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Engeguem motors, com el superordinador MareNostrum 5 del Barcelona Supercomputing Center, per continuar al capdavant de la innovació tecnològica a Europa.
In fact, as stated in the latest report by Mind the Bridge and Tech Barcelona, Barcelona is the premier tech and digital hotspot in Southern Europe, ranking 30th in the global Innovation Ecosystem Life Cycle!
(Don't panic if you don't see other hot cities or regions in the graph above, we just we couldn't fit them all).
Some key figures supporting Barcelona's position in this ranking:
Time for some powerful quotes by Miquel Martí, CEO, and Miguel Vicente, president of Tech Barcelona:
"Barcelona has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis over the past decade, emerging as a beacon of innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. From mimicking global models to creating original local and international ventures. From being a predominantly e-commerce cluster to developing an interconnected ecosystem of tech and science-based startups, corporates, research centres and institutions. Ultimately, shifting from being solely known for tourism, beaches and food to consolidating itself as part of the city’s value proposition, becoming a tech powerhouse that fosters innovation and brings global attention and investment". (full text in the report)
The report also includes 11 business cases of Open Innovation taking place in Barcelona: 'cause collabs between corporates and startups are becoming an important source of innovation.
And if you're not up for tackling a 20-page read, no worries! You can always check out the report's official presentation ON VIDEO by Marco Marinucci, CEO of Mind the Bridge, at Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023.
TSB23 will live forever | We refuse to let the 60+ hours of Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023 content on tech, local heroes, and investment fade into oblivion. That's why every week we'll be reposting a content session in this new Weekly section. And we'll start with an amazing one: Avi Meir, it's your time to shine as the unicorn you are.
Jump4Women | Des de Tech Barcelona col·laborem en la posada en marxa de Jump Startup for Women del Consolat General dels EUA a Barcelona i Foment del Treball, un programa creat per impulsar el creixement de startups i spin-offs en salut i biotech liderades per dones.
Ha pasado en el ecosistema
Encomenda | Member
El roscón de Reyes, la cuesta de enero... y el listado de futuros unicornios de Carlos Blanco. El inversor y miembro de la Junta Directiva de Tech Barcelona no ha faltado a su cita anual. Aunque avisa: en los tiempos revueltos que corren, "ser unicornio no es lo más importante para una startup, sino que éstas facturen y sean rentables". Por otra parte, ya conocemos las primeras 7 startups participadas por su fondo Encomenda II de 50 millones de euros.
Tradeinn | Member
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Sateliot | Member
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Naturgy | Global Partner
Manos a la obra. Ya ha empezado la construcción de un parque fotovoltaico en Estados Unidos que abastecerá a 140.000 hogares y por el que ha invertido 285 millones de euros.
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