Tackling Tween Mixed Dentition Cases with Invisalign
Tackling Tween Mixed Dentition Cases with Invisalign
When it comes to “tween” mixed dentition cases, knowing how to tackle these isn’t a clear-cut topic, since it can vary for every patient. With this thought in mind, since it is not always clear whether Invisalign First is right for everyone, we’ve outlined some core things you should know to help.
Is Invisalign First Right for Every Mixed Dentition Patient?
Invisalign First can be an excellent resource for the right patients, but it’s not necessarily for everyone. Indeed, Invisalign First is designed for patients who are under ten years of age, generally between seven and ten.
Remember, there are three different ways that you can age a patient: dentally, chronologically, and skeletally. All of these can play into your final choice when making the right Invisalign technique.
How to Tackle Tween Cases
Not every tween case will necessarily fit comfortably into Invisalign First or Invisalign Comprehensive, especially since the skeletal, dental, and chronological ages often won’t match up. As such, it’s important to consider the following when choosing the right Invisalign approach.
Remember: Invisalign First and Invisalign Second will often cost more than just going for the Comprehensive plan if things overrun. These are an eighteen-month process, so if you are confident you can complete the case in that time and the patient is eligible for Invisalign First, it may be worthwhile; but, if it’s a slightly trickier case, you may want to go for comprehensive and just bill the patient once instead.