Tax Relief and bonuses for the construction industry confirmed in 2024 – whom do they concern and at what rate?

Tax Relief and bonuses for the construction industry confirmed in 2024 – whom do they concern and at what rate?

Let’s find out all there is to know about Building Bonuses and Discounts confirmed for 2024. Here is a thorough overview.

In the first half of 2024, a series of building incentives were introduced, confirmed and reformulated, especially useful for those who intend to carry out work in a residential context and beyond.

We as Condor are always in the loop with the latest news in the sector and offer our solutions to those who want to make the most of these benefits. To this end, in this article we decided to draw up a list of the most important and active bonuses in our country, focusing especially on the most suitable ones for the redevelopment of properties.

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In the first half of 2024, a series of building incentives were introduced, confirmed and reformulated, especially useful for those who intend to carry out work in a residential context and beyond.

We as Condor are always in the loop with the latest news in the sector and offer our solutions to those who want to make the most of these benefits. To this end, in this article we decided to draw up a list of the most important and active bonuses in our country, focusing especially on the most suitable ones for the redevelopment of properties.[RG1] 

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Bonus Casa and Sisma Bonus: 50% deductions

The Bonus Casa, which has been one of the most appreciated tax benefits and used in recent years, has been extended until 31 December 2024 under the same conditions as the previous year. It provides for a 50% deduction on the IRPEF, up to a maximum expenditure of 96,000 euros for each property unit. This incentive has been designed to cover a wide range of interventions, including building redevelopment, conservative restoration and restoration and extraordinary maintenance of buildings. Supporting property owners in implementing works that can enhance their homes' safety, energy efficiency, and aesthetics is the objective.

As for the Sisma Bonus (seismic risk reduction work), in this instance, the traction remains 50%, based on a ceiling of 96,000 euros per unit property, and split into five annual instalments. It is worth reminding that the Sisma Bonus concerns seismic adjustment interventions on residential and productive buildings located in zones 1, 2 and 3 of our country, ie respectively in areas of rough, strong and medium danger and seismic risk.

In this regard, the percentages of deduction increase to 70% or 80% if the intervention reduces the seismic risk by 1 or 2 classes, and to 75% or 85% for interventions on apartment buildings with similar reductions in seismic risk.

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Green Bonus and Eco Bonus: take advantage of 36% and 65% deductions respectively

The Green Bonus offers a 36% tax deduction for green interventions on residential properties, so it won’t include offices, shops or other commercial premises. This incentive was designed to encourage owners to improve the outdoor spaces of their homes, in order to make a concrete contribution to environmental sustainability and the quality of life in general. The deduction is calculated on a maximum cost of € 5,000 for each property unit. A variety of activities that promote the aesthetic and functional enhancement of private green spaces and the preservation of natural heritage are considered eligible actions. Boxes and garages may also be included.

For 2024, the Ecobonus goes on to offer tax deductions ranging from 50% to 65%, depending on the type of intervention carried out and the property concerned. This bonus is intended to encourage energy efficiency works, which contribute to reducing consumption and improving the energy performance of buildings. Eligible actions include, among others, the installation of solar panels and micro-cogenerators and the purchase of devices to control heating systems remotely. The deduction is divided into ten equal annual instalments, making the financial impact of the interventions more sustainable.

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Super Bonus reduced to 70% for apartment buildings and Architectural Barrier Bonus confirmed to 75%

The Superbonus, which was introduced at a generous 110% rate, has undergone changes in recent years. By 2023, the rate had already been reduced to 90%, and by 2024 it had fallen to 70%. This bonus will be available exclusively for apartment buildings up to four units that belong to a single owner. The deduction will be calculated on a ceiling of expenditure that varies according to the type of intervention, covering both the works started on 1 January 2024 and those already started in previous years.

Finally, the Architectural Barrier Clearance Bonus was confirmed for 2024 at a 75% rate . This incentive is specifically intended to encourage interventions on existing buildings, including those for residential, instrumental and heritage use.

You can benefit from this bonus if you make installation of lifts and lifting platforms, adjustment of kitchens and bathrooms to make them more accessible and efficient.

This bonus aims to break down architectural barriers and improve the accessibility of buildings, facilitating the daily life of people with disabilities and promoting a more inclusive environment.

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Condor is the ideal partner to develop your projects in line with any active Bonus

The Superbonus, the Architectural Barrier Bonus and the Casa Bonus are just some of the innovative opportunities on the building scene. Regardless of the type of project you plan to undertake, it is essential to choose a reliable partner to ensure safe and compliant construction work.

In this context, in addition to providing versatile and advanced formworks and scaffolding, we offer tailor-made solutions for those who want to carry out specific projects using one or more of the active Bonuses.

For this reason, we love being constantly updated on new technologies and regulations, and we make sure our customers get solutions that meet the specific needs of each project.[RG1] 

Our ability to provide support and adaptable solutions aligns perfectly with the goal of the bonuses, which aim to improve energy efficiency, safety and accessibility of buildings.[RG2] 

Want to find out more about how we work and how we can help? Contact us now and we will evaluate together the most suitable solutions for your project![RG3] 

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