried eating well have run into this same issue. You have a healthy breakfast and lunch. Then you get home after a long day at work and snarf down some ice cream and cookies for dinner.
That’s because the “thinky” part of the brain is exhausted, and when the emotional brain steps in, you get emotional decisions.
That’s why it’s so important to have a full stop to your work at some point. Not continuing to read emails or checking “social” feeds or “just doing this one last thing”. A time when you close the computer and put your phone away. Doing other things that don’t tax your brain is key to refilling the tank and being ready to go the next day, not to mention helping prevent burnout.
Improving productivity by taking care of your body and physical health
If it’s good for your brain, it’s good for productivity. There are physical aspects to taking care of your brain.
Be more productive by taking care of your mental health and having fun
Free lunch! It doesn’t happen in finance, but it does happen with your productivity tank. Proactive activities that are fun and enjoyable for you are actually good for you and your brain. The more fun you have and the more joy you can bring into your life, the more you can refill and be recharged and refreshed when you're at the workplace.
What doesn’t promote productivity
You might have noticed in the earlier paragraph about the things that promote mental health and productivity that I specifically called out proactive activities. The human brain likes to be active, which doesn’t mean that it wants to crunch numbers or code or plan all day. However, passive consumption isn’t that great for our brains.
In other words, coming home and sitting on the sofa with a big glass of wine and streaming your favorite murder shows is actually not good for your brain. It’s tempting to do this when you're tired at the end of the day, especially if you had a day full of distractions and interruptions. It feels like relaxing, but the issue is that you’re taking in entertainment that someone else has created and drinking alcohol that could interfere with your sleep later in the night.
The best thing you can do for your brain, counterintuitively, is to go for a walk or play cards with friends and family or do your crafts. It is more effort, but it’s the kind of effort that your brain likes. It uses different areas of the brain from the one that you use all day at work.
You can make it easier to do crafts if they’re easy to get to and laid out so you can start right away instead of hunting for your supplies. Have your card decks easily accessible. If you have a dog, they have to go for a walk anyway, so the whole family can go before or after dinner.
As with everything, sometimes you’re just going to veg out. Or have a slice of delicious pizza that contains processed cheese, processed crust, processed tomato sauce, and processed pepperoni. You’re going to have days where you’re not feeling well or you have some kind of injury where you can’t work out.
(Although, I will tell you if you look up workout videos on YouTube you might be surprised how much you can do even with certain injuries. I broke my foot and I searched “broken foot workout” and found tons of videos to work out to.)
The key is to make sure that most of the time, you’re not vegging out. You’re eating the nutritious food, moving your tuchus regularly throughout the day, spending time with loved ones reading or talking or playing cards or walking the dog instead of everyone sitting around with a screen in their face.
Recap (tl;dr)
You need to refill your productivity tank each day, because it drains as you’re working. The good news is that the proactive things you like to do, such as creative play or talking with friends or doing crafts, are great ways to refill the tank. (Just avoid sitting around in front of a screen with a glass of wine in your hand.)
Want more LaserBrainTM Method? The book is coming early 2025, but you can also message me to schedule your free consultation.