Taxation on Cigarette is Helpful or Not?
The cigarette market has long argued that cigarette advertising is aimed at building brand loyalty, not trying to persuade young people to smoke or smokers to continue and not quit. Basically, smoking is one kind of addiction. Tobacco is one of the main terms of addiction for the people. The cigarette market is totally a tobacco-based market. On the other hand, coffee or cell phone market is not any more addictive. Coffee is good for health and people can take it anytime. A cell phone is a leisure product and people now it is using for communication. So the cigarette market is fully different from coffee or cell phone market due to their aim, objective, strategy, and advertisement. Cigarette market believes on branding and this market can get a restriction for media advertisement also where another market can easily advertise. The cigarette market can also be affected by government tax for social benefit.
Why Government imposes a tax on Cigarette?
The government can impose a tax on a cigarette to minimize the consumption or for the social benefit. This tax totally indirect tax because the indirect tax can be used to correct negative externalities of production and consumption. The cigarette has a negative externality of consumption because if one person consumes it then he is not only affected himself but also affected to the other people around him. An increase in cigarette taxes will raise the price of cigarettes, as well as the opportunity cost of purchasing. That’s why a few cigarettes will be purchased, and finally, the negative externality will be decline too.
The effect of cigarette tax on the consumer
An increase in cigarette taxes will reduce cigarette consumption. For the rich people this tax can’t be affected progressively but for the poor people with lower income group, this tax is more affected. The rich people still continue to consume but the poor people will decrease their consumption due to a higher price. If we see the young people who basically take money from home, for them this tax is also affected. Due to a higher price, they decline their consumption too but for the adults, this tax is not basically affected because they have a source of income already.
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The effect of cigarette tax on suppliers
An increase in cigarette taxes will raise the cost of cigarette production. That’s why suppliers bear an extra cost.
The effect of cigarette tax on Non-smokers
The non-smoker will be benefited. Smoking has a negative externality. So, by raising the tax third party will be benefited.
The effect of cigarette tax on Doctors/Hospitals/health insurance companies
It is true fact that by raising the tax doctor/hospital/health insurance companies’ income will fall. Because now people lower their consumption, so people don’t need to go to the hospital or doctors.
The effect of cigarette tax on Government officials
There can be found a benefit too. Because smoking always banned in the government office. If the consumer declines their consumption, then there can be found a good environment in the office area.