A great sage Solomon once taught that parents should teach the child the way he should go so that when he grows up, he will not deviate. Thinking about this teaching, we can reflect and analyze some truths. How have leaders acted towards their leaders? How has he been leading his team?
Let's analyze some facts: When we enter a Supermarket and ask an employee where a certain product is. He has two options, namely: say which sector the product will be in; call another colleague to be able to explain better or he himself goes to the location together with the customer and shows the product. That's the difference between teaching The way or IN the way.
Returning to Solomon's teaching, he wanted to say that it is not enough to show which path his son should follow, but to go with him, being beside him, until he reaches maturity and walks with his own legs.
However, if we bring it to the professional side, this concept does not change. How many leaders don't have the patience to sit down with their leader and show them how to do it? Is this leader ready to have a team? Have companies been concerned about empowering leadership? Or do you just want to think only about your billing? A leader who does not have the humility to be next to a person and be able to help, cannot occupy this position, because sooner or later, this team will fail.
Therefore, teach your followers NO way and never THE way
Jether Hernandes
Atualmente cursando Pós-graduação em Estratégias logística na UNIATENEU e Pós-graduação em controladoria e Auditoria Financeira na FAMART
1yQuando ensino "no" caminho que deve andar, obrigatoriamente eu tenho que está seguindo o mesmo caminho..... Quando ensino "o" caminho, não preciso está nele.... (Cabe o ditado popular; Faz o que digo, mas não faça o que eu faço!)