A Tale Of Two Brothers
2015 Copyright, Marion K. Kelly and David E. Kelly; All Rights Reserved.

A Tale Of Two Brothers

Today, it seems that America is at a precipice or a tipping point, and with all of the things that are occurring around the world and here in the United States we may be close to the end of time as we know it. You may ask, is the timeline of history really running out? Well, in the news we hear of all sorts of reports that are quite alarming, and many people do not really understand what is going on with the weather tribulation, the moral decay, corruption and greed, and man's cruel treatment and inhumanity towards certain races and groups of people who are continuously being victimized and oppressed by those who abuse their sanctimonious privileges of rulership, and as stewards of the earth. The American people are asking questions and seeking answers to life's most pressing problems, but our leaders must stop feeding them lies. Don't you think that speaking the truth with one another makes for a healthier, smarter and more productive society?

In America, there has come to be a huge rift, a wide division between those who have and those who do not. Some people may say, that the cause of this is because people are masters of their own fate, and however they end up it's their own darn fault. Actually, that is a false assumption, and in the United States, it has been proven time and time again, that the system is not working for millions of people because of the color of their skin. 

One particular problem, that must really be addressed, because there has been much debate and careful research and study of the reasons why many are suffering, from the lack of life's basic necessities. It has been concluded, that it all boils down to inequality. However, I never thought that I would become a deliverer of messages, but as the course of human events unfold, and I see and experience the oppression here in the USA my conscience has prodded me to do exactly that, to speak the truth about an ongoing and serious problem that is having catastrophic consequences. I think, that the main problems relate to this, and all stakeholders must try to correct it. Point: If Black and other minority children do not gain the same equality of opportunity as Whites within their own state, city, town, and neighborhood do, they will never receive the benefits that come along with living in the wealthiest country on the face of the earth. Common sense tells us that this problem is a simple fix that should have happened decades ago, but since it was not, the entire baby-boomer generation shares the blame and carry's the burden of trying to make these wrongs right. So, the people of the United States must now act to solve our inequalities and rid itself of the racist and hateful vestiges that linger on from the inception of the nation, and throughout slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow and the ongoing Civil Rights movements and struggles. Hey, everyone, let us recognize white supremacy for what it is and try to eliminate the attitudes that reinforce its stronghold to prove that our country can shift into a period of reconciliation.

We have a choice to make, and those that are in power and yield the authority and exercise leadership must choose to stop allowing the evil practices that are ruining our society. Question for the leadership: Do you still want our Black and White sons murdering each other in the streets and the police killing them at will? Or, do you want Black males and other's who are being plagued by this epidemic of hatred to be able to live normal and peaceful lives without being subjected to the disrespect and discrimination's that have gone on in this country for too long? The generations following us boomers well know the reasons why this is happening. It is a deliberate and diabolical scheme to dehumanize, devalue and destroy the Black and minority family structure. Let's just call it for what it really is.

Don't you think that it is high time, that we should be about granting liberty, equality, and justice for all, and living up to the ideals of this nation's supposed "Under God" and "In God We Trust" motto's, and respecting one another's constitutional rights? Shouldn't it now be about helping all of those who have been shut out, and denied a healthy slice of the economic pie, so that they too can meet the demands of this capitalistic economy? Isn't democracy an experiment to improve upon, not tear down? 

Message to all of you so called leaders: Please listen to the people and hear their concerns, because God gave this earth to all of us, not to just some of you. To keep on denying people love, justice, fairness, and a good education without putting due hardships on working parents and the children who suffer most is hypocrisy at it's worst, especially if America continues to brag about how wealthy and great it is. There must be a greater effort to bring about an equality of opportunity in Corporate America and the workforce for all Americans because many who are educated and equipped to do business are still being shut out, and economics dictates everything, including how we breathe, move and exist. Working capital for minority business owners and entrepreneurs must be released. If not, the result will be the continuation of civil domestic wars, and there will be nothing but a continued delusion of false hope and wishes. Many of you say that you are Christian people, but treating your own American brethren with contempt and disrespect is wicked, and God will exact retribution for the evils that those of you who act like oppressors inflict upon the less fortunate in this nation, and those of African descent all around the globe.

This is a simple and short message, and I hope that you all get it and pass it along. I know that you are aware of plenty of other writers, journalists, professors, pundits and ordinary people who are going into deeper analysis with full detail about America's pressing problem of inequality, and those who are expressing the same sentiments as I am. It is not a coincidence, that I was inspired and decided to deliver this commentary to all who are concerned and responsible for allocating and sharing the wealth and resources of this nation. People are waking up to the realities of this harsh economic life and we all can see how imbalanced the system is and that things are out of control. People are becoming more informative, because of the advent of the world wide web, and nothing is hidden any longer. So, it is time to stop selfishly spending just to fatten the cronies. Don't you have enough? Everyone knows that there is an exorbitant amount of money that is misallocated, wasted and stolen by fraud, it is no secret. There has to be a major shift in how American dollars are spent and the transparency and accountability of it must become a priority. Point: Leadership must change business as usual because if you do not, there will be grave consequences for the entire nation and the world sooner than expected.

It has been foretold, that every last person on this earth will eventually answer to Jehovah. So, how will you answer? What will you tell him? Will you be able to say, that you honestly tried to make a change to help others unlike yourself, or will you wait to suffer the consequences of your inaction? Humans will pay one way or the other for the atrocities and inequality, and the lying, cheating, stealing, bribery, and greed that caused and led to the breakdown of society and the collapse of the world economy. Those who are responsible for the degradation, pollution, and ruin of the earth's environment will eventually meet their end too. But, the divine scriptures tells us that Jehovah is a God of mercy and that His mercy will only last for so long. Will you take action, so that you will not have to experience His full wrath and be able to stand during the judgment?

I must tell you, that eventually, Almighty God will show the entire world's population how powerful that He truly is, and what His brand of justice is really like. So, in the interest of peace and security, brotherhood and true justice for all, and the chance to clean up the mess that mankind has made, this is our last chance to make all things right with God Almighty, and stop acting like He does not exist. Yes, believe it or not, there will be a grand finale and conclusion of this system of things, and if you all want a chance for a new beginning, then take heed, because none of us will make it if we keep treating each other like enemies and carrying out schemes to deprive and steal what rightfully belongs to God and what He wants for each and every one of us.

I sincerely ask, that everyone who is in a position to really make a difference, that they will use their knowledge and wealth and start to widen out and open up your hearts to all who are in need of the necessities of life. As you older ones transfer your extreme wealth, specify how it is to be used for the greater good, not just your own families, because stacking up and hoarding wealth is not good, especially when it bears little interest and is at a very high risk for vultures and thieves to steal from you. Why not use it to invest in all Americans and bring better jobs to the United States, and those in poorer nations, so that everyone can feel better about living in this great country of ours, and how others perceive us as a nation of people around the world? If things were truly better, there would not be as much sighing and complaining going on in this nation. People are really groaning and wishing for better days ahead. So, please work on it, for the sake of our collective sanity, and our obligation as human beings to be our brother's keeper, and to take better care of this earth. The time is quickly running out! Make a difference now, or else! 


- David Edward Kelly

2015 Copyright, David E. Kelly; All Rights Reserved.

David E. Kelly .

Teacher/Journalist/Author/Business Owner


The earth he has given to the sons of men.—Ps. 115:16.

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