Switching To Vegan Lifestyle: Worth It?
With two more months left this year and winter on our doorstep, it almost feels like a wrap for 2022.But before that, the beginning of November marks World Vegan Day which spreads to celebrate the vegan philosophy throughout the month. Compassion, sustainability, and acceptance are the core values of the philosophy of veganism and are focused on making people realize the treasures of veganism. Animal rights advocate and former president of Vegan Society, Louise Wallis, established November 1st as World Vegan day in 1994 in an effort to promote vegan living. The yearly event aims to raise awareness of the benefits of veganism for both moral and personal, as well as environmental considerations.
To be a vegan means to actively consume products that are naturally and organically produced. They abstain from using animals for any kind of exploitation, and many people adopt this lifestyle out of compassion. But, the Vegan philosophy is not limited to just your diet, it seeps into all and every aspect of your lifestyle. From what you wear to what adornments you possess, animal products and products tested on animals can be found more frequently than you might think. According to PETA, a totally vegan diet can cut a person's water and carbon footprints by approximately 60% and up to 73%, respectively. Thankfully, there are inexpensive and simple-to-find alternatives to almost anything these days if we try just enough to get on the vegan lifestyle ship.
Along with your diet and wardrobe, your vanity also is at a high risk of countering the vegan philosophy. In a research published, it was found that 88% of the 50 largest cosmetics companies ranked by market value as per Brand Finance in 2021, fund animal testing. And these products more often than not possess various toxins that are a no-go for your skin. This is another of the major reasons why you need to adopt a clean lifestyle. Every time you use a skincare product, it is absorbed into your skin and changes how your body functions. Chemical-free and largely eco-friendly vegan skincare products are hence healthy for your health. When you use vegan skincare products, you won't have to be concerned about any types of infections, rashes, or skin cancer. Which is obviously a huge sigh of relief for you and also the environment. Your body won't have to cope with artificial components and chemicals that can hurt your skin because these products are manufactured from natural ingredients. Using vegan skincare products entails choosing items that don't hurt animals and don't include their byproducts. You can be sure that no animals were used in the development or testing of vegan products since they are cruelty-free. By doing this, you gain the advantage of being able to consume a vegan product guilt-free because you are helping to protect animals. Therefore, a vegan lifestyle has all pros and no cons. From saving animals, and the environment to taking care of yourself in the cleanest manner possible, vegan philosophy is the need of the hour. And even though it all might seem a little overwhelming at once, practice and baby steps are key to sustainability. By beginning with actively thinking about the change, we are already on the path to bring about a holistic and healthy change.