A Tale of Two "Old" Creatives and the Future.
Storytime! a Tale of Two "Old" Creatives, Artists, and Coaches today!
Warning: #toughlove #language below.
The first Creative (who is older than me) wrote to tell me that I'm full of shit for trying to tell people that they (you?) can control where the world is going, how much money they can make, and that my stuff is false hope. Their career is over and they'll never have any real new clients or opportunities because of (disease)(internet is too hard). Shame on me, the egotistical bastard that I am, for my postings.
The second (probably older than the first), created new content today (using this "new" fangled internet stuff that's decades-old) for the first time, reached out to a new audience, and began their journey to getting new clients and opportunities. 2021 is going to be better because they're looking past fear and getting moving.
You make the call, best beloveds. If you think you can't, you can't.
Author•Speaker•Healer•Teacher (ASH-T) is the most in-depth, comprehensive, and supportive program/community I have ever developed. DECADES of work and insight are part of this as well as the growing group activating CONTIGUITY or the LAW OF ASSOCIATION.
•You are "too old" if you choose to be too old.
•This worldwide challenge is your challenge if you let it be. You choose.
•You can't do it alone, anymore, Tarzan.
•Yeah, the old ways and venues are gone.
•Your pride is your poverty-inviting downfall.
•No one is coming to save you..but we're here to help.
•Build a business of arts and coaching. You're still an artist.
•Good coaching costs money; invest in yourself.
Let's go. Are you an angry, burnt-out, prideful old once-was? Or you a creative, experienced, outreaching force to be dealt with right now? You choose.
Get in the ASH-T program with us. → Message me to set up the first discovery call.