Swiss Fund Data simplifies fund search with “James Fund"
Zurich, 8 October 2019 – As of today, Swiss Fund Data AG (SFD) will enable fund searches with the chat bot "James Fund" and will supplement the search results with swarm intelligence.
As part of ongoing digitalisation and automation in the financial sector, it is imperative for SFD to continuously analyse new technologies and communication opportunities and to invest in the further development of the platform, in order to make high-calibre tools and data for fund and ETF information available to the various stakeholders. The current “Detailed Search” function on the SFD website offers a variety of selection criteria via several hundred different parameters ranging from the country of investment to the SRRI (Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator). "The use of the chatbot “James Fonds” in German and English will simplify the search for products on all devices and will provide the user with the relevant results in an entertaining way via the traditional chat function," said Tommaso Porzio, Head of Sales & Marketing of SFD.
The results may vary depending on how detailed the user asks. The system differentiates between:
· Searches based on broadly defined parameters (e.g. equity funds Switzerland) and yielding a high number of results. The system is activated after the initial search and asks the user whether the search criteria should be narrowed and offers various options.
· Searches already refined by the user using a variety of search criteria and therefore yielding a relatively small number of results.
In a first phase, the search parameters of fund provider, investment category, country of investment, currency of investment, performance, TER and ISIN are available. Further parameters may follow at a later date. Swarm intelligence is used to supplement results with products consulted by other users searching with similar or the same parameters. This means that the users of the SFD platform can now search for funds even more efficiently.